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Ultimate Oblivion

Text Xehanort's Life

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wow, this is very intresting. so far, if its a fanfic story, i'd be happy to keep on reading as this story progesses more around the great master xehanort. but the tpoic is very cool, i will do anything to help out master xehanort and your story, if you want to read my stories, i'd be happy to send you a link

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Let's see let's see ! You've picked one of my least fav chars if not the actual last one ! xD It seems interesting since well backstories always give a dif feel to the char (Days made me adore Roxas) and although it gives off a vibe of Organization 13 with the dude in black coat , it can still be interesting :D If you make the story well made and have a strong connection between the parts in it , it can be great !

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Chapter 1

Dear Diary

It's been many years since xehanort came to this school, at first, ithought he was a show off but then he beat the bullies one time so he is my best friend. Today we are learning how to use the final level of fire, firaga so i hope i pass.

From Yen Sid

"Hey Yen" said Xehanort."it's class time and stop sticking with your diary.

"comming." said Yen Sid




That's the end of chapter 1 and i will probably post a chapter every week so stay tune

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chapter 2

"Today, we will learn about the keyblade war instead of firaga because within a few years time, you must face it. Turn your history textbook to page 189."said the master

"history lesson is the worse"said xehanort

"now read the reason of the keyblade war Yen Sid" the master said

"hmm, they saying about some x-blade and kingdom hearts."Yen Sid said

"correct" the master said

That night, xehanort is having a nightmare of a guy shouting OPEN Kingdom Hearts AND UNLEASH THE X-BLADE


i made it a little longer so hope you enjoy it

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chapter 3

xehanort is eating an appolonia(apple in a another world) at his favourate tree when a girl about his age with blue hair fell on him

"what the hell was that for Luna"said xehanort

"oh come on, it was an accident" said Luna

the 2 children was talking about things and homework when xehanort saw a girl with orange hair from Luna

"xehanort?"said Luna

"nothing" said xehanort

that night the same nightmare came again

"the x-blade. kingdom hearts"

xehanort scream when darkness came looming on him for a few seconds


sorry for the long wait, couldn't think of anything for the past 2 weeks

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chapter 4

"i felt darkness looming the school, is anyone learning forbiden or dark spells in your room" said the master

"no"everyone said

xehanort went to his favourate tree when luna poped out of nowhere again

"hello"said luna

"hello"said xehanort

"would you like to hear a story"said luna

"sure" said xehanort

"Long ago, the world was united and filled with warm light. People loved the light and eventually began to fight over it. Then began the war. Then darkness to find its way into people hearts .darkness consumed the hearts and the light of people. In a flash it spread.The world disappeared into the darkness. A slimmer of light remains in the hearts of children .children gathered there the light recreated the world. However the world was no longer united. They were split into many thousands of small worlds. The true light is hidden deep in the hearts of children."luna said

"how sad"xehanort said

that night, xehanort heard the same voice but this time, he slept walked

"kiiiiiiiiiillllllllllllll" the voice said

xehanort woke up in his bedroom the next morning and saw himself covered in blood.


longer chapter right everyone

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chapter 5

"your master was badly injurt and in a coma"said the replacement master 1

"who could done that"whimpered the students

"no 1 is to leave after all of the lessons, the attacker might be lurking around"said the replacement master 1


BONG!!BONG! the bell rang

"everybody, go back to your room and dont come out till we said so"said the replacement master 1

Luna and yen sid crept into xehanorts room

"i am scared" said both of them

"dont be scared, we can beat the guy or girl or monster ourselves" said xehanort

"i dont know"said yen sid

that night, the voice gotten more intence and sharper but familiar


xehanort sleptwalk and yen sid thought he saw xehanort woken up

'xe..ha..nort?"asked yen sid but no answer because xehanort used the sleep spell


now the real problem starts

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chapter 6

(area) inside xehanorts head

i won't give in to he darkness.Said xehanort

u must. u cannot imbrace it any longer. said the darkness

xehanort.said some voice that has some warm fuzzy feeling

who's is there.said xehanort

the voice continued

dont think of me, it's not me.said the darkness

a bright light flashed

xehanort woke up

everybody was around him

what happened.asked xehanort

you were in a coma for three weeks said yen sid

THREE WEEKS. said xehanort

that is strange, it felt like it was shorter thought xehanort

good thing your awake, luna been with u for three weeks said yen sid

thank god cried luna


sorry for delay, lots of homework new season next

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