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Marina just stared. "Um...hi."Marina says. She then turned to Gaomon and then back at the boys. "I gotta go and report this incident in. I really wish for you and hope that you gusy consider joining in on the Data Squad. You will not regret. That I assure. See ya."Marina says as she and Goamon tne started to run away to the base at full speed. As soon as they got to the street Marina got Gaomon inside his Digivice. Marina then made a run for it towards the base to report the incident in.

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"Ok thank you" Nate said. "Can we get something to eat now Nate, I'M STTTTTAARVING HERE!" Dark Agumon complained.

"Okay okay I'll get you some food as soon as I can ok." Nate said. Truth is he has no money, not even a penny. So he would have to steall some food to survive. "Good bye you two." Nate said as him and Dark Agumon leave.

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Wolf shrugged and followed the girl at top speed, "Fenrir go!"

She jumped on the wolf like shadow as it grew and was now beside the girl supposedly running to base, ""Mind if I join, I'd love too, personally me and fenr-" She ran into a tree. "owwww." She got up, the wolf like creature had turned into a small puppy sitting on her head.

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Marina looked back and shrugged. She then ranned into the base. "Be careful as always guys."Marina says as she enters passing by the guards that were upfront and inside. She ranned into the building and went up an elevator. She got Gaomon out and then the elevator stopped on the floor. She ranned around and then gets to the main office and enters. "Sir. I have some reports to fill in."Marina says as she sits down on a chair. Gaomon on another. She then started to explain to the captain about the situation.

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15 minutes after Nate and Dark Agumon left, Nate robbed a groshery store taking bread and water. "Nate why didn't you get anything better than bread?" Dark Agumon complained. "Because if I have to steal then I'm gonna steal small things." Nate explained. Nate then pulled out the card that Marina gave him."Maybe I could get payed if I joined them?" Nate thought. Nate then gets up and says, "Dark Agumon we need to go to the Data Squads base." "Ok Nate lets get going" Dark Agumon agreed.

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Kait walked into the black meeting room bowing before the mysterious man she called her leader. "You called sir," She asked looking up at him. "Yes, indeed I have, I wanted to inform you of the numerous digiportals I have opened around the city. Do not worry, they will not always be opened at the same time, just a couple at a time in order to distract the Data Squad. In the meantime I will be going back and forth from here to the digital world making sure we have enough data to move forward with our plan. Therefore, it goes without saying that even though I'm not present, you and Renamon as well as the others in this organization will need to continue your efforts in making a goal a reality." he said looking directly at Kait. "Understood," she said nodding in affirmation. "Good, now go and file your report." He said fading into the blackness of the room. Once she was sure he was gone, Kait stood up and walked out of the room. Once she made it to her room Renamon appeared out of the digivice. "Are you okay?" Kait asked genuinely concerned about her partner. "Yes,we've been working together for three years now, do you really think that effected me?" Renamon asked sitting in her usual spot in the center of the room. "I guess not," Kait said taking her seat at her desk. "I was thinking that maybe two on you is though," Kait continued scribbling notes down. "Not for me, if that third one were to enter the fight I would have been concerned," Renamon confessed. "At least we got one digiegg, the other will be ours soon," Kait remarked scribbling the last line of the page with her signature. "Let's go to the bridge tonight tonight," Renamon suggested. "It has been a while since we had a mission quite like this. We should relax like we use to in the old days." Kait smirked recalling their first couple days as partners. "I guess so." Kait said standing up and looking out the window making sure it was dark enough, "Let's go."

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Chris looks at him and the egg

"Well, we can leave this egg at the base, plus i can see what i need to do, besides you have training to do, you barely battled in your life" Said Chris

Guilmon gets angry "YOU JUST CALLED ME WEAK!"

Chris laughs and they both approach the base

"Hmm, that egg looks odd, is it hatching?" Asked Guilmon

"WHAT?!" Chris looks at the egg and see's something abnormal

"No it's not hatching, it's just dirty from that accident you made" Chris says while rubbing the dirt off

Guilmon then see's Nate and Dark Agumon approaching the base

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Nate walks all the way to the base. "Ok so can we just walk right in and say Hi we r here to join the Data Squad?" Dark Agumon asked sarcasticly. "I think so and stop with the sarcasim" Nate told Dark Agumon. "Fine i just would have thought they had sercurity" Agumon said.

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Marina filled in the reports. Then she noded and she and Gaomon saluted and then walked away. She then saw the guards stopping the pass of one of the kids Marina had seen back there at the park. Marina walked outside and over to them. "It's allright. He was invited."Marina says. Then the boy showed the card that Marina had gave to him. They then letted him inside. Marina looked at the boy. "I guess you ecided to come. Please follow me to meet your superior so you will have the permision to join."Marina says as she walks away hoping the boy would follow. Gaomon by her side.

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Chris and Guilmon Drop off the egg in the nesting ward.

"Lets say hi to the guy and the funny looking agumon!"Guilmon said

Chris looks at his digivice, scanning the egg.

"Hmm, it's fine for now, Lets go with your plan and say hi"Chris said

Chris and Guilmon go out and see the 2 guys standing staring at the enterance, seems like they are having an argument

Guilmon runs up to them

"Hi! Nice to meet you!" Says Guilmon

"...."Chris stays quiet

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Nate stands still then says to Marina "Wait I have a few questions for you and your partner before i go anywhere." "Yeah so if you want us to jion anwser his questions." Darkagumon stated.

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The guards at the entrance stared down at the boy. They were armed and they would have their Digimon if they were to have to fight. Meanwhile. Marina stopped on her tracks and then turned to see the boy. "Um,sure. What questions do you have and that I need to answer?"Marina asks. Gaomon turned and glared at them. Marina looked at Gaomon petted him and Gaomon calmed down. Gaomon was protective of Marina most of the time. Marina turned to the boy and then noded for him to ask the questions.

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"One. How did you and your digimon meet? Two. What does the Data Squad do besides beat digimon up? And three. Do you get payed buy working here? I'm very poor." Nate asked with a straight face. "Dark Agumon then added "And do the digimon get free food if they work here."

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Chris mutters to himself"Well thanks for the greeting..."

Guilmon get's angry"i said hi...."He later gets upset

"CHRIS AM I BORING!?"Exclaimed guilmon as he became upset

"No, some people are rude, it's not you."

Chris's digivice starts to beep

"Huh? what's with this thing?" Asked Chris

Digivice:Digivolve ready.

"Digivolve? I CAN BE GROWLMON?!"Said Guilmon as he becomes happy again


"But we never fight! i wanna fight! Lets fight that dark agumon! He looks evil!" Said Guilmon

Guilmon then rushes to dark agumon ready to attack


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Marina stared at him. "I met Gaomon while looking around my parents' stuff. i found the Digivice and he came out and so we met. The Data Squad keeps the world of the humans safe from the Digimon and does the best possible to keep the Digimon knowledge a secret from humanity. Also we keep a close eye on those Data Breakers and the grid between the Digitalworld and the human world here. We Data Squad members keep peace and make peace and try to keep it that way by all means nessesary and I guess. Yeah. Pretty good depending on how well do you do on your missions I guess. But if you need a place to stay or anything. You can stay at my aparment. Lost of room yet I'm all alone since my parents are never home but on bussnise trips...like always."Marina says. Gaomon looked at them. "The teams get a small lunch box to last the day if they come in early at 5 AM."Gaomon says. "But mostly Digimon are fed by their own parthners at their homes. Like I feed Gaomon my famous pasta. Isn't that right buddy?"Marina asks as she pets him. Gaomon smiles as Marina pets him.

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Dark Agumon gets tackled by Guilmon. "What the heck was thats for?" Dark Agumon asked angery. "I mean why the heck would you attack someone who never hurt you or angered you!" Dark Agumon yelled.


"Thank you for answering my questions." Nate said. Then he noticed the boy with the egg. "Oh have you been here the whole time I was talking to Marina?" Nate asked.

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The sun was almost set in the sky when Dark Renamon and Kaitlin made it to the top of the bridge. "You know I've been thinking" Kait said looking down onto the river. "Do you remember our first day together, you threatened to throw me off this bridge," she continued holding back a laugh. "What can I say, you were a pain in my butt," Renamon answered looking over at her human partner. "I also remember the time I had to take care of you that time you were reverted back to a little Dark Viximon. Talk about pain in the butt," Kait and Renamon laughed and then stopped themselves looking in opposite directions. There was a moment of silence between the two before Kait broke it. "The two of us really came far as a team, haven't we?" "I know, it is amazing what three years with someone does to you," Renamon stated turning her gaze back to the river below. Kait did the same.

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Wind passes by chris with a leaf

"....yes.....WE EVEN SAID HI TO YOU!" Said chris

"FIGHT ME!" Guilmon said

Guilmon stares at dark agumon wanting to challenge him

"Guilmon seriously stop, we are not fighting unless we need to!" Said Chris

Guilmon stands in defense"Well i am keeping my guard up!"

Chris does a facepalm

"Sigh....Anyways yes i was standing the ENTIRE TIME" T_T"

Guilmon growls at nate and dark agumon

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"Sorry about that. I didnt notice you or hear you." Nate said imbarrested. Dark Agumon looked at Guilmon angerly. "I truly am sorry about not hearing you."

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Marina stared at them. "Sorry. And hey,no fighting inside the base unless you want to get kicjed out. Now if you want to join you better come and see the captain and fill some forms with info and he will give you some uniforms,schedules and so on. If you get slow or lazy. He wil cut your paycheck. If you try to suck up or do something unforgivable. There might not be a paycheck at all. Just a heads up so you guys don't do rookie mistakes."Marina says smirking as she walks away. Gaomon looked at them and then followed Marina.

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Me and Dark agumon follow Marina and hoped that the kid and guilmon were to. There were a lot of members in the Data Squad. To many to count in one day. But it was easy finding my way with Marina leading the way.

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Marina got to a door and knocked on the door. She opened it. "Hello. We have some people who would like to join the Data Squad."Marina says. He nods and then hands Marina some papers. "Nice to meet yoy two."The man says as he greets the two boys. Then Marina takes the papers. "Get them to fill up this forms,I will get their uniforms ready."The mans ays. Azura nods and then looks at them. "Oh yeah. Any colors that you would like your uniform guys?It has to be white and anotehr color of your choice. Witch color do you want?"Marina asks trying to be polite.

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Nate says"White and blood red. It looks good on me." Agumon asks" Nate why blood red why not black?" "Because black is a color I don't look good in."

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The man noded. Marina then got them all out of the office and then leaded them to a small loundge. There were chairs,sofas and tables. And beyond the room was like a small kitchen or something since there was a coffe machine and that kind of stuff. She smiled towards them and handed the boys some papers and pencils. "Fill these forms. This will need information of both you and your Digimon. When you are finished. We'll go back. By then the captain will have your uniforms ready along with your Data Squad plaque and ID."Marina says as she then went to the small kicthen place.

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After skimming the forms Nate says shyly "Um I can't fill out much of this form." "Yeah Nate has um whats it called when you cant remember anthing about yourself or your past?" Dark Agumon asked.

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