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RoxasStalker won't be on for a bit

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She told me this and to make a thread for her, "Long story short: I was sent to ER night before last and I won't be on for awhile because of it, would you mind making a thread to tell others? I don't have the time..."



I hope everything is alright with her.

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@VENROXAS, Thanks for making a thread, dude, I always feel guilty if I leave somewhere without giving notice, even online. (God, I'm a nerd)


@Severe, That was just a side activity c:


@Kinode, I actually managed to put a hole in my ear canal, hurt like a bitch, but not too serious. It was more that the pain killers I was on made me dopy, so if I went on I'd probably post crap like "cookies smell like pengiunes!!!" and such. xD


@Everyone, Thanks for caring about my being gone, it makes me feel loved <3

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