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Ports/Collections you Want To Happen

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Final Fantasy Core Collection (all the main FF games)

Final Fantasy Extended Core Collection (all main FF games + prequels and closely related games)

Final Fantasy Complete collection (every single game with Final fantasy in it's name. it would probably cost 300$ xD)

Kingdom Hearts Core Collection (KH1, Re:CoM, and KH2)

KH Complete Collection (All KH Games)

Alex's Awesome Nostalgia Collection (Legoland, Donald Duck Quack Attack (Goin' Quackers for America), RollerCoaster Tycoon 2, and Lego Island)

Rez HD (i want it for PS3!)

Okami HD (meh, it could happen)

Rayman Collection (1, 2, and 3 - the awesome sauce. not 4, me no like crappy rabbit minigames)

Sonic non-HD Collection HD (1, 2, 3, 4, SADX, SA2, Heroes)

Portal 2 HD (i know it only just came out, but i want an excuse to buy it and play it again.)


and many more i can't think of.,

you're turn

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Just so you know, HD doesn't mean better graphics just higher visual and sound definition. But when I say HD below I mean complete remakes with current graphic standards.


Crash Bandicoot HD collection (First 3 games, maybe some of the racing games)

Jak and Daxter Trilogy HD

Kingdom Hearts, obviously (1, re:com, 2, BBS)

FF7 Complete collection (like with what they did for FF4, except on PS3)


that's all I can think of for now.

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Touhou Games Collection (ZUN should do it as a 10 year anniversary special or something ;m; )

Silver Forest BEST collection (Best vocals from all the Silver Forest songs xD)

Yellow Zebra BEST collection (same as above, but from all Yellow Zebra's songs)

Koishi's Heart Thumping Adventure DVD (I'd buy it but I'm probably to scared to watch it haha)

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Just so you know, HD doesn't mean better graphics just higher visual and sound definition. But when I say HD below I mean complete remakes with current graphic standards.


Higher visual + Sound Definition = HD


Touhou Games Collection (ZUN should do it as a 10 year anniversary special or something ;m; )

Silver Forest BEST collection (Best vocals from all the Silver Forest songs xD)

Yellow Zebra BEST collection (same as above, but from all Yellow Zebra's songs)

Koishi's Heart Thumping Adventure DVD (I'd buy it but I'm probably to scared to watch it haha)



i was sort of going for game collections/ports/remakes only

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Perhaps too numerous to list, but the one I REALLY want is...




Make it happen, Nomura. Make. It. Happen. :angry:

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One's that havn't been yet

-Metal Gear Solid 1-3 maybe psp games

-Devil May Cry collection

-Papton collection

-RockStar collection

-Viewtiful Joe collection

-Psychonauts hd

That's all can think of at the moment

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Higher visual + Sound Definition = HD, i never said the graphics had to be improved


I wasn't referring to you anyway. I was just saying as a reference to what I was saying below.

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Just so you know, HD doesn't mean better graphics just higher visual and sound definition. But when I say HD below I mean complete remakes with current graphic standards.


Crash Bandicoot HD collection (First 3 games, maybe some of the racing games)

Jak and Daxter Trilogy HD

Kingdom Hearts, obviously (1, re:com, 2, BBS)

FF7 Complete collection (like with what they did for FF4, except on PS3)


that's all I can think of for now.



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