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Most unique avatar

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Hmm, well there's so many members who are active and I'm not sure, but you just gave me an idea for something :D


I think DChiuch's is pretty unique because he never changes it xD

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about 99% of all forum users have an avatar that is/was created from pictures from teh interwebz


Seriously. xD

All I really do is whore avatars I've either edited my self or collected from around the internet. I'm not really unique at all when it comes to avatars. o3o

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Seriously. xD

All I really do is whore avatars I've either edited my self or collected from around the internet. I'm not really unique at all when it comes to avatars. o3o


lol, it's just a random fact i made up.


but it's probably true. mine was a bastard child between an Obsidian Gloss table top, an eagle pic, and photoshop

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