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Favorite school subject

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okay so I went to a new school on Thursday... and well i couldn't wait for science class. Science is MY favorite subject, I am REALLY good too! then I met my teacher... Mr. Ajewole... I am NOT being racist here BUT.. he has a VERY heavy African accent! On Thursday it sounded like he said " And I sniff your poo" I was like ( in my hed) WTF?! and sooo i might fail science cos i have no fuking clue what he says...

ohhh and here comes the point... what is YOUR fav. subject?!

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I'm taking French and my teacher is CRAZY! All she does is talk in french and we just stare at her wondering what the hell she's saying! She also loses our assignments and makes us come in at 6 in the mourning to redo them. I hate her!

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Art, cause its fun to draw stuff. even though I'm that good.


I like art but hate the teacher(BITCH!!!).Ilike I math but always fall asleep in class. :D


My French theacher is a bitch. that and shes like 80

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