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I'm so irritated by Terra's battle style!!! I'm playing my first time through and it's so frustrating! I'm in the fight with Braig right now and he moves really fast. Meanwhile I'm frantically pushing the joy stick thing and square, trying to avoid his bullets (not to mention screaming "MOVE TERRA MOVE!"). But nooooo, Terra has to wait like 3 seconds to actually do what I'm telling him so he ends up getting attacked. Any tips?

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I can somewhat relate, after playing with Aqua, you forget that Terra doesn't do a forward lunge for the first combo attack, so you actually have to approach the enemy, rather than just dashing towards it, lol.


In response to your actual question, this is what I recommend:


You should have about two cure based commands (That way you have a fall back one, also get Leaf Bracer if you don't have it, it's a very good thing to have.) and you should have some fire commands as well so that you can hit him from afar. Have your shortcut for the first cure command, and be ready to guard lots, blocking his bullets is where you can get most of the damage on him.


Also, make sure you use a high leveled shotlock, either Ragnarok (You can get this on the Keyblade Command board if you haven't, perhaps look up a Youtube video on how to get it if you can't find it), or if you have bad timing, try Flame Salvo (You might need to look up a video on how to get that as well.)


Make sure you are locked onto Braig at all times, it makes it so that you will turn to his location when you block. Now when he goes up onto the ledge and you see through his vision, you should try to block his fire. Stand still and see if you can get the timing right, your block lasts a little longer than you actually need to press the Square button, so do your best to time your blocks. If you can't block it, then just dodge across the map as best as you can.


When he comes down, chances are he will go up in the air. Lock onto him and get ready to block his fire, if it hits him he will take a good amount of damage. If you can stick in a Fire attack every once and a while, it would be of some help. If I recall, I believe he is not immune to Poison, if so, it would be very valuable to you.


That's really all the advice I can give, I've never really been good at helping with this kind of stuff, best of luck to you.

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