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KH3D How long?

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I was wondering how long you think it will take for 3D to be released outside of Japan? As you all know BBS took AGES (8 months) to be released outside of Japan, where as the DS KH games took only half that time. Now what I'm wondering is if they'll take as long as BBS, or will it be quick like other Nintendo releases. I really cbf waiting 8 months, plus I spoil too much of the game by then.


But then again BBS did have added content so that might have caused it to take longer. So maybe it depends on whether they decide to add content to the english release.

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Depends on how long the game is.

BBS is a really long game cause you play as 3 characters, and the language-changing-programming-thing bla bla bla probably took them a lot of time since they have to do it for all 3 characters.

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I doubt it will be that long, I live in the UK and while I wait for a new KH Game, I have to endure though the Japan and America releases before I finally get to play it haha (except for KH2, which I imported, much obliged, USA ^^).


But it is nowhere near as bad as it used to be, FF13 I believe was the shortest time between a Japanese and English release, it is getting better I think.

I do not really think the voice acting is the biggest problem, it also is different laws, currencies and what not as well.

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You answered your own question. BBS took longer to come out because of added content to the U.S. release. If you look up how long all game gets released outside japan or notice a pattern, then you have your answer.

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well, I hope Square Enix would consider shipping KH games in a way it reaches out North America faster.

DUDE! I'm here in Philippines and how did I get original games? My aunt buys the stuff for me from San Diego. What a tough life. :( takes some year or 4 months +

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