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Final Hearts 69

Organization 69-Roleplay (please only members post here)

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Xenku sighs as they kept walking around looking for Dexan and yet they couldn't find him. Then Xenku and Dexer started to look from room to room. "You here?Where are you?"Xenku asks as she loosk from place to place and room to room trying to find Dexan. Then she heard some voices talking. "I think he's over here."Xenku says. They then start to follow the voices to a room. Xenku knocked on the door and opened it to find Dexan and someone else(Xordal). "Um,Dexan,I found someone else."Xenku says as she lets Dexer enter the room to meet Dexan.

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With Xenku coming in, Xordal is about to stay, but he sees the assassin still moving off.

"Excuse me."

Following after the nobody, Rook puts on the Black coat. He stops a moment when he sees that his sandals and shorts were replaced by black pants and boots. Also, a pair of black gloves appears on his hands.

"Odd coat." Xordal mutters.

Continuing after the assassin, he asks it,

"What are we going to see?"

"Another..." was the answer.

Xordal follows the nobody out of the castle, stopping at the body of a young woman. Xordal leans down over the body and finds her still breathing. He looks up to ask the assassin a question, but it is no where to be seen.

"Great, well done boys." Rook said in a sarcastic tone.

Looking at the young lady (Axgrce), Rook feels through his magic her life force. He is taken aback by the mixed signals of both having and not having a heart.

"What are you?"

He places a hand on her shoulder and shakes her gently.

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Saren got off the couch, he sighed and walked around the castle, he needed to take his mind off of what happened.

"why can't I feel anything?" He asked. he walked outside, there was a floor cut of from the castle with a giant gap, he could tell nobody has been there, he looked at it strangely, he stepped back, and jumped out, he waved his hands out towards the gap, his strange new powers kept him suspended in the air, and he landed on the other end.

'Impressive... i feel stronger.' He thought to himself, he looekd to the stairs and started walking up them.

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Xenku saw Xordal walk away and then looks back at Dexan. "(Hm,is it me,or is everyone else wearing cloaks all over?)"Xenku thinks as she looks around and then looks down at her dress. Then she looks at Dexan. "Er.Dexan sir. I found someone else. His name is Dexer. Dexer,this is Dexan,the owner of the castle..."Xenku says trying to be polite and introduce them to eachother. She then backed away a bit for them to talk to eachother.

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Xordal gives Axgrce a smile.

"Name's Xordal. I live around here."

He gets a thoughtful look on his face.

"I am going to ask you some questions. While I'm doing that, I will be...checking you with magic to make sure your not hurt."

He places a hand on Axgrce's arm. His hand gets a green glow around it.

"These questions will help check for head trauma. I am going to need you to answer three questions. First is what is your name? The second is how did you get here?"

Xordal gives Axgrce reassuring smile.

"And the third is how are you feeling?"

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Saren walked up th estairs, h eended up in this room that seemed... empty? there was a gaping hole there, he looekd at it strangely, then sighed.

"hm... this looks designed this way.' HE thought to himself, he slowly stepped forward, transparent tiles appeared under his deet, he looked at them then nodded he kept going, he got to the end of the rooma then walked up a couple more flights. he found himself at a dead end.

(The alter of naught.)

Hm... what is this?" He asked. Saren saw a ledge and looked over.

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The maroon haired girl slowly opened her eyes. Who... who am I? she wondered.

She wracked her brain to find something, but there was just one name. Kasai. Is... that who I am? No. There was something off about it. Its... familiar... but its not quite right...

She pushed herself to her feet. "Where am I?" she wondered aloud. The city she was in was dark, with lots of tall buildings. Several of the buildings had signs, but the symbols on them were not any language she knew. Wait... do I know any other languages?

She looked around, not seeing anyone nearby. With nowhere to go, she sat there on the ground, not caring about the rain that seemed to always fall there.

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Well the guy with the black coat in my dream said my name was Axgrce so i guess it is thatAxgrce is my name...I think....(looks down) And how i got here was...well all I know is that I saw some shadows and I saw this casle so I ran over here to get away from them. I'm also a little dizzy and just a itty-bitty bit blurry. (looks back up)

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While Axgrce is answering, Xordal is scanning her with his power. He confirms that she does have part of her heart left.

"Well, you seem to be doing fine." Xordal says in a happy tone.

He stands up and offers Axgrce a hand.

"There should be at least a room you can stay at in the castle, but we'll have to check with the Chief, Dexan."

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Xordal leads Axgrce through the entrance of the castle.

"There are a few other people here, but I don't know their names. Maybe we will meet a few along the way."

Xordal gets a weird look on his face.

"Do you remember from before you woke up here?"

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Xenku saw as Dexer and Dexan talked to eachother. Xenku then was handed a small Notebook by one of her Sammuries. Xenku took it and a pencil and started to note things down. The people she had met,the places she had been so far,the places she has seen around the castle,she was even making a small map of the castle she knew so far. Now she wouldn't get that lost until she memorized the place completetly. Then Xenku shook a bit as she felt goosebumps. She saw that her dress wasn't really meant for the moist and partially cold weather that this world had. "Um,escuse me. Be right back."Xenku says as she starts to walk away to look for something in her room.

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Xenku walked to her room and looked around. She saw a wardrobe. She went over to it and opened it to find that it was full of black cloaks. She looked at one but it was very big. To big for her. She kept looking around and found one that was just her size. She felt a cold breeze come by and she shivered. She then looked at her dress for a bit and looked back at the wardrobe. "This place is so cold. I think I should wear some of this to keep warm. What do you think?"Xenku asks to her Sammurais.

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Saren looked around.

'so there was an organization here... but what exactly happened to them?' He thought to himself, he walked around the alter, it was very cleared out, it seemed to have been left alone much. he walked to a spot which had energy strweaming out of it, he walke donto it, all he sa was the bottom. he sighe,d and then looked bakck at the alter, he then saw soemthing, a man on it, kneeling down, (xemnas) Sarne looked to him, he blinekd and the man dissipeared.

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Xenku felt cold and a bit strange. The feeling around the world was allright. But the darkness that was around...just felt strange. So she changed into a black t-shirt,a silver sleveless jacket,black jeans,silver and black boots. She got the cloak on. Instantly she felt better. She got the blue dress and shoes on the wardrobe. She then looked at a mirror and twirled around a bit. "Hm...well. I feel a bit better,I admit."Xenku says. She then turns to see her sammurai with a black rose in their hand. "Oh,where you find this?It's beautiful."Xenku says. She got the black rose on her hair and stood there. She smiled and then started to walk back to where Dexer and Dexan were.

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Saren looked stared at it for a moment, he then felt a small tremor in the castle, he shook for a moment.

"Agh... must be the damn darkness again." He said, he thne saw heartless appear. (the type of thing to unify them all together, and to get Dexan thinking. he summoend his arrowguns and fired at them, they dissiepared, but more appeard, he stepped back.

"Damn, too many." He said, he diod a guestur ewith his hand, it pushed one back, he then saw nobodies appear around him, sniper nobodies. they quickly decimated the heartless. he loked at them.

"So, your mine?" He asked, they nodded.

"Alright." He said, he suddenly felt another tremor. he shook and then scowled.

"We need to find the source of the quakes." HE said. he looked out, he saw the disturbance, a large heartless at the bottom of the castle, he stared at it for a moment, it was enormous.

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Xordal is about to say something when he too feels slight tremors shake the castle.

"What in the seven..." He says as he heads outside. From there he also sees the giant heartless.

"Well, that can't be good."

He summons his double bladed sword and stairs down at the giant heartless for a moment. He then snaps his fingers and eight Assassin Nobodies appear around him.

"Thought you'd come if I called." Xordal mutters with a smile on his face.

He then gives Axgrce a concerned look.

"This is going to be dangerous, though if you want to come, I won't stop you. Think you can help?"

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Saren headed down a floor, he got to the others, Xordal had his nobodies around him. The snipers followed Saren.

You don't mind if I help?" He asked, Xordal looked at him, never really noticing him until now, Xordal nodded, they got outsiode the building, there was a barrage of buildings to the left down there. he looked to Xordal.

"alright, me and my snipers will draw it's fire, or it's thrashing attaacks." He said, Xordal nodded, Saren sighed for a moment, then noticed how far down it was. Saren stepped back, Xordal stared at him, Saren looked to him, I'll see you down there." He said, Saren stepped back and then jumped over the impass, he flew down in the air, he formed his arrow gyns and then aimed a shot at the heartless when it was about to hit the castle again, it shook anbd then fell down, it looked like a giant gorrila, very large, like as large as a skyscraper, Saren gfelt the air flow through his hair. the heartless slowly got up, Saren aimed for the largest of the skyscrapers and before hitting the ground, he motioned his hands, he stopepd in the air for a second, then fell onto his feet. (For one instance how he's a daredevil) he snapped his fingers, his snipers appeared.

"Take fire." He said.

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As the girl sat on the ground, she noticed something dark rising from the shadows. Dark... with yellow eyes. Why does that seem so... familiar? Then the name for what they were came to her lips unbidden. "Heartless," she whispered.

One of the Heartless fully emerged from the ground and crouched preparing to attack. The girl got to her feet and took a step away from it. I ought to fight it... but... I don't have a weapon!

That thought had come too soon, for no sooner did she think it, than a long, thin, red sword materialized in her hand. There was a somewhat ghostly quality to it, but she didn't think much about it, instead gripping the Rapier tightly and racing for the Heartless, running it through with her new sword.

Some half remembered age-old adage echoed in her mind. Ask and ye shall recieve she thought, gazing at her new weapon. She barely had time to register the thought at all before more Heartless sprang from the ground. She gritted her teeth, and raced in to battle them.

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Xordal, trying to figure out how to get down there with out breaking every bone is his body, catches sight of an odd building just outside the castle that bore a symbol that he had seen in the castle and on the assassins. He raced over to it and found a large garage door. Finding a button to the doors side, he opens the door. Inside he finds what looks to be a form of hover craft like he had back in his world. The these vehicles looked to have a main body with a seat and control panel. It also sported a side platform that someone else could ride on. With a smile on his face, Xordal jumps on the nearest bike and tries to start it up. It doesn't start up. He bangs it a few times. It starts up. He races out of the building and hovers in mid-air. He looks to Axgrce,

"You comin'?"

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Xenku walked around when she felt the castle tremble a bit. "Huh?What was that?"Xenku asks. She then runs over around and finds a balcony. She looks around and then sees a huge creature. "What the-?!"Xenku asks as she stares. "(Is that a Heartless?Or something else?)"Xenku thinks. She then just stared. "Um...should we do something?"Xenku asks as she looks around and at her Sammurai. They just stared. Xenku gulped and looked back. "Man...what CAN I do?"Xenku asks. She looked down.

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Xordal guns the motor of the bike and speeds off towards the huge heartless. His assassins jump after him and float through the air after Xordal. Xordal has to yell to Axgrce to be heard.

"My plan is to get close to it so I can sap its life. That won't kill it, but by thunder it will hurt. Do you think you can do anything to it?"

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