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Final Hearts 69

Organization 69-Roleplay (please only members post here)

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(Wow, I thought this had died out....thanks for keeping it going you guys. Great job.)

Back at Castle of Nothing, Dexan was in the round room with other members who were ready for the meeting. However not everyone has shown up, so to waste time he started to walk back-n-forth and occassionally putting off mirages for his amusement. He knows that with as many people as he has it would be awhile until everyone showed up for the meeting. He also saw the other members doing the same thing as he was just to pass the time until Xordal came back with the others.


'Where is he? I thought that he would be here by now with all the other members, oh well. I did the best I could to get them all here. They just need time in order to get here. I have done all I could do in order to tell them about the meeting now its their turrn to come when they are here.' Dexan thought to himself as he did a mirage like his homeworld.

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Xordal sighs and decides to check the surrounding area for more members. As he walks to the main door to the outside, the door flies open and is nearly run over by a teen.

Xordal jumps back.

"Whoa." Xordal says. "Don't be in too much of a hurry. You want in, ya gotta check with management."

Xordal jerks a thumb to his chest.

"Since the landlord ain't here right now, you can talk to me."

Xordal extends a hand to Vladimarx.

"Names Xordal. We aren't turning people away, but we'd like to know who you are."

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*turns around shakes your hand*

"umm people call me vlad short for vladimir or was it vladimarx idk i died so i guess it doesnt mater...

anyway nice to meet you xordel, is there anyone else in this huge place"

*my stomach grumbles* "dang i forgot to eat before i left *sighs o well"

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*a group of heartless apear lungeing at me*

celly: gyah! i need a wepon!!!*my arm turns into a sword slashes soon the heartless are gone* *reverts my arm back to normal"

jack:woah! what a neat trick!

celly:*jumps surprized from jack suddenly appering*

jack:"sooo did u find your freind yet?"

celly:*looks down*"..."

jack:dont worry youll find him!..hmm maybe if you remberd where you last saw him?

celly:"...im not from here..i dont know even how i ended up here..."

jack"...you dont rember much do u?

celly: *shakes head no trying to make herself rember stuff a sudden pain fills her head she grimaces stopping falling down unconsis*

jack: uhoh!...maybe sally can help better.

zero: arf arf!

celly: wakes up the next day surrounded by heartless runs offf in another derection runs into a guy in a black cloack" "oops sry^^'"

???: .... opens a portal walks in..

celly: hey! *follows quickly the guy in the cloack dissapers leaveing celly on a path to the castle that never was* alot of heartles apper her arm turns into a sword but as they keep appering she runs into the castle doors bumping into vlad* "vladdy! glomps him exitedly sees the other man tilts head looks around*",,,"

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Xordal blinks a few times at Vlad and Celly. At least Xordal had found someone. He smiles at the new comer.

"Hi, I'm Xordal." He introduces himself. "Since ya seem to already know Vlad here, I won't introduce ya."

Xordal glance toward the main area of the castle.

"I think I know where the kitchen is. Why don't I take you both down there and make ya sandwich or somethin' and y'all tell me about yourselves?"

Xordal begins to lead the way to the Kitchen.

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celly: *looks at Xordel holding out her hand*"hi im celly.."*tummy grumbles* "yeay food sounds good..." follows xordel holding on to vlads hand*

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Xordal grins.

"Nice ta met ya, Celly." Xordal says warmly. "Welcome to the our Castle."

Xordal leads Vlad and Celly though several corridors as he looks for the Kitchen.

"Once we get ya some food, I'll introduce you to the landlord of this castle. His name's Dexan. Nice guy. I'm sure he'll let ya stay on if ya like."

Xordal stops a moment and looks at two diverging paths. He rubs the back of his head as he thinks.

"Left." He says to himself.

He continues down the left path.

"So, what brings you two here?"

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(vladdy(hoodedxii) might not be able to reply power issues.... just thought i should say that...)

celly:*keeps following still holding on to vladdys hand...*"... truthfully... i was justlooking for vladdy... and i somehow got here^^'"...i dont rember much actually..."

*rubbing the cold mettle of her sissors in her pocket shyly*

celly *looks arounnd*

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(Okay, thanks, xion.)


Xordal points at a door.

"AHA!" He cries in triumph. "The kitchen."

Xordal pushes into the kitchen and walks over to the refrigerator. He pulls it open and looks in.

"So, what ya want?" Xordal calls over his shoulder. "We seem to have some meat for sandwiches, some milk and cereal over there. Yogert. Lettuces. Hmm. We've got quite a lot. What y'all hungry for?"

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(sorry like celly said power was out on the comp cause the basement semi-flooded)

"celly!!!!" *huggles spinning* *looks at xordal in a much better mood* "kay thanks" *follows xordal around into the kitchen*

"wow there is alot of food here hmmm, what do you want celly i guess ramen or a sandwich works for me umm do yous have cheese and ramen?"

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Xordal looks around the kitchen, mumbling 'cheese and ramen.' He finds the proper ingredients and puts the on the table. He also collects the makings for sandwiches and deposits them on the table as well. He begins to prepare the food.

"So, tell me 'bout yourselves." Xordal says conversationally. "What brings you to our little corner of the worlds?"

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vlad* looks at the ingrediants and gets milk and butter* "well i had died a while back when i was attacked by heartless and spent some time at hollow bastion, but i decided to leave when i saw myself as too much of a danger and tried going back to my home, which turns out has changed alot seeing the area now* (also the ramen cheese milk and butter are for a mac and cheese like ramen where you boil the ramen then strain it then mix in cheese some milk the butter and then the seasoning(on heat) i usually do 2 or 4 bowls and have a slice of cheese for 2 bowls a splash of milk and a little bit of butter if 4 just double it celly made the recipie and got it from her stepdad)

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Xordal absorbs the facts as he tries to figure out how to make ramen and cheese. He looks sheepishly at Vlad and Celly.

"Um, my cooking knowledge don't cover ramen and cheese." Xordal explains, a little embarrassed. "I'll be needing some help."

Xordal turns back to the food as he thinks about what Vlad and Celly had told him.

"So...these guy's are zombies?" Xordal thinks. "That's stupid, mate. New theory. They're like us."

Xordal glances back at Vlad and Celly.

"How are you guy's feeling?" he asks his two guests.

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vlad: "dont worry about the cheese and ramen i can make that, and what do you mean feelings like emotions or health wise" *starts boiling the water* "i never truely understood emotions so im not sure im feeling much of anything in fact i have even less feeling than before but i have an odd need to be around celly i dont quite understand it"

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celly: "uhhhh well i feel happy cause i found vladdy and i love him lots... but i also feel kinda shy...this place is huge and theres probably alot of people! "*blushes slightly*"im glad you didnt ask what i was thinking.. i never really have thought well... and ever since i died.. its kinda harder to think^^' ...idk im confused now..."shed run behind vlad her head dizzy slightly muttering quitely trying to het her thoughts straight*

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Xordal pats Celly with a reassuring hand.

"Don't worry too much 'bout that." Xordal says encouragingly. "Give it some time and food and you'll feel better."

Xordal leans up against a counter and thinks a moment, all the while stroking his chin.

"Well, Vlad, if it'll make ya feel better, you came to the right place for the whole not feeling thing. Most of us here at the castle have the same problem."

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"really well i guess i made the right chooice then wait, theres other people here? where are they?" *finished boiling the ramen and strains it putting it back in the pot and on heat, stirs in a stick of cheese, splash of milk, a little bit of butter and the seasoning*

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Xordal points out the door.

"Most of us are at a meeting that's suppose to be starting soon." Xordal explains. "Dexan, the guy in charge here, sent me to find any other members that need to be told about the meeting."

Xordal smiles at Vlad and Celly.

"Want to attend?"

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*has finishes making the ramen* "umm can i take my ramen if so sure but do you need any help gathering members? how about you celly wanna attend the meeting?"

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Xordal chuckles.

"Your ramen should be fine." He says. "You can help me if ya want, thou. Always better to have more people on a case."

Xordal snaps his fingers and and Assassin Nobody appears before him.

"Tell Dexan I found some new members. They're helpin' me look for more."

The assassin bows its head and disappears. Xordal turns and smiles at Vlad and Celly.

"Thanks for the help, chaps." He says cheerfully.

He moves to go out the door. He then stops and snaps his fingers. He twirls around and points at Celly.

"Nearly forgot. To answer your question, yes, ya can sit by Vlad, though these chairs are kinda far apart."

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"yeay ramen :D i loves food" *looks at the assasin nobody befounded* "hey i was saved by something like that before what are they" *goes to xordel bye the door after picking up celly*

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