HoodedXIII 0 Posted June 2, 2011 characters will have nae before text the * will stand for actions and ( will stand for thoughts and speech will just be text vladimarx: *is standinng in a defense if position exhausted adn out of breth holding a sword with both hands* leon: *charges at atcking with his gin sword * vlad: *blocks with his sword and lunges back using the force of the blade to help go further back* (d~damn im effign exhausted) leon: is that really all you got vlad i mean seriously how you ever gonna fight yoru brother with that kind of punny strength vlad: grrrs *starts glowign an odly black color* dont call me weak leon: (crap i got him mad again) dang you get mad way to easy *charges at at full strength* vlad: *dissapears last second and appears behind leon* to slow *hits in the back with his sword hilt* leon: ugh *uses his sword to not fall and rolls forward* damn now your fighting hehe <this battle continues while yuffie and cloud watch> yuffie: it seems his anger really makes him a better fighter cloud: i dont think its jsut anger any emotions can make him stronger or weaker tho its not good to relly on emotions in a fight tufffie: yeah i mean look where it ended up getting you cloud cloud: yeah ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kinode 3,056 Posted June 3, 2011 (Sorry for coming in like this, I'm a bit confuzzled. How should I come in like? owo) In his home world, Aros was competing in a struggle tournament, and despite his young age, was winning. He was on the last round, but no one knew who the last challenger would be. A man in a black cloak came, with a hood up. He summoned two reversal blades and monsters appeared. Shadows, Wyverns, Behamoths- They destroyed everything. "Who are you?"Asked Aros "And what are these things?" The man stared into Aros' eyes, without making a sound. "You seem to have forgotten about me once again."Then Mysterious Figure replied. "Maybe this'll knock some sense in you!" The man attacked Aros, who dodged and rolled his attacks as much as possible. Then man stabbed Aros's chest, leaving him on floor. Bright light shined, as the man put his blades carefully on Aros's hands, waiting for the monsters to finish him off. His best friend, Kya, survived and escaped. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ventusxxx34 23 Posted June 3, 2011 Korxsist was walking through the halls of the castle, he always kept his face covered with his hood. Eversince Korxsist joined the Organisation he never took off his hood in meetings or around people. "How long do I have to hide myself from everyone" He thinks to himself. Sometiimes he has an urge to reveal his face, sometimes he wants to hide his freakish half. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lady Aleister 1,677 Posted June 3, 2011 On 4/23/2011 at 2:44 PM, 'rikunobodyxiii' said: (I should be there in a few posts.) I posted this a very long time ago and now am saying that i kinda exploded there not in the roleplay just what i tyeped.ishould have not made big letters. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kinode 3,056 Posted June 4, 2011 Aros was hurting deeply inside. Where was Kya? "Where am I?" Asked him to himself. He stretched to walk around but started falling. He looked around as he fell, to see nothing but darkness. As he looked down he saw what seemed to be a wall of glass. He could see it shining on the darkness. As the glass got closer, his fear started to get stronger. AS he touched the glass, and it broke, he no longer feared. His anger of the man who destroyed his town, grew stronger, and he noticed another glass. As he fell, he no longer felt anger. He lost hate, sadness, love... Friendship. He no longer felt. Aros continued to fall, now feeling completely empty. You are the one who failed... It is time for the awakening... Rise, and be born once again. A bright light shined, and Aros woke up. He slowly got up, this time, feeling it was no longer a dream. He looked around to see a town like nothing he had ever seen before. A Skyscraper... A tall building just like... "Something." He murmured. "I've seen something like this before. Ugh, why... can't I remember!?" He walked forward and noticed many other tall buildings. They all had shiny signs, and as he looked up, he noticed a castle on the sky. It seemed... "Maybe some answers await me there." He hoped. No, he couldn't hope. He just dreamt. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted June 4, 2011 Xensar looekd at the others, suddenly a strange car came by, and then dissipeared, leaving three guys, Xensar sighed. "You heard her, we gotta get moving." HE said, the others nodded, Xensar looekd to Tron. "FArewell... and good luck." He said, Tron nodded. "Thank you." He said, they walked intot he middle of the building. "Xenku, get us out of here." xensar said, he's had just about enough of this place. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted June 4, 2011 (To Axgrce: Worry not.) As Xordal moves with the others, a though strikes him. "Tron." He calls to the program. Tron turns and looks at Xordal. Xordal pulls out his Disc. "We are gonna need to reformat this computer. Be good to save the good bits." Xordal extends his arm so that Tron can grab on to Xordal's disc. "I can't go to the user world." Tron points out. "Figured. But we can 'save' you like we are doing with the data we came for. And it won't hurt to have you around when we reformat." Tron thinks for a moment, then reaches out and grabs onto Xordal's disc. "Let's go." Tron says with a nod. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HoodedXIII 0 Posted June 7, 2011 leon: ok thats *is panting* thats enough for today im exhausted youv improved alot since you got here vlad: th th *is panting too* thanks its been good training with you *puts his sword away in a sheeth on his side the sword about as long as a segmant of his arm and width between long and broad sword* leon: *walks to a chair carying his sword and sits down* so you remember anything yet vlad: nope i just remember a girl ii dont know one i used to know or sumthing i cant remember clearly leon: dang you can jsut remember a girl nothing else but your name and a girl vlad: wait i can remember one other thing *thinks clutching his hand shut* im pretty sure i had some kind of power its foggy tho what it was leon: hmm interesting *does a hair flip where his right hand goes through his hair* i guess itl just take sum time vlad:. . . uhh yeah i guess *sighs* yuffie: hey dont look so down you still have us hehe *sme smiles giggling* vlad: yeah thanks i guess i just relly wanna rememer this girl cloud: *walks up* probably because shes important to you maybe shes your special someone yuffie: oooo vlad has a special someone hehe vlad: uhh i guess idk *has a vague look on my face and then clutches my head as if in pain falling to the ground on my knees* *yuffie cloud and leon all look at me in surprise and shock* leon: you ok *everything goes foggy in my mind and i only hear slight mutters after this going into a form of backflash* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Final Hearts 69 12 Posted June 10, 2011 (When you have the chance, have your character make their way to the round room for that long over due meeting I said we were going to have. If your character is already at the castle have them make their way to the room, please and thank you.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted June 19, 2011 Xenku noded towards them and started to mess with the controls. She got her hand on the keyboard and her eyes glew blue as the keyboard and machine started to work on itself for a few seconds. Then Xenku looked up and entered a password and then got her hands on a lever. "Hang on."Xenku says as she pulled it down and everyone who originally didn't belonged in there started to disentigrate into data. Xenku,Xensar,and everyone else disentigrated into nothing. Outside infront of the computer the beam shotted at different spots and in each spot each of them were re-formed. After the machine finished it lowered down. Xenku helded her head and shook it. "That was dizzy."Xenku says feeling dizzy whenever she was disentigrated and formed back again. She looked around. "Everyone accounted?"Xenku asks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted June 19, 2011 Xordal looks around the room, happy to see the real world again. "Here." He answers Xenku's question. He moves over to the computer to see to data pads asking to be disconnected. He disconnects them both and checks the first one. Opening it, he sees the title of the data is 'Xenku's disc.' In it are all the files she had gotten from the computer. "Good work, Xenku. I'd say ya got all the files here." Xordal says happily. Xordal hands the data pad to Xenku. Xordal checks the other data pad. He smiles he sees it is titled 'Xordal's disc.' "Tron?" He asks the data pad. "Present." Came Tron's voice from the pad. "I didn't thing that would work." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lady Aleister 1,677 Posted June 20, 2011 "I am Here." Axgrce says happy to be in the real world again "Now I believe that I Should go take a rest for a bit. Bye!" Axgrce says running happily down the hall and everyone looking at her like she was crazy. :blink: As she came up to her door there was a notice it looked like this: Notice: Dear fellow member, Now since you are here I believe that since we have no "Hearts" we should have a meeting about what we should Do with our-selves. There Is a round room in this castle we will meet there If you have received this letter please report to the Round Room to Clarify Sincerely, Number I, Dexan "Uhh...ok!" :blink: Axgrce says as walking off to the "Round Room" holding to note in her hand when she got there she put on her hood and completely covered her head and said: "I am here, Dexan" (super sorry Final Hearts 69 if i got your characters name wrong! but idk!) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Final Hearts 69 12 Posted June 22, 2011 Dexan turned around and realized that one of the members had spoken. He then realized that the member had their hood up to cover their face. "Excellent...I was beginning to worry that no one would get the notices." he then paused. "Anyways, welcome and make yourself comfortable." The member handed over the notice and walked over to one of the chairs and sat down. He sat the paper down on the table that he had set up while he was waiting for the members to show up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted June 22, 2011 Xenku scanned the castle as she looked around. "Guys,Dexan seems to want us."Xenku says. Then her Sammuari appeared besides her. "Hey guys."Xenku says petting them. She then got aura wings on her back. She turned to them. "We must get back to Dexan. He seems to want us in someplace. Let's go."Xenku says as she then got her wings and flew out. She flew around the halls and eventually got there flying through the door and then just floating in the middle of the air with her wings. She stared at Dexan. "Reunion?"Xenku asks. She then flew to one of the seats and satted down as she dismissed her wings. The more she remembered,the more her personality changed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted June 22, 2011 Xordal talks to Tron for another minute, to make sure he was okay before heading for the meeting Dexan called. Xordal considers what to do about his advanced age, but decides that what's done is done. He'll just have to be more careful in future. He walks into the meeting room and flashes everyone a smile. "Hello, hello, hello." He says in a fast, high voice. He looks over at Dexan. "We found Org XIII's computer. He got data on the old members and other information." He reports, returning to his normal tone. "And we broke the computer, so we'll need a new one." Xordal points to Xenku. "Xenku has the data on a pad." Xordal waves his pad. "This is a program that can help us make our own computer system." Satisfied with his report, Xordal looks around at the chair. He picks one at random and uses his assassins to jump up to it. "Thanks, lads." He says to the assassins as they teleport away. Xordal looks over at Dexan. "What's the plan, Boss?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lady Aleister 1,677 Posted July 8, 2011 HELLO!! sorry final hearts 69 but you really need to get on more often! Please respond!! http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.png :angry: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Final Hearts 69 12 Posted July 14, 2011 ( http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.png I'm very sorry about not coming on more often. I'll try and do my best on coming on more then this ....and axgrce if your typing out of character please put () around the words so we know that it's not part of the rp thanks . Again Sorry for being the one that seems to keep this in a standstill when my part is needed :unsure:... http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-cry.png .) He went over to Xordal "The plan...well...first we need everyone here for the meeting. Next you said that you had found the computer that the other organization had used. What kind of information did you collect from the computer? The information about the organization members will be very useful in the meeting. I'll go out and get a new computer to replace the one that was broken after the meeting so don't need to stress over that." Dexan answered, then looked around and saw how many people were there. "Only three people here out of sixteen or seventeen..." he muttered to himself. "Xordal...could you search the castle for the others and find out where they could be at? This meeting is very vital to what we need to be doing.I think that this Organization 13 has the answers to the questions that we all have." He then went over to a chair and sat down to relax. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted July 15, 2011 Xordal sighs. He had just got comfortable. "You got it, boss." Xordal says and starts to walk out. He remembers Dexan's question. He turns back around. "Oh, for a run down on the info we got, talk to Xenku." He tells Dexan. He heads back out into the castle. "Come out come out where ever ya are, ya lost, poor little nobodies." Xordal calls. "Got a meetin' for ya ta attend." Xordal commences his search for new nobodies. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Final Hearts 69 12 Posted July 15, 2011 He then remembered what Xordal had said to him and went over to find Xenku for the information. "Xenku...what kind of information have you, Xordal and the others have found out from the computer that you had found? I had asked Xordal about it and he said to come and talk to you. So could you show me the information that you had found?" Dexan had called up to Xenku when he found her sitting in one of the chairs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HoodedXIII 0 Posted August 27, 2011 -flashback- (finnaly sorry its taken so long ill try and have a point where i finish the full thing and have the fight as a flashback in itself and be asleep in the castle till then im doing a bit of a back story on how i died sorry again) narrative: "vlad has a bullying problem, people at school seem to see him as weak and kind (so bullyable) due to him acting and being innocent so they tend to steal and pick on him, even though this is true he is very protective of his best friend procella, so one day when he was bullied at school his friend procella tried defending him and they picked on her and vlad snapped at them and it ended badly (no no deaths just bruiseds and a brooken rib or too) he was harshly punished tho at first the teacher doubted he did it and blamed procella till he snapped on them too, anywayh (sorry im not good with ,.and stuff like that ) when he got home his parents and procellas parents were killed by heartless and he had to run. after years of running away he arrived at an odd village and trained for several years tho highly trained he was eventually killed by his psychotic brother, who had a part in his parents death.(sorrry for the quick runthrough on how i died in the story the flashback kept booring me cause i wrote it before i might just copy past later idk) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HoodedXIII 0 Posted August 27, 2011 story idea about vladimir *wakes up looking around yawns stretching in his room* morning spring vlad age 14 ahh yaay its morning http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png wooo *gets out of bed and runs out of his room* mornign richard *waves to his bro who seems to be distracted by sumthing on the ground and runs downstairs* morning mommy hehe sits at teh table whats for breaky hehe vlads mom: why eggs of course hehe *puts a plate in front of him* now wheres your brother and sister at vlad: i think there upstairs richard was looking at and playing with sumthing idk where sisy is tho o.o vlads mom: well ill have to go see whats hes up too ^^ you finish your breakfast and go on to school vlad: tai *eats it while she walks away and fineshes rinsing the plate off putting it in the water tub* heads off to school with a bag with sum books in it and a lunch sack* hehe yaay school http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png runs off to school vlad hehe i loves school *walks in is pushed down by an older kid* ?? hey nice lunch *steals it* hehe its mine now vlad: *starts crying* jerk that my lunch mommy made it ??: awww how sad ill enjoy eatign it then *he kicks him in the stomach* later cry baby *walks off leaving vlad crying into his knees* *someone walks up* ??: hey vladdy whats wrong vlad: sum jerks stole my lunch and kicked me ??: what grrs those jerks lets go get it back i mean cant you fight your parents must have trained you vlad: *starts crying harde* im sorry i didnt wanna hurt them ??: sighs yeah but now they hurt you vlad: sniffles yeah so i ill get better see stand up wipes his tears dry lets go play http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png hehe runs to class ??: sighs what am i gonna do with you hehe *runs after* after class vlad: *walking in the hall with his friend* so what are you gona do this weekend celly celly: well i was thinking of staying at home and watchign paint dry vlad: o okay sighs celly: *punches his arm gently* hehe im kidding dude i was gonna hang out with you duh hehe vlad: o.o celly when did you learn sarcasm celly: oo just my older brothers hehe vlad walks past a corner and is hit in the face ??: sup crybaby ready for your butt kicking hehe vlad: n no not really celly: you jerks jumps on one and starts bitning him ??: grrs throws her off and kicks her vlad: o.o twitch standing up ?? hehe what do you want wimp mad i kicked your girlfriend vlad: *eyes are black* grrs you just hit my best friend *fist clenches* im so gonna enjoy kicking your ass ??: haha yo wish offff *was hit in the stomach and clenches it kneeling over* vlad: *puched him in the stomach when he keels over he knees him in the face you bastard better* other bully: goes to kick him in the head vlad: *blocks it with his arm* oh no you didnt *grabs his leg hehe breaks it* bully two: screams loudly bully one; *on the ground clutching his stomach* you bastard vlad: *picks him up by his colla* now apologize note(the bullys double vlads size and weight) bully: okay okay im sorry i stole your lunch *is hit in the face* vlad: im not mad about that im mad you hit an innocent girl in the stomach let alone my nest friend celly:* has been watching siting* o.o bullly: looks at im sorry i kicked you in the stomach and threw you celly: i its okay just stop bullying vlad vlad: smirks lettign go goo o.o snaps out of it huh what happened celly: walks up and hugs him dude you totaly snapped on them vlad: awww i hurt someone *starts crying* *a teacher walks in and sees the bullyies on the ground picks celly up* how dare you hurt these boys and make vlad cry celly: but but it wasnt me vlad: yeah it was me they hurt cely and i snapped in them please dont blame her teacher: no use taking the blame vlad i know you wouldnt hurt anyone vlad: i said let her go grrs eyes black teaches: haha stop playing vlad i know your nicer than this now lets go to the office young missy vlad: grrs *lunges head butting the teacher in the gut* i said let go teacher: *lets go and lcutches stomach looks at vlad* o.o what the vlad: *eyes are black* i hurt them you bastard now dont you dare blame celly grrs apologize now teacher: wow celly what did you do to him you witch vlad: *kicks the teacher* she didnt do anything this is what happens when people piss me off grrs now apologixe or else ill rip out your spine and shove it down your throat teahcer: o.o ok ok im sorry celly it was vlad vlad: snaps out of it again o.o huh teacher: picks him up you are coming to the office you little demon *is pissed off* vlad: o okay i deserve it celly: *is siting dumbstruck* uhh b bye vladdy ceeya later thanks for the help vlad: no problem hehe^_^ teacher: what are you all smiley about your in a heap of trouble you broke a kids knee and kicked a teacher vlad: o otai i deserve it sighs is punished by being hit in the bum atleast a hundred or more times with a ruler til it breaks and then using a new one and being made to stand with two buckets of rocks till the end of the day all the while he only crys a little and arms dont even hurt after the buckets walks home sighs vlad: sighs celly: *runs up and hugs* vladdy http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png vlad: *hehe falls* hai celly giggles celly: * i thought theyd arrest you or sumthign wow *hugs tightly* vlad: hehe *rolls over hugging tightly* nope just hit a bunch and had to carrie rock heeh http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png celly: *blushes getting up* hehe lets race home giggles vlad: hehe otai *they both run home and vlad drops celly off at her house and walks home a couple houses down* this is the day it all started for vlad his snapping and the day his parents were killed Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HoodedXIII 0 Posted August 27, 2011 (see why i wouldnt wanna rewrite that boooring anyway sorry for the triple post i feel bad for starting a flashbakc then never writing for like months anyway on to the story you know heartless killed his poarents and he ended up training thatl be in a flashback later i suppose) vlad: *shakes his head* leon: "you just remember something" vlad: "yea i have to go its not safe here im not safe i i gotta go" *runs out of the room* leon, cloud yuffie: *look at him running and cloud starts to chase him: vlad:*ends up creating a portal of darkness from fear and ends up outside his old home town now a area near castle oblivion* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted August 27, 2011 Xordal wonders around the castle, looks for members who hadn't show up for the meeting yet. "Hellooooooo." Xordal calls. He smirks as he hears his own echo answer him. "Hope these boys and girls want aren't hiding on me." Mutters Xordal to himself. "Maybe if I expanded my search?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HoodedXIII 0 Posted August 28, 2011 (scratch the castle oblivion part sorry i get the places mixed up alot my bad i meant the castle that never was) *wakes up and looks around at all the dark buildings and desertion* "darn i guess my home must be around here somewhere but its changed alot in the last few years tho i should have expected that when xemnas took over*walks around the area searching for my old place when i suddenly get attacked by heartless trying to defend myself i fight till im overwhelmed* "damn i cant win theres too many if only i had more people gyah" *suddenly a bullet made of energy strikes down a heartless nearby and a bunch more shoot out of nowhere* "what the who shot that show yourself" *a odd nearly fulyl black nobody comes down holding a white weapon and a few more appear* "who are yous and wait sorry thanks for the help now who are you" *it attacks another heartless without saying a word* "ok then this is getting us nowhere anyway thanks" *it suddenly vanishes as the heartless are gone* "whatever goes back to looking and see a huge castle decides to investigate it and runs in* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xion---424 51 Posted August 28, 2011 celly:*wakes up from the same backflash vlad had*"wheres vladdy?..."*looks around opening her eyes* "w-where am i?....*sees graves and black ground a dog with a pumkin nose that lights up flys out of one of them* zero:"bark bark!" celly:"=o puppy!" zero: arf arf! flys off celly: hey wait! *follows axedently running into a verry tall skelteon" celly: uhh sorry mr...jack: its fine! say? your not from around here are you? im jack skelenton welcome to halloweentown! celly: do you know where vladdy is? jack: vladdy? celly: *starts crying scared* im never gonna find my home or vladdy! zero: arf arf! *flys around me* jack: awww its ok well help you find your freinds!...say whats your name? celly: im procellax celly for short zero: arf arf!" *flys twards town* jack: "maybe your freinds in town come on lets go!" celly: follows Share this post Link to post Share on other sites