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Final Hearts 69

Organization 69-Roleplay (please only members post here)

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Xensar sighed, he got up from bed, he rubbed his head.

"So I don't have a heart? huh..." He said to himself, he sighed and got up out if bed.

"Someday, I'll be strong enough to get it back." HE said. he walekd out the door, it seemed regular, except a new nobody was there, Xensar sighed and leaned by the wall,

'I wonder if Dexan will do anything with us...' He thought to himself.

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Walking through Hollow Bastion with the rain drowning me I think to myself, "why does this world seem so farmiliar". Still walking I come to a halt as I see a house with the strangest looking roof, I approach the door to open it slightly to peer through, I saw a wizard of some kind in there. Inside the room there were lots of cool things, the Wizard said randomly "come in my boy it is safe" I wondered how he knew I was at the door and that I was a boy because he never turned around to see. I sat down on a chair next to a gigantic Computer, water was dripping from my cloths and hair then suddenly I said "Thank you sir, so...whats your name and why does this world look so farmiliar to me?" I asked him without any hesitation or shyness. The Wizard turned and said "My name is Merlin and this is my home, this world is called Hollow Bastion but..." The wizard halted and stopped talking he looked away then started reading some of his books, I looked at him then stood up from the chair "thanks for letting me in and thanks for telling me what this world is your a very wise person" I walked out of the house and then I turned the corner when suddenly little black creatures with glowing yellow eyes were attacking me, I tried fighting them off with my sword but every time I slashed them in half they'd just keep on reforming. Suddenly I was surrounded by hundreds of them then they tried drowning me into a dark puddle in the ground...

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Xenku kept reading the diary and just looked through the pages. "(This diary mentions alot of names,but primarly 'Xion','Axel','Xemnas','Siax'...and...someone named,'Sora'.)"Xenku thinks as she reads. There were a whole bunch of stories or situations there. She then saw a page that said something about sea-shells and a beach. "Beach...sunny,sandy...lots of fun..."Xenku says thinking a bit. Then her mind just gt filled with ideas of going to the beach one day before she got to die. Xenku looked back at the diary and kept reading,it was like a novel,only of a diary.

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Xordal, while listening to what Axgrce and Xiakas, shows no reaction to what was said to him as he tries to navigate the computer to find rooms for his new...

"...friends?" He wondered. The last friends he had died the day he become a Nobody. He was not going to let that happen again.

He final found a plan of the castle.

"Ah, here we are." He says absent mindedly.

He searches a moment for something close to the rest of the taken rooms, but then sees something in the files that catches his eye.

"Logs." He thought as his eye brows went up. "These could be the logs of Organization XIII. We could learn more about what happened to them."


[Rinzler by Daft Punk]

Opening a new window, he opened the log file. For a moment, what looked like a report filled the screen. Then, the screen turned red.

"Unauthorized user. Step away from the consul." The voice that said this came from the computer. The voice what cold and a little gravelly. Xordal got an annoyed look on his face.

"I don't care, if I'm unauthorized. I need to see what's in those files." He said to himself as he taped at the keyboard.

"Irrelevant. You are unauthorized." Came the voice again.

Xordal stopped typing and stared at the computer.

"You answered me. How in...an A.I."

The voice said nothing. Xordal clicks and types randomly.

"You will stop now." the voice said.

Xordal smiled.

"'Bout time. Now listen. I don't know who ya are, and I don't care. What I want is to see what the former masters of this castle did so we can be whole."

"The old users programed me to safe guard the knowledge the placed in this mainframe. What you do with the castle is outside my directives. Leave this be, user."

Xordal was thinking fast. He could try to deactivate this A.I., if he could find where it was physically stored. He quickly opened the map of the castle. The A.I. made no move to stop him.

"So tell me, bub." Xordal said conversationally while he searched for a place the computer core would be held. "Did your users give you a name?"


"And your designation is?" Xordal prompted.

"My designation is Rinzler."

A look of satisfaction crossed Xordal's face. He found the computer core.

"Well Rinzler. I'll be seeing ya real soon."

With that, he summoned his blades and destroyed the computer. He looks to Axgrce and Xiakas.

"There levels down. We get there, cut this Rinzler off and the computer is all ours."

He walks to the door. Once there, he looks back.

"Y'all in?"

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Xensar walked downstairs, nothing seemed to be going on, he sat on a sofa for a couple minutes, then got up.

'Need to find something to do.' He thought to himsel, he walked around the building, then walked into a cpomputer room the others were in.

"What are you three up to?" He asked.

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('Endless night' from TSFH starts to play)


Xenku got the diary down and then layed down on the bed thinking of what she had read inside the diary. "(OK...according to this...there were many more before us. Witch coordinates with the reports Dexan showed us. This ex-member said he dissapeared. But promised to get them back...Axel and Xion. But who wrote this though.)"Xenku thinks. She looked around the diary and there was nothing on the outside. Neither it said his name on the inside of the oages she had read. Xenku satted up and setted the book down. She stood up and walked outside. She looked to the side of the hallway and stared at the huge window and Kingdom Hearts floating there. Xenku looked up and stared at it. She then walked around.

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Seeing Xensar walk in, Xordal looks between him, Axgrce and Xiakas. Xordal chuckles.

"We are about to unplug an annoying part of the computer and gain access to all the files. Want to come? The thing's an A.I., so it could be dangerous."

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Xensar thoought for a moment.

"Why not, I don't got anything better to do." He said, Xordal nodded.

'An AI?' He thoguht to himslef.

"Why would a bunch of nobodies trust they're base with an AI?" He asked, the others shrugged. Xensar then nodded.

"alright, Let's get going then." HE said.

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Xenku walked around and then stopped and looked to the side and heard some noise. Xenku walked down the hallway. She heard some noise comming from a room. She slowy sneaked up a bit and peeked from the doorway. "Allright,let's get going then." That voice sounded like Xensar. "(Hm?)"Xenku thinks a bit curious. There was him,and the other Nobodies. She looked at them a bit. "Where are you guys going?"Xenku asks curious. Her Sammurai appeared by her side with swords at hand just incase.

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Xordal looks a little dumbfounded when Xenku comes in.

"Do we really need this many people to unplug a A.I.?" He silently wonders.

He then remembers Rinzler's voice.

"He was sure of himself. He'll have defenses."

Xordal resumes his big grin.

"We're off to turn off an A.I. so we can get files from the computer. Could be an adventure, wanna come?"

He then waits a moment to see anybody else shows up.

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Xenku stares at him. "A...I????"Xenku asks not knowing what was that really. But then she heard of the word adventure. She looks down and thinks for a good while. Her Sammurai had their blades at hand and were even getting ready to get into a fighting position. Xenku looked back at Xensar and at Xordal. "Um..."Xenku says. She rubs the back of her neck and then looks back up. She slightly nods and her Sammurai stare at her. "Um,sure I guess...remind me again what's an A.I. though?"Xenku asks.

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Xensar facepalmed, he sighed, he then walked forward.

"It's a computer intelligents program, it's capable of thinking and many other traits deemed human, however it's still a program nonetheless." He said, she nodded.

"And it's protecting files which would be useful to us." He said.

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The Sammurai took out their swords when Xenku helded their arms so they wouldn't do anything or attack. She looked at Xensar. "Oh...ok. So then it would be getting in there and unlocking it all so you guys can get into the files?"Xenku asks. They all nod. Xenku rubs the back of her neck and thinks. "Hm...ok..."Xenku says. She looks back upfront and towards the computer. "Well...I guess it sounds fun...but how?"Xenku asks all excited all of a sudden. Then The Sammurai calmed down and got their swords away.

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Xordal is still looking out the door, waiting for someone else to come that he has to explain their quest to.

"The moment I look away, someone's coming through that door, wondering what we're doin'." He thinks to himself.

With a sigh, he looks away from the door and over at Xenku.

"We got to get to the main computer core. It looks to be in a huge lab three floors down from here."

He snaps his fingers and an assassin pops up.

"Make sure it's there." Xordal tells the assassin.

The assassin bows and disappears.

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"Hm..."Xenku says as she then had a fist over her mouth as the other arm held the arm by the elbow. Then she snaps her finger and straightens herself up. She turns to her Sammurai and then at Xordal and the others. "Um...I think...I can scan the area..."Xeku says. They all stared at her with a very confused expression on their faces. "It's something I learned. Watch."Xenku says. She closed her eyes and then they glew blue. She scanned the area and saw passege ways that were hidden from sight and so on. She could see one of the assasins appearing in a room. "I can see your partner appearing in the room. I think we can find some stairs or passage ways to get there."Xenku says in a low and kind of shy tone.

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Xordal's eye brows go up as Xenku does her thing. A moment later, the assassin comes back.

"It is there, my liege." The assassin reports.

Xordal looks back as Xenku.

"Nice ability ya got there. It'll definitely come in handy."

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Xenku smiles slightly. She felt usefull for once since she woke up. She then kept scanning. "There should be...a bunch of stairs from it to way up crossing a few floors when...huh. That's strange."Xenku says. Her eyes go back to normal and she looks at them. "Well...there's this passage way. But it's hidden within the floor."Xenku says as she then looks at Xordal and the others.

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Xenku nods. She concentrates again and starts to trackthe passege way. "We go down this hall way down a few stairs. Then there should be three hallway divisons that lead to different areas of the castle. We go to the one on the right,where it should lead to where the stairs to the roof are located. We stop around the middle of the path and there should be a hidden door right there on the floor leading to the room. But...how will we be able to open it?"Xenku asks as she returns back to normal and she looked at Xordal.

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Xensar shrugged.

"we find a way." HE said, they all started walking down the stairs, ensar walked int he front, some of them seemed curious about him, he kept going.

'Let's hope this 'organization' had something worth hiding.' He thought to himself.

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They all walked down the stairs. Then they get to the hallways way and the go on the one on the right. Xenku's eyes the glowed blue as she saw with her aura eyes and scanned the area. "Hm..."Xenku says as they walked down. Then Xenku runs upfront and then circles in the middle of the hallway in the form of a circle. Then her aura eyes go away and Xenku points at the floor infront of her. "It's right here."Xenku says as she points.

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Xordal walks to the door and tries the handle.

"Locked, of course." He mutters as he takes his hand away from the door.

He smiles as he flexes his fingers. He lets lose a blast of fire into the door, melting a hole in it. When the hole is big enough for his arm to go through, he stops the flame.

"Got to thank Miss Fey for that trick." He thinks to himself.

Xordal puts his arm through the hole and unlocks the door from the inside. He walks in and surveys the lab. He spots the big computer terminal at the end of the room, on the left-hand wall.

"Take a look around." He says to everybody.


(Sorry Stardustblade358, gonna need some TSFH for this.)

[Diabolic Clockwork by Two Steps From Hell]


He walks over to the computer and starts looking for wires leading away from the terminal.

"You should have left this alone, user." Rinzler growls through the computers mike.

Xordal looks directly at the computer and smiles.

"You trying to scare me, Rinzler?"

Xordal smile fades to a cold stare.

"That is impossible." Xordal says in a flat, emotionless voice.

"Your status as a Nobody has already been documented. I am not trying to scare you." Rinzler replies. "Just telling you have brought this on yourself."

A low hum fills the room. Behind Xordal, a wall lifts revealing a red lens the size of a dinner plate surrounded by machinery. Xordal spins around and summons his double sword. The lens begins to glow. Bring his sword up in a guard position, Xordal starts to yell a warning, but is stopped by a beam of energy hitting him.

Xordal feels two sensations at the same time. One is the same sensation he felt when he when through the dark portal to this world. The other feeling was of every atom in his body being ripped apart.

Xordal blacked out for a second. Coming back to his senses, he found him self in a dark arena with blue lights running along the floors and walls. His coat now had similar white lights running up and down it.



(For those of you want to be in the lab)

You see Xordal being quickly disassembled by the laser beam and drawn into the lens.


(For those of you who want to be caught in the laser, Welcome to The Grid.)

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(Awesome choice of song 8D)


Xenku walked around the strange lab. "(I never would have figured that this was all under here. Does Dexan know of this?)"Xenku thinks. Then she heard some noise. She ranned over to the area where Xordal went and saw him dissapear as a beam hit him. "Oh dear,Xordal!"Xenku says worried as she saw him dissapear by the beam. She then saw a bunch of beams go crazy and shoot all around. Xenku jumped onto the floor dodging the beams. She then looked around to see if there was something,anything she could do to stop the beams. She stood up carefully and looked around as the beams then just stopped. "Xordal?"Xenku asks as she looks around. She then shakes her head. "Xensar. Something happened."Xenku says with a very worried tone.

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