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Random facts about yourself.

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I ordered my Terezi glasses today.

I still heart Crayon.

I love Homestuck.

I love dresses and skirts

I can't leave the house without make up.

The only physical trait I like about myself are my eyes.

Cella thinks I have a nice face structure.

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I wish I had a million dollars

I hate Vexen, although I love making jokes about him

I wish I had bright green eyes

All my friends tell me I'm stupid for wanting green eyes, blue/gray eyes are the way too go.

I disagree with my friends

I am a Axel Fangirl

I am a Zack Fair fangirl

I have a brother named Zack, so it's weird

I love Kaixel and Zearith

I hate any pairing with Axel that isn't with Kairi

I wish I was a troll sometimes.

My real name begin with a J and ends with an E this annoys me.

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I like Fridays


eh, I've seen to many Fridays, it's not fun (fun fun fun) anymore....


I imagine talking avatars talking to me when I'm on a forum, so most guys are really girls from animes, and it becomes awkward when you find out it's a guy :rolleyes:

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eh, I've seen to many Fridays, it's not fun (fun fun fun) anymore....


I imagine talking avatars talking to me when I'm on a forum, so most guys are really girls from animes, and it becomes awkward when you find out it's a guy :rolleyes:


Firdays and Saturdays are my favourite days of the week, seriously. (the song Friday nearly ruined it though)

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I love Bleach

I only have 3 friends in real life (And my best friend out of those 3 happens to live several states away.)

I'm an Ichigo fangirl

I love Rurouni Kenshin

I love almost every character of Rurouni Kenshin

I do the same thing Firestorm does sometimes

I hate it when your best friend thinks you're weird because you get along well with their brother. He actually talks about videogames, so yeah, I'm going to get along with him. xD

I hate it when people play Kingdom Hearts and have NO CLUE what Final Fantasy is so then anytime you say anything like "Yeah, I don't like how they made him in Kingdom Hearts. He doesn't seem the same." they're all "Huh?!?"

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I love reading romance mangas A LOT.

I have a cat named Nova and she is about to have kittens.

I procrastinate all the time.

I have OCD, bad - like re-reading things or highlighting every single sentence when I study my notes. >.<

I love the Harvest Moon games.

I've been playing videogames ever since I was 4.

I love eyeshadow and make up...lol

I like to tan a lot and lay out.

I think a lot of people are immature and need to grow up.

I worry too much.

eh, that's it for now...

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I LOVE to procrasinate, especially when I'm supposed to study.

I'm an asian and I'm good at education 'cause I'm asian /shotshotshot

I get straight A's




Japanese, Chinese, or Korean?

I love Asians. Mostly Japanese. But all of them are cool.

They're such talented people! lol

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Japanese, Chinese, or Korean?

I love Asians. Mostly Japanese. But all of them are cool.

They're such talented people! lol


Japanese and Chinese

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I constantly get called a female online. And people actually seem to believe I am female. (I found out today, in Dissidia Forums, apparently my gender is an unknown subject. It makes my day xD)


It could be the colours that you use...

Just saying ... >.>

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I constantly get called a female online. And people actually seem to believe I am female. (I found out today, in Dissidia Forums, apparently my gender is an unknown subject. It makes my day xD)


Your avatar is sparkly, pink, and purple. We generalize.

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I constantly get called a female online. And people actually seem to believe I am female. (I found out today, in Dissidia Forums, apparently my gender is an unknown subject. It makes my day xD)


You're not a girl? O_o /facepalm

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I have never had pie until some time last week, it was apple pie, and frankly, it wasn't that great.


Whether the cake is or isn't a lie, I usually don't care for most of it's kind, not all, but most.


My diet consists mainly of orange things, and cheese, lots of cheese.


I am marveled that I am in what physical condition I am at this point, you'd think I would be, idk, on the verge of death.


I have had a non-cancerous tumor in my nose, the only enjoyable part was that I got lots of legos, my first video game system, and got to skip school for 5 weeks, and miss out on a big test, totally worth it. I could have had Titanium in my face, that would have been sweet.


My favorite fruit has to be peaches.


I don't care for many vegetables.


I don't know many people in real life that actually enjoy Kingdom Hearts.


I finally possess a Debit Card :D


I thought that Six Flags Amusement parks only existed in California /facepalm


I've never been to Disneyland/Disneyworld


Most of my days after school are spent on the computer, usually playing Minecraft.

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Where you two live? It's only 1 person and that's me. I'll give you a hint. I live in Austrailia. I don't want certain people to know my name lol


I meant where both Rob and Sora96 lived >D:

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