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~Light and Dark~[RP Sign-Ups]

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"Light and Dark, Good and Evil. Who decided which was which?! Who's to say Dark really isn't Good?!"





Long ago, the World had been in a constant state of destruction. Warfare had raged upon those in and out of battle and innocents had fallen to gunshots usually not meant for them. Two commanders in this War of Nations, both from the same small village and both being brothers, had fought as allies. Up until the very last battle.


Anniken, the more composed of the two had remained loyal to the "proper" side of the War. The ones who were fighting for what they thought was right. However, the other brother by the name of Dylan had second thoughts on fighting with the "proper" side and it was finalized in the last battle he was a double-crosser.


After leading people on to believe that he had killed the other army's leader in the final battle he revealed himself to be a traitor, to be the real commander. Anniken and Dylan shared a ferocious battle in which it seemed they were to evenly matched to beat each other in. But there had been a single tie breaker. A woman by the name of Serenity.


Serenity had been traveling with the two brother beforehand as a medic to their army and as a spy. No one would suspect a woman during those times to be such a thing, let alone a pretty one either. As time between the trio had passed Serenity and Anniken had at this point fallen in love. Rumor has it jealousy had been another factor for Dylan's betrayal. So when the time came for that fateful battle, Serenity made a choice.


She bravely walked into the middle if the battlefield to sacrifice herself to one of Dylan's blows and succeeded in relinquishing her body over to him. Yet she regained control of her soul and gave her power to Anniken to defeat his crazed brother. On that day no one had known for sure what had happened. All that was known was that Dylan and his army had disappeared from the war zone and Anniken was all that remained. The War had been won.


Now, in present day, a teenager loiters around that very same battleground except now it's remain are beautiful. A long field of rich, green grass, a village in the distance, and a crystalline blue lake covering the large crater left behind from Anniken's blow. The young girl's name is Endora La Shay but she's unaware of where she is. She just knows she's an outcast in the village but that doesn't matter to her. She can write and she has these odd...talents but what she doesn't realize is that her destiny--her future--is about to take a wild turn.


As she dawdles in the area, writing a journal of events, she feels a tremor. Looking towards the lake the only thing she sees is a small ripple and passes it of. That ripple forms quite the splash just a few seconds later, taking out the lake. Two figures are engaged in combat, one worn and beaten, the other not as such. Anniken and Dylan. Some how, after all these centuries, they were alive. By magic.


Next thing Endora knows she's caught in a mix of a battle and yet, it was all written in stone, set to happen.


((Edit: All parts EXCEPT the part for Dylan, Sam, and Zephyr/Zepha are taken! That's only one person left to join this RP, I make NO exceptions if you wanted the part and it was already taken so act fast!))






1.) No Godmodding

2.) You may not take control of another's character without that users permission.

3.) Each post cannot be LESS THAN 5-6 sentences.

4.) Proper grammar and sentence structure is a must.

5.) I you know vivid vocabulary, use it. This RP is all about description of the scenery and all.

6.) One character per user unless there are extras in a scene (Ex: Village People)

7.) Do not rush the plotline. The final battle shouldn't be until the very end of the RP.

8.) Cursing is perfectly fine but please do not abuse it unless the situation is called for.



These are mini-character biographies so you may choosewhich character you'd like to play as. Due to the role some characters have someone will be given the responsibility of playing both. For instance a flashback character that may be a friend that fought yet died in the war with Anniken and Anniken is having a memory of them. Whoever gets the opportunity to play Anniken must play them both if that is to happen.


Endora La Shay: Confident, slighty oblivious, and a strong believer if what's right is what your heart tells you, Endora is one of the main characters in this RP. She has odd abilities she can't explain and is usually the one to record down all the things she witnesses. The reason destiny is acting up on her end is because she's actualy a decedent from Serenity's blood-line and History has been set to repeat itself. Meaning, her role is now what Serenity's had been. [TAKEN--Toasty (Me)]


Anniken: He used to be that hard-working, good looking, friendly and at ease guy who knew what he had to do when he ha to do it. He understood his morals and what was right. But his brother's betrayal changed Anniken in ways he couldn't describe. Anniken, while still good looking, turned into a dark, more wise version of himself. He vowed that after losing Serenity he'd never love again. What he doesnt realize is that she's been with him all along in the form of something he never expected on his journey. [TAKEN--Dagey]


Dylan: He to used to be leisurely, laid back, and an all around nice guy. He wasn't always up for training but the thrill of the fight made him love the battlefield. He got into a state of mind where instinct took over and intuition never failed to get him a win. But jealousy changed him and after the War he turned into a sadistic, cruel, and heartless male who sustained only his lazy personality and deadly battlefield instinct. He has a secret though that no one else knows. He still has Serenity's preserved soulless body. [OPEN]


Sylvia: Sylvia is a small spiritual blob in the form of a ball of light that has been with Anniken since directly after the war. At first he disliked her greatly but now he relies on her a lot even though he treats her as an annoyance (same with Endora as they constantly get into petty arguments which Sylvia usually sides with Endora on). Sylvia is an excellent guide in leading the duo of Anniken and Endora where they need to go on their journey to get to Dylan's castle for their last battle as they travel through villages. Sylvia is actually a fraction of Serenity's soul that managed to survive and take in a form which is why she and Endora get along so well being they are originated from the same entity. [TAKEN--AquaRoxmySox]


Zack: (If you play as Anniken you are assigned to play as Zack when the time comes). Zack is the leader of the Earth Village that fought with Anniken in the war. He to has managed to maintain his flawless age of 18 without aging for the same reasons Anniken maintains his teenage age as well. Zack and Anniken are close friends despite their now clashing personalities, Zack being playful and Anniken being serious. They share a very close bond (but not to the extent of yaoi people, get your mind out of the gutter). He's the Harvestor of the mineral giving them all youthful appearances (Tekinite) and also the leader of his army force. When in a dire situation he grows serious. Gas a slight crush on Endora and constantly makes moves on her (which she denies) while in the Village for that arc even though he really would never take them seriously being he's already betrothed. Zack dies at the end of their stay in the Earth Village when their leave is ambushed by a minion of Dylan's. [TAKEN--Dagey]


Callen: (if you play as Sylvia you are assigned to play Callen when the time comes). The female leader of SnowCap City (not the candy) in the Water Village, this chic is tough and not willing to give up. She's beautiful but dangerous all the same as her tongue is sharp with words and battle skills are trully enviable. Callen ends up training Endora at their stay in the village while Anniken goes to locate some recourses from an old friend and then some information from the City Elder. Despite being rough-around-the edges, Callen is a good hostess, allowing them Hospitality being she owes Anniken one after he saved Zack in the war. She and Zack were set to be married in one months time. Even though it was arranged, she really did deeply love him and his unaware of his death until after that same minion of Dylan's is sent to delay Endora and Anniken's journey by destroying the village. He fails however at killing Callen and end up flying away shooing how he killed Zack. [TAKEN--AquaRoxmySox]


Neville: (if you play as Endora you are assigned to play Neville when the time comes). Shy and timid, this inexperienced teen was appointed leader of the Air Tribe without even knowing what his duties were; without even having a proper induction. Neville was given leadership of the tribe after Dylan's terrorizing minion left destruction in it's wake. His people's homes are in ruins and his royal family slaughtered. He and his younger sister Louie are the only remaining of the royal family in that tribe so it's up to them to rebuild it. Except Louie is sick with something deadly. His father was a reluctant ally to Anniken and Neville found that growing up he looked up to Anniken during the war. He met Zack on a treaty signing when he was 14 and training and it was then he took Tekinite, the youth giving mineral. He is very protective of his sister and is willing to do anything to protect her and save her life. He gives his soul to Louie to take out the sickness and saves her for his life, in the end learning what true courage really is. [TAKEN--Toasty (Me)]


Louie: (if you play as Sylvia you are assigned to play Louie when the time comes). Neville's sweet but stubborn little sister, she speaks often in bed to Anniken and Endora, telling them stories and information written in her diary that her father told her when she was just 8 as he vented. They turn out to be crucial. She lives in the end due to Neville's sacrifice and goes on to take the remainder of her tribe to the water village to get to Callen in SnowCap city, who promised to teach her to be a proper queen aka leader. She's 11 when she learns to fight skillfully (her flexibility coming in handy) and she's 11 when she lives to be one of the few survivors to the battle with Dylan when she and Callen and Sam come to aid Endora and Anniken in their fight. Callen dies to save her. [TAKEN--AquaRoxmySox].


Sam: (if you plays as Dylan you are assigned to play Sam when the time comes). The young leader of Ember City in the Fire Village, Sam is under the influence of Dylan when Anniken, Endora, and Sylvia arrive in his city. Sam's father had aided Dylan in the war and as such, Sam fell inti his control in believing Dylan was right in everything he did. However, what he doesn't know is that Dylan is the murderer of his father, which his why he has control at the tender age of 15. Anniken's goal is to sneak past the Imperial Guards out hunting for his trio and find Sam to explain to him what really happened to give him the control over the city. It's here that Sam realizes Dylan was wrong in the end. Sam nearly loses his life in his own Palace though when a final battle between Anniken, Endora, and Dylan's minion of destruction occurs. He ends up landing the final blow on the minion and ending that for all of them. He dies while protecting Endora for Anniken who would have gotten their too late to save her in the battle with Dylan in the end. [OPEN UNTIL SOMEONE TAKES DYLAN].


Zephyr/Zepha: (if you play as Dylan you are assigne to play Zephyr/Zepha when the time comes). These two are the minions of Dylan that are causing all this trouble for Endora, Anniken, and Sylvia. They are identical twins, one being male and the other being female with the same appearances. Zephyr and Zepha occasionally switch their attacks on the Villages they know the trio Dylan has set them on which leads everyone to believe there is only one of them. Zephyr (the male) is the one who dies at the battle in Ember City and Zepha is the one to kill Sam while aiming for Endora--knowing he'd try to save her. Zepha seeks revenge for Zephyr. Though the battle with Dylan results in Dylan "dying" or losing, Zepha gets away and takes Dylan's body with her as she flies away. She's never found again from what is known. [OPEN UNTIL SOMEONE TAKES DYLAN].




Serenity: (if you play as Endora you are assigned to play Serenity when the time comes). She plays a minor role in the final battle. Dark pulls out her body to use as a final weapon and Sylvia is drawn into the body being part of her soul while Endora struggles against the pull. Serenity is used to fight the last battle with Anniken being Dylan has always been one to fight behind the aid of others. Yet his tactic fails when his control his broken by Serenity's soul begging Anniken to let go and face his fears by apologizing to her and then letting him kill her for a second time and then "killing" Dylan with the finishing blow. Serenity's role then diminishes. [TAKEN--Toasty (Me)].



I apologize for that being so lengthy guys but hopefully you all like the idea. There will be an image thread showing their appearances as well so check that out so you know what your roles will look like. Untimately only three people can sign up so hurry because I will make no exceptions. I really look forward to doing this RP with you guys ^^ Post your request for the characters below. And yes, you do have to play as the joint characters with whatever main character you choose (Annekin, Dylan, or Sylvia).

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Could I take Anniken/Zack? I'm often online, so will be active. I get internet and emails to my phone right away, so ill always know when someone posts, so Ill basically always be active on the RP. Thanks!

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@Dagey Yes of course! Being active is definitely a must since I'm usually on 24/7 unless I have school which I can usually reply once in the morning (or twice if I have time) and then as much as I want when I get home. If it's not to big of a problem, could you maybe provide a sample really quickly of your RP style? I'd just like to see what to expect so I can get a feel for how the RP is going to pan out ^^

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No problem. Ill post a little bit, and then I'll post a link to my previous RPS, and you can check my style. Thanks again! I also can't rely during school, but after that I'm active :D. Give me like 5- 10 minutes.

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Sure thing ^^ I can't wait to see how you RP. I'm really looking forward to this. If you can and think any of your good RP friends are interested, you could see if they'd like this thread. I'd like to start this RP ASAP or at least get the people set to play as whomever ready.

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This is the final Saga in my Organization 15 Series. Its over, but its just some examples of my style.


Also, here's part of the Ending to Organization 15 Series. It was more of a one man Ending, cause everyone else had left the RP, so I finised it.

"Better start climbing," I told myself as I stared at Kingdom Hearts in the sky. It was a heart shaped moon? Maybe a cloud? I don't know. But whatever it is, the Gaiaphage is after it. Which means I am too. I clutched my fist. "You will pay for what you've done... I swear to you. I'll get my revenge." I grabbed a ledge, and held tightly. It brought immense pain to the palm of my hand. "Argh!" I growled out. Stop. You have to take it. Climb. I grunted, but started climbing. Ledge by ledge. Step by step. Blood was flowing from my hand down the cliff. But I couldn't stop now. I glanced down. Long drop. Quick death. I looked up at Kingdom Hearts, grinned, and continued moving. Time felt like hours had passed. Halfway there. Large amount of blood on my hands, and on the pathway on the cliff.


And yeah I know someone who would like to.

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Please recommend them to the thread ^^


And...wow. I love your style. Really, I do. It's not over descriptive but it's long enough to keep the RP interesting. I can see you being the perfect Zack now that I compare your style with how I imagined him. And I think you'll make a great Anniken. Two more people, one for Dylan and one for Sylvia and then we should be good. I may know someone who'd be interested in the part if Sylvia, I'd have to ask.

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Well to be Calen you'd also have to accept playing the role of Sylvia and Louie ^^' Their a joint kinda role. That way there are a lot of characters just not as many RP-ers or else it'd get confusing. Is that still okay? I've read your stuff and I do really like your style so...

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I'll take Dylan, Sam, and Zephyr/Zepha...i work well when i have more than one character to play as and i could come up with different styles of writing for each. what i mean by this is that i could take very little information about a character and make them blossom throughout the story, i could create many situations for my characters and could find a way out. i hardly ever give every character i play the same personality of the other character that i am playing. i'm a talented writer and hope to become an author once i'm done in college. so all the roleplaying threads i am is helping me with the creativity...and speaking of creativity i have a wild imagination that none of my characters clash together. Since i'm in alot of role plays, you may 'ask won't it get confusing?' no, part of my style of writing is to never create the same character in all the roleplays. some of my character look the same as others, but personality wise they are very different and are thrown into very different situations.

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I would like to be Dylan. I have a large imagination and can make Dylan seem like the Angel of Death in battle. I will make the most sadistic, psychotic, and blood thirsty character you have ever seen.

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Since Final Hearts 69 isn't replying to my critique and because you are very convincing, the part is now yours. Disregard FH69's post in the RP and feel free to start.

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i had asked if what i had written was what you were looking for...i take it that it wasn't so i'm sorry for not living up to what you were hoping for. i tried my best to follow the critique you had posted. it would've been nice that you could've pmed me about it, before you handed off the role to someonelse. i would've changed it to meet the critique. Again i am sorry that it wasn't what you were looking for. :(

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