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Something I've been thinking about lately.

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I've been thinking about how to handle a recurring problem in school. Lately people keep asking me if I am a FTM(Female To Male) Trans-gender. I know I know, I've made many jokes about my gender in the past on the forum but this is serious. My appearance isn't the most masculine of all people but its a bit weird going to school and people suspect your not what you say you are. My parents aren't the most supportive in these types of situations either. They asked me i I would like to get a surgery done or changes to my school documents to match up with whichever side I choose. I really seriously need your guys help on this one. I'm drawing a blank on what to do about what to do.

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well nothing really matters except what you feel. if you feel like you're a male, then you're a male, despite your appearance. and etc. just go with what you want

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Well, do you want to be a male or a female? or do you want to stay as what you were born as.

I have no idea how it's like, but I'd stay as you are. If people think it's weird and mock you, screw them. it's not their problem. If you're not satisfied, then go do a surgery. Do what your heart/brain/whatever says. I'd be proud of who you are.

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I've been thinking about it and I also talked to my friends about it. I've decided I might take estrogen pills for a while but wait until later in life to get a surgery done. I'm still not 100% sure about everything but my heart(and brain)are kinda leading me to the transsexual option more than anything. I told my parents and they, like always, don't care so I'm free to do whatever.

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I know it's hard but I think it's best that you make up your mind 100% before you do anything because once you change your gender you can't go back. Unfortunately, if you change your gender some people will critise you for it but, if you're really wanting to change your gender and do so then the opinions of others shouldn't matter to you because you've done something that makes you happy, even if some people don't approve of it. I really wish your parents would support you in this but, on the bright side, they're not stopping you which is good thing. In time, I hope they support whatever desicion you made in changing your gender.

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I don't think you should take the pills when you're not completely sure. It may not be surgery, but it will change your body and etc. Wait until you know exactly what you want to do. For some it takes a while and others it's more obvious to know that they're a male in a females body or vice versa

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