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Text Before BBS

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Before BBS there was peace between the worlds...no darkness,no heartless,and no unversed.But when a man named Xeahnort came along,all chaos breaks loose...


What happened...Why did it happen...

And who is our hero?


Kingdom Hearts

Where it all began


This story starts off with a boy named Ichigo,who resembles Roxas but acts like Sora...Will he choose the path of light or dark? I can only tell you that much but i can tell you the secret ending...

(Ichigo holds his charm Marissa gave him,only hoping to get out of the darkness with his friend Zola and meet Marissa in the light.Zola:What's that light? Ichigo:It's Marissa! The two walk closer to the light and see Marissa who's been waiting for three months now at their home"The Land of Beginning"). At the end of the story i'll tell you about Marissa's three months at home titled "At Home Waiting For You". I won't start the story until kingdomhearts2 comes back,he's my brother. Until then, tell me some things that you might think the story is about.Bye!;)

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I believe that he'll choose Light. The secret ending tells us that! He wants to escape from the darkness so... :C

Marissa is like Kairi.

Zola like Riku.

Ichigo like Sora.

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I believe that he'll choose Light. The secret ending tells us that! He wants to escape from the darkness so... :C

Marissa is like Kairi.

Zola like Riku.

Ichigo like Sora.


Shhh!!! (you'll spoil some parts in the story, especially the beginning).

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more of those neo shadows there like the lil 1s but on steroid


SPOILER ALERT! They are not neoshadows. these creatures come from darkness itself,"The Heart Of Darkness" is where these things come from!

They are the strongest most evil things ever! if they blink at you,run till you puke then keep running! MAJOR SPOILER!!!!! Marissa sees a vision of 9 people fighting each other: three in black hoods,three with armor pieces on their shoulders,and three with keyblades. All fighting at night on the summit of "The Land Of Departure" and when she wakes up she sees Kingdom Hearts...

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Chapter 1:Awakening


???:Will he live? ???:Not likely, he'll have to be transported to his memories to fight with Xeahnort again. ???:Curse that Xeahnort! ???:Hold on, he'll have to relive everything to fight him even if he has to lose his friends again... ???:Send him there now... ???:Okay. Ichigo:Ahh! (It was only a dream,but why would he have that dream?) Ichigo walked downstairs with his keyblade,getting ready to train with Zola when he saw Marissa looking at the sea. Ichigo: Marissa,have you seen Zola anywhere? Marissa:He left... Ichigo:When is he coming back? Marissa:I don't know, he said soon but he told me he was going to fight Xeahnort for you. Ichigo:What are you talking about Marissa? Zola would never do that! Marissa:Ichigo, it's time i told you about your past... (Will continue in chapter two,sorry it's so short.)

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Chapter 2: The Charm,and The Journey


Ichigo: So you mean that dream last night actually...happened? Marissa:Yes, and when you find Zola you'll- (Before Marissa finishes they are interupted by a young boy in a black coat whose name is...Roxas). Roxas: Marissa! Don't tell him anything else! You,Sora and Zola know what's going to happen to him...he should find out on his journey before Zola succumbs to the darkness once more. Ichigo:Wait,why does that name sound familiar...(Ichigo falls to the ground). Marissa:ICHIGO! Roxas:Marissa,wait! (Ichigo wakes up on Destiny Islands). Ichigo:Where am i? ???:Ichigo,walk up those stairs,and talk to that boy. Ichigo: Okay i will,but who are you? ???:I guess Zola and Marissa really did zap you to the virtual world.(The girl in the black coat removes her hood and reveals her face). Ichigo:Xion...YOUR THE ONE WHO PRETENDED TO BE SORA AND ATTACKED ROXAS!!!(Ichigo pulls out his keyblade and attacks Xion). Xion:No,you have the wrong idea! I did that so roxas will remember me! Ichigo:Sorry,Xion... Xion:It's okay,now talk to the boy! (Ichigo talks to the boy) Ichigo:Hello? Xion told me to talk to you. ???: I saw two fighting... Ichigo:I got the wrong idea about some- ???:I heard it,and i guess you don't know me...because i'm the reason your're here. Ichigo: So YOUR Sora... Sora:Wake up or your home will be destroyed...you have 3 minutes GO! Ichigo:I'm awake! Hello? What the- Aqua,Ventus,Terra!? I must be at "The Land of Departure"! Sora:You remember them but not us!? (Chapter 3 will have more action and one crazy twist,just wait and see!).

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....okay....now i'm confused...i thought that this would be what happened before bbs...now i'm starting to think that it's actually a dream that Sora or someone has to figure out what went wrong. becuase if this is before bbs, then Roxas, Sora, and Xion wouldn't be here yet. in BBS Sora was five or this story should at least take place when he was either born or before his time....i hope the next chapter will clear things up for me...otherwise i'll just be lost.

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Sora and everybody else in this story is connected to Ichigo,who remembers little things from his past but,he knows about the future...and he has a special ability that kingdomhearts2 won't let me mention in the story. His ability is if he can remember the future those characters will come back from their demise and help him regain his memory.but since those characters have memories of their own they are the reason its so confusing.



Chapter 2: The Charm,and The Journey


Ichigo: So you mean that dream last night actually...happened? Marissa:Yes, and when you find Zola you'll- (Before Marissa finishes they are interupted by a young boy in a black coat whose name is...Roxas). Roxas: Marissa! Don't tell him anything else! You,Sora and Zola know what's going to happen to him...he should find out on his journey before Zola succumbs to the darkness once more. Ichigo:Wait,why does that name sound familiar...(Ichigo falls to the ground). Marissa:ICHIGO! Roxas:Marissa,wait! (Ichigo wakes up on Destiny Islands). Ichigo:Where am i? ???:Ichigo,walk up those stairs,and talk to that boy. Ichigo: Okay i will,but who are you? ???:I guess Zola and Marissa really did zap you to the virtual world.(The girl in the black coat removes her hood and reveals her face). Ichigo:Xion...YOUR THE ONE WHO PRETENDED TO BE SORA AND ATTACKED ROXAS!!!(Ichigo pulls out his keyblade and attacks Xion). Xion:No,you have the wrong idea! I did that so roxas will remember me! Ichigo:Sorry,Xion... Xion:It's okay,now talk to the boy! (Ichigo talks to the boy) Ichigo:Hello? Xion told me to talk to you. ???: I saw two fighting... Ichigo:I got the wrong idea about some- ???:I heard it,and i guess you don't know me...because i'm the reason your're here. Ichigo: So YOUR Sora... Sora:Wake up or your home will be destroyed...you have 3 minutes GO! Ichigo:I'm awake! Hello? What the- Aqua,Ventus,Terra!? I must be at "The Land of Departure"! Sora:You remember them but not us!? (Chapter 3 will have more action and one crazy twist,just wait and see!).


What happened to the charm!?

Edited by Cellar Door

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Sora and everybody else in this story is connected to Ichigo,who remembers little things from his past but,he knows about the future...and he has a special ability that kingdomhearts2 won't let me mention in the story. His ability is if he can remember the future those characters will come back from their demise and help him regain his memory.but since those characters have memories of their own they are the reason its so confusing.Don't worry chapter 7 will have something to do with this.


okay, thank you for clearing that up for me.

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Chapter 3: Memories


Ichigo:Sora,of course i remember you! Sora:Yeah,right! Terra:Enough you two!Look! Ventus and Roxas:Wow! Aqua:Everyone!Summon your Keyblades,we have to stop the meteors!(But it was too late...) Ichigo:Uhh...Guys are you okay?! Aqua:Ichigo,your safe. Ichigo:Enough about me!Where is everyone?! Aqua:Leaving. Ichigo:What? Aqua:When i woke up everone was fading away except Marissa. Ichigo:Marissa where are you! Marissa:Here... Ichigo:Marissa,I-Ah!(A ring of fire surronds Marissa and takes her away. ???:HAHAHA! Ichigo:My head! Aqua:No!(But before she reaches him she disappears)Ichigo:Where am i? ???:Radiant Garden. Ichigo:Zola!(Zola shoots him with Dark Aura). Ichigo:What's become of you? Zola with dark voice:Give into the darkness Ichigo! Sora:Firaga! Zola:Agh! Ichigo:Where's Marissa Zola!? Zola:To your right. Ichigo:Marissa!!!You'll pay for this...(A dark glow surrounds him) Ichigo:Uhh....(His voice fades...he was stabbed by...)Xehanort:Good night. Marissa:Heal!Ichigo:Thank...you.(Zola throws his keyblade and kills Marissa.)Sora:What the-ARE YOU CRAZY!! Ichigo:AAHHHHHH!(His Keyblade turns into the Ultima Weapon). Ichigo with dark voice:I'm taking your powers Zola...and i'm using them to kill you Xehanort!(Their Keyblades clash) Xehanort:We're evenly matched! Ichigo:You can say that...for now.(There you go,a nice battle with a side of mystery.Still hungry? Well don't worry,Chapter 4 cooking and is almost done Posted Image )

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Sorry for the long wait, i've been busy.Anyway Chapter 4 is finally here!


Chapter 4:Ichigo's New Power


Xeahnort:YOU FOOL! A SIMPLE POWER BOOST DEFEAT ME! Ichigo:Just accept your defeat Xeahnort. Xeahnort:Some other time when your're ready...(fades away) Marissa:Ugh......uh.. Ichigo:Marissa are you okay?! Marissa:I'm...so sorry....I.....did this to you.... Ichigo:Marissa....(tears fall) Marissa:Here....(hands Ichigo a charm) Ichigo:What's this? Marissa:Kairi and Aqua taught me how to make them...(A white flash surrounds them) Ichigo:Where am I? This place is engulfed in darkness.... Marissa:Home...we're home Ichigo.... Ichigo:When did this happen?! Marissa:After the meteor shower i decided to send THIS WRETCHED WORLD INTO DARKNESS!!!!!! Ichigo:Marissa...why... (Marissa transforms into Zola) Zola:(summons keyblade)Because you weren't supposed leave home! Ichigo:(summons keyblade)And you weren't supposed go after Xeahnort! Zola:To think,after all these years,your final battle will be with me.(Riku appears)Me:WTF!? Hope you liked it !^-^

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Today,tomorrow,and saturday are the only days i'll conitnue back to back..maybe sunday...


Chapter 5: Riku's Interference,Zola's Destiny


(Riku appears)Zola:What are you doing here!?Riku:Funny,I was just about to ask you the same thing.Zola:(charges at Ichigo) Take your place with Marissa!!!!! Ichigo:Keyblade transform!!!! Riku:What!?Zola:No!Not again!!! Ichigo:Dragon Flame Keyblade!!! Burn his darkness!!!Zola:UGH!!!(Fire surrounds him) Where am I

???:Zola...have you come back? Zola:Who are you? Hana:My name is Hana. Zola:Hana? Why does that name sound familiar...Hana:Because...I'm your sister.Zola:Huh!? How come I don't remember you?Hana:Because...(changes to Marissa)I can change my appearance.Zola:I see....Hana:Wake up...wake up...Ichigo:WAKE UP! Riku:Lower your voice,you'll damage his hearing.Zola:What?Ichigo:Looks like i win that one! Zola:Hana....(Done for now getting tired)

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Chapter 6:Zola's Sister


Zola:Hana... Riku:Huh? Zola:Nothing,what happened to me? Ichigo:I knocked you out with my brand new Dragon Flame Keyblade! Riku:It seems to have taken out the hold Xehanort had on you. Zola:Never mind that,you never answered my question:"Why are you here?" Riku:I needed to tell you that Marissa is still alive.Ichigo:She is!? Zola:You seem awfully happy about that.You must like her a lot.(devilish smile) Ichigo:(blushes)NO! I just c-care about her,that's all.Zola:Ichigo,your face is as red as a cherry,it's clear you like her.Ichigo:(punches Zola on his head)Zola:OOF! Riku:Enough you two,let's get going.Ichigo:Where is she? Riku....She's in......the...heart.Ichigo:Hm? The heart? Zola:You don't mean...Riku:Yep...Kingdom Hearts,but it gets worse.Ichigo and Zola:Worse!? Riku:Yeah...since Kingdom Hearts is in darkness,she needs to get out of there to be free. ???:Well it seems,I can't let you do that.Riku: Who are you!? ???:So you don't know me? Oh wait you're not Terra,anyway It's about time i reveal myself...Zola:Hana!? Hana:(grabs Zola by the wrist and dissapears) Ichigo:We don't have time for this! Riku:Ichigo,take this it'll take you to The Land of Departure. Ichigo:What about you? Riku:I'm going after them,everyone else is at The Land of Departure.Ichigo:I get it you'll find Zola and defeat that "Hana" person,while I take the others and save Marissa,right? Riku:Yes and no. Ichigo:Hm? Riku:You get the others and take this other device it'll take you where i'm at.We'll save Marissa and Zola together. (The two run and transport in different directions.Before Ichigo dissappears,he thinks of something) Ichigo:Huh? AGH!!!......Where am I? (Ichigo sees himself walking on the beach) Ichigo:How can I be there if i'm here? Other Ichigo:.....Marissa......(tears up)...sorry....(cries)...i'm sorry I couldn't save you!!! (drops to his knees) MARISSA!!! Ichigo:(tear drops)(transports back to place he and riku were standing) Ichigo:....(tear drops) Riku: Ichigo! Are you ready!? Ichigo:Huh? Oh right,yeah! (Ichigo and Riku transport) OH MY ACHING BACK!!! (back cracks) hope you liked it.

Edited by MiontheDemon

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Chapter 7:Riku vs Hana


Riku:Who is this "Hana" person,and why did she confuse me with Terra?Well,I guess I better start looking.Ichigo:I hope that doesn't happen...Sora:Mmm,you make the best cookies Xion.Xion:Thank you.(white flash)Ichigo:AAAAAHHH,OOF!Ugh...Sora:What!?Oh it's just you Ichigo...Everyone:ICHIGO!!!! Ichigo:Hey everyone! Aqua:What are you here for? Ichigo:I need your help.Zola has been captured by this girl named Hana and Melissa is trapped inside Kingdom Hearts.Terra:We'll help,but how will we get there?Ichigo:Riku gave me this device to help me transport.So,you guys ready?Everyone:Yeah!(meanwhile)Zola:Why am I here Hana!?Hana:I need Sora,Riku and Ichigo here,they are the key...Zola:Key?Key to what?Hana:The key...to Melissa's heart!That girl has stolen my heart,my connections,my purpose,and when she is freed i'll finally get what's rightfully mine!!!Zola:So i'm just...bait?(Riku finds them and sumons his keyblade)Riku:HAAH!!!Hana:Miss!!You think youcan stop me!? (summons keyblade)Riku and Zola:A Keyblade!?Hana:That's right and now you'll see what happens when you mess with me!!Zola:Riku,right before you got here Hana told me that you,Sora and Ichigo are the key to Melissa's heart.Riku:Is that..a good thing?Zola:No! If you guys get captured Hana will kill Melissa!Hana:Riku as the first volunteer,take this!(a white beam comes from her keyblade and attacks riku's heart)Riku:AGH!!!Zola:No!!Hana:One down two to go....(OH NOES!!! WHAT WILL HAPPEN NOW!!?Hopefully the other two won't get captured,or will they...)

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Chapter 8:Do or Die


Zola:Hana! How could you! Hana:Don't act so surprised,you and Marissa are the ones who sent Ichigo back here to-(Hana gets hit at the back of her neck) Zola:What? (dark portal appears) ???:Useless puppet... Zola: Who are you!? Ansem:Do I really need an explantion? Zola:(gasps) (Everyone appears with their keyblades) Riku:Sora....Ichigo... Kairi: Riku! Ventus: Master...no Xehanort!? Aqua and Terra:Your path ends here! Xion:Roxas,let's go! Roxas:Right! (Ansem disappears into the portal) Zola:No! (Hana gets up and charges after Sora and Ichigo) Hana: I'VE GOT YOU NOW!!!! Sora and Ichigo:What!? (slice,block) Hana:What!? Who are you!? Lea:The name's Lea.Got it memorized? Xion:You have a keyblade now? Lea:Yep,but you weren't around when I got it.But I still remember you. Hana:Enough! I'll kill her myself! But first... (She jumps in the air,and many light beams fall down and strike Sora,Riku and Ichigo) Kairi:They're...gone... Zola:NO! This wasn't supposed to happen! Come on,we're going to Kingdom Hearts. (DUN DUN DUUUNNN!!!!!!!!! The three are kidnapped! after a very long time,i still have my cliffhanger skills!) Next chapter: Ichigo:Marissa,No!! Marissa:I have to do what's right.... Namine:I'll fight too! Roxas:When did you get a keyblade!? Chapter 9:To Do What's Right!

Edited by MiontheDemon

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Chapter 9: To Do What's Right!


Zola:There it is,Kingdom Hearts.(Meanwhile) Ichigo:Yeah! Everyone's here! Hana:You really think its that easy? Aqua:Point your keyblades at Kingdom Hearts! (Hana jumps out of Kingdom Hearts) Hana:Got you now! AHH! (She gets hit by the beams of light,you know when everyone points their keyblade at kingdom hearts) Zola:Hana! Hana(falling slowly and fading):Oh well,if this puppet can't succeed at a simple task...then its final mission...will be this..(she holds her keyblade at kingdom hearts,revealing marissa and everyone else inside of it) Hana:Zola,I....was never real....Zola:What!? (Hana changes) Xemnas,Ansem,and MX:Greetings,keyblade wielders! (the three zoom down and attack everyone) MX:That was too easy...Ansem,take Kairi and Roxas,Xemnas,take Axel and Xion! Ventus:I remember you! Aqua:You separated us! Terra: You killed my father,Eraqus! MX: Vanitas!Take care of these fools! Vanitas:I'm not your puppet anymore,and I'm rejoining Ventus! (he stabs himself and goes inside ventus) Ventus and Vanitas:Let's finish this,Tornado! Aqua:Bladecharge! Terra(thinking):You're gonna get shown the door old man.(Back to reality) Terra:(tears fall down) DARK IMPULSE!! (Meanwhile,a white flash frees Axel,Xion,Roxas,and Kairi) Kairi: Namine!? Namine:I'll fight too! Roxas:When did you get a keyblade!? Namine:Never mind that.Now,finish these guys off! I'll be right back! (she flies to kingdom hearts and frees everyone) Sora,Riku and Ichigo(falling):Yeah! (they start fighting) Ichigo:Marissa...(gasps)Marissa,No!!! Marissa:I have to do what's right.... (she destroys a part of KH with her keyblade) Ansem:NOOO!!!! Darkness,destroy these-(he fades away) Xemnas:Eternal.....nothingness....(he fades away) Marissa:By desroying Kingdom Hearts here,it'll go back to the light! (She destroys KH,and sends it to the light) MX:Are you finished already? (Everyone stands next to each other with their keyblades) Sora:It's time to end you Xehanort!! (SHING!!! lol) Mickey:We'll help too! Donald:Count us in! Goofy: Gawrsh Sora,you couldn't have called us earlier? Sora(rubbing the back of his head):Sorry,hehe...(he looks at MX) Ichigo:I'll stop you from going into my friends timelines ever again! MX:Well,let the final showdown begin! But first..(Young Xehanort appears) YX:Aren't you forgetting someone? Sora,Riku and Mickey:YOU!? (YX summons his keyblade) Mx:Now let the final showdown begin! (insert Fairy Tail ending 2 here) (Me:It's almost over! Other me:WHAAA!!? Me:Well,whaddya expect it's about time... Next time:The Final Showdown:Light vs Dark! Other me:OH NO it's over already!? Me:Oh get a grip http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png )

Edited by MiontheDemon

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Chapter 10:The Final Showdown: Light vs Dark!


Terra:This is it! Aqua:Here goes nothing! Ventus(jumps and summons vanitas):For everyone! Riku:Dark Aura! Sora:Strike Raid! Kairi:Lightstroke! Mx and Yx:This will change nothing! Your hearts will return to darkness! Xion:They never belonged there....Nothing's Embrace! Roxas:Keyblade Rave! Axel:You'll wish that you never started this....Fire Tornado! Namine and Marissa:Everyone's counting on us! Kingdom's Light! Mickey,Donald and Goofy:Trinity Limit! Zola:KAMEHAME----(no,even i wouldn't do that...)Zola:Lightsword! Yx:(blocks all attacks) Is that all? ???:NO!!! (??? stabs Yx) Yx:Uhh...Ha..na....you..fool...(he fades away FOR GOOD!) Mx:So you're not all talk...(Ventus,Terra,and Aqua transform into their armor) Terra:Eraqus.....Eraqus:Terra,I'm still with you...(insert fairy tail opening 12) Sora clashes keyblades with Xehanort but Xehanort disappears behind Sora and stabs him. Kairi:Huh?(gasps) AAAAAHHHH!!!! SORRAAAAAAAAA!!!!! (she runs to his side) Sora(still standing):Kairi...I....love....you....After my first journey,i couldn't believe that i made you wait so long....(cue sora's sacrifice song) he turns around to kiss her.Sora then turns into light orbs and floats to the sky...Kairi:I don't know if you can hear me,but...I love you too Sora!! I LOVE YOU!!! (she drops to her knees and cries) Everyone:Sora!!!....Sora... (Kairi floats into the air) Kairi:YOU.....WILL....PAY!!! Kingdom Hearts I SUMMON YOUR LIGHT! EVERYONE,GIVE ME YOUR LIGHT! Mx:What? Hana:Kairi,how you've changed... (kairi swings her keyblade and a huge wave of light goes toward Xehanort. Mx:Goodbye..eternal darkness AAAAGGGHHHH!!!! (Xehanort fades for good)(cue Xion's final battle song) Ventus and roxas fade away. soon everyone fades....(Kairi wakes up with everone on Destiny Islands) Kairi:What? Riku:We're home..(he cries OMG)Sora.... Later that night a shooting star falls into the ocean Zola:Everyone! Someone's swimming towards the island! (everyone goes to the shore) (a figure walks on the shore and removes his hood,NOT an organization XIII cloak) Kairi:(gasps then cries) Sora:I heard you Kairi...(she runs towards him and hugs him) THE END!!! (cue everyone's theme.....BUT NOT ALL AT ONCE!! do not include sora's theme,include sora's sacrifice for himPosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image




i guess i went all out on this last chapter hehehe....and Sors finally kissed Kairi,so you're welcome

Edited by Cellar Door

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