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I just don't think I can do this anymore...

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This could be an "I'm leaving thread"... It all depends on how you interpret it... Recently theres been so much going on in my life that I can bearly keep up with it. My dad's been gone for 2 months straight and when you've been a family for as long as you've been alive it's tough to take... Along with my mom being stressed out to the max... And i'm right there with her... I wake up at 6:30 every morning, after going to bed at 2-3 every night due to insomnia, just to have my mom leave for work and me to get my brother ready and out the door for his school and then getting myself ready and out the door... Then school all day then to come home and make dinner if my mom isn't home and to babysit... This has been going on for 2 months now and I passed out 2 times durring class the other day becasue of it... I'm so tired and so stressed... Along with the big move coming up... It's almost too much to take but I guess it'll all be rewarding in the end I hope... SO getting to the point really I might not be online for a while.. Just a heads up....

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Hang on Fruity~, I'm sure it'll be okay! I hope you'll be alright and try to get sleep, I find that reading before hand or taking NightQuil works. Good luck and hang in there baby!

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