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KHBbS do you think ?

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Hello everyone ^_^ how have you been ? well , i think that maybe square enix will make a new game of KH that will make us play as MX and we will go to the worlds that he go and try his power and we will see why he wants a new war .

do you think they will make kh game like this ?[/align]

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I believe Nomura said in an interview once, that he won't go further back in the past than BBS, so the chance of getting a Master Xehanort game is extremely small.

And we kind of know why he wants to start a new war by reading his reports.

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I want to play in the Keyblade war so bad but likeJTD95 said they arnt going further in the past


MX wasn't around during the Keyblade War.


Also, the reason why he wanted to recreate the war, was so that he could know what happened. That's all. He just wanted to know what happene during the first Keyblade War.


As the others have said, there will be no KH games going further back than BBS. And the end of the Xehanort Saga means the end of Xehanort. All we have left is BBSv2, KH3D, and KH3. Then we'll start with a new saga at some point.

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It'd be cool, but I don't think that there'll be a game for MX.

Maybe some scenes in further games...

As for the reason.. He wanted to know if after the darkness was ruling, a light would appear just like it happened in the legend. Pure curiosity, nothing more. He wanted to know what happened after the War.

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The Keyblade War happened way before Master Xehanort was alive (and I thought Master Xehanort was over 9000! [lol joke]). But I don't think Square would let us relish a moment such as playing as Mater X. I also don't think its nessacary because he hasn't really done that much in all the worlds he's been to. And he has yet to go to a lot of worlds. But it is possible that there are some worlds he's been to that Terra, Aqua, and Ven have not. Or they just can't come to or find those worlds because their not "dark" enough.

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Maybe an Apprentice Xehanort campaign in BBSV2? ... I hope so.


And what exactly would we be doing? Performing experiments on people and creating Heartless? Appentice Xehanort was unable to use the Keyblade, due to having no memories. All he did was perform experiments on people and stuff like that. Personally, I would not want that.

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Maybe an Apprentice Xehanort campaign in BBSV2? ... I hope so.


And what exactly would we be doing? Performing experiments on people and creating Heartless? Appentice Xehanort was unable to use the Keyblade, due to having no memories. All he did was perform experiments on people and stuff like that. Personally, I would not want that.


The most logical answer to the most......question. lol


What JTD95 said.

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