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I don't really know what to say except, christ, I'm glad you're okay. I'm so sorry about what happened, and I really hope you stay safe. ?

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My god, I'm so sorry to hear that! I can't blame you for being shaken up, I'd be freaking out if I were you. Hopefuly, this never happens again, I've never even heard of this kinda stuff happening in schools before.

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It's happened a few times in other schools but I've never had it happened anywhere close to me until now though. My weeks been just peachy sugar hasn't it? Either, than God I'm alive and okay.

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Oh my god!

I'm glad you're okay! I've had near-death experiences and I know how it feels like, so I'm glad nothing happened to you, or your friends!

That kid should go to jail or something, or at least pay a huuuge bill.

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beiofwe4ijgfoekhnwfkcjqenwfdwedewd. oh my god. that's just... terrifying. jinbfwesjnf. i'm so glad you're okay. <3 thank goodness you're safe. i just don't even know what to say

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i am so glad you and your friends are okay. im also happy that girl alicia told the counselor! not many people would have been brave enough to tell anyone because they'd be afraid to "get involved."


i went to a catholic high school and saw a girl get stabbed in her face over a boy. its scary to think something so awful can happen, but its reality that it does. best thing is that the principal is aware of this. also, use a buddy system. sounds dorky, but there's safety in numbers.


i know how u feel. ive been in a few situations were i had to report things that happened to me personally. trust me, i understand. just try to relax, think of all the positives (no one was hurt, principal is notified & etc) and be aware of ur surroundings.


hope u feel better <3

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@RoxSoxKH I guess it does don't it? But at least I'm alive and can see you all. But this week has had a little to muchfor me to handle. Don't be sorry--just be thankful -huggles-


@Keyblader I do to, but I guess that I kind of thing changes you...makes you think about why can really happen....

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WTF?! WOW....JUST WOW!! O_O Well...I'm sooo glad you're alright. Wow, this scared me just reading it. I can't imagine how much anxiety you were feeling. Sure, these thoughts would go through my head when I used to go to school(being the worrying person I was) but these things never actually happened to me like it did to you. I'm so glad you're safe. The good thing is, is that Frank probably got suspended or expelled right? At least I hope so. And the best thing is, is that you and everyone is safe. Still, I am thinking...What if Allie got shot..? I hope this never happens again.

Franks sounds...mental to be honest. It's one thing to make a threat but to ACTUALLY bring a gun to school and ACTUALLY have a list on whose he's going to kill...he's not in his right state of mind I can tell you that.

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