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Wouldn't it be interesting if they had the anime Soul Eater in a KH game? It was made by Square Enix, so it could be possible, even if remotely possible. And it would be interesting. They Keyblade would be able to turn into a person and talk! Wouldn't that be awesome? And I can just imagine Sora and Black Star arguing over something silly, and Death the Kid making a comment on Sora's hair or something. xD

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Yeah, it would be cool but I don't think i want to have a person turn into a weapon in a KH game. I admit though, it would be cool, but I like KH as it is.

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Haha! Death the Kid would go on a rampage. He'd kill all the people and/or things that aren't symmetrical. That means Sora, Ven, and Roxas would all die because of their hair. Yuna would die because of her eyes; Tidus would die because of his pants...


Gosh, I love that anime! It'd be cool if they added it, but it won't happen.

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I can imagine Sora dozing off and waking up with a perfectly symetrical mohawk xD

As much as I like Soul Eater, I would be VERY ticked off if Soul Eater was in KH and not FMA. I just think Edward and Sora in one game would be epic :D But if both FMA AND Soul Eater are in the game that would epicly epic :D :D

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Never watched Soul Eater, but I think it would be awesome to see Sora and Ed kick ass together. Although, Sora doesn't seem to think much before he speaks, what if he were to point out Ed's heigh?


I can totally picture the epic battle that would result.

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