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Nintendo said that if you play the 3D affect for too long then your eyes will be messed up and you may sometimes get a head-ache from the affects of the 3D. That's why they added the slider and said to play your 3DS at least for 30 minutes and take a break often. Also, it's been revealed that there is this thing called the "black screen of death" that happens on your 3DS. It's sort of similiar to the X-Box 360 "Red Ring of death" but only except it isn't anything too serious. All it does is tell you that an error happened and you have to restart your 3DS. Some people have encountered this issue and says it only happens sometimes during wi-fi connection.

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ok then 2 anwser ur ? u hav 2 options

1. u wont play the whole kh3ddd in 3d throughout the whole game or

2. u can take breaks between the game and not beat it as fast but still c everything in 3d

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Adding on to what KH125 said, children 6 and under should not play the 3DS with the 3D on because it will mess up their eyesight permanently. It does not show up immediately though. It shows up later on in life.

Though I don't know why a parent would let their 6 year old have a handheld in the first place. =/

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Adding on to what KH125 said, children 6 and under should not play the 3DS with the 3D on because it will mess up their eyesight permanently. It does not show up immediately though. It shows up later on in life.

Though I don't know why a parent would let their 6 year old have a handheld in the first place. =/


I even tried talking my uncle out of it for my cousin,but he is jealous of his uncle(cousin's uncle) who is like 10 or 8,so I took the liberty of giving him low visual enhanced games like pokemon ruby and a dbz game(also for gba) for his ds lite.

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Well it sucks when you can't play the whole game in 3d mode.And not to play on 3d mode is not quiet what we(or gonna) payed for


Well you can. Just play 30 minutes and take a break (:

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the 3ds is suppose to be bad for peoples eyes but i think i remember reading just for 7 yr or younger (since there eyes are in developing)


Although headaches are just natural when using 3d xD


i Hate that when u use 3d stuff and u get a headache

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Well, you just have to be careful when you use 3D stuff, it's never good for you.


And what will happen when you play kingdom hearts? Roxas will come out and tell you the truth about Kingdom Hearts and how it will all end. Then he will turn into Vanitas and kill you. And then your family. They are currently working on getting rid of this side-effect, but with little success. But it's worth it for Kingdom Hearts!

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The 3D on the 3DS won't hurt your eyes that much. Unlike glasses-3D, this 3D comes naturally to your eyes, so it won't cause much of a side-effect. And it's cool to boot. You just shouldn't keep the 3D on for hours upon hours. (Then again, I doubt why anyone would play a video game for hours upon hours). Thus, that's why the 3D depth slider is there for you to play the game in 2D.


I'm hoping for a magical patch that'll make it work on my old DS or some other system xD

Don't feel like getting a 3DS


Actually, the 3D used in the 3DS is something special devised by Nintendo. You won't be able to make it work on any device willy-nilly. So, uh... better start saving up. :)

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And what will happen when you play kingdom hearts? Roxas will come out and tell you the truth about Kingdom Hearts and how it will all end. Then he will turn into Vanitas and kill you. And then your family. They are currently working on getting rid of this side-effect, but with little success. But it's worth it for Kingdom Hearts!


I lol'ed. xD

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