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Are you trying to say you think Birth by Sleep Vol. 2 would be about when Eraqus and Xehanort were younger and taking their Mark of Mastery, and perhaps how Xehanort came to know how much about the Keyblade War in the first place? I think that'd be awesome, but I have no idea if that's going to happen.


Then again, I never thought they'd seriously go farther into the story behind the apprentices of Ansem the Wise, and suddenly that feels like a possibility around the corner. Even so, looking back at the past isn't as wanted as finally moving forward with the series. Still, I'd like to see flashbacks.

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bbsv2 is seemingly gonna tell how heartless invasion started,nobodies created and how many worlds been swallowed by darkness.

that is true that they dont go any down into past from bbs.

i also think bbs2 is gona have more than one story

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Wait, what? Your post makes no sense. Are you even asking a question? ._.;


It's not a question. It's a theory. I believe ultimate 2 is saying that BBSV2 might have more back story for Eraqus and Xehanort. (Correct me if I am wrong.)


While I don't think that this will happen in BBSV2, I would love a game on Xehanort's past.

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I would LOVE a story about Xehanort and Eraqus' (possibly even Yen Sid's) past! I was actually writing a story about it at one point. I don't think it'll be in BbSV2, but maybe someday? You never know with Nomura. Personally, a story needs past info to expand on. I would also love a story about the Keyblade's origins and the Keyblade War. But, as of now, I'd rather have the story move forward. Maybe for the next saga or something. Flashbacks and reports are beneficial, too. If they can't have games about it, I want those. And I REALLY want to see Keyblade wielders that aren't in anyway Sora, Riku, and Kairi. The clones (yes, I mean Nobodies and Data versions, too), and people with similarities (like Ven, Terra, and Aqua), are getting a bit tedious to me.

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bbsv2 is seemingly gonna tell how heartless invasion started,nobodies created and how many worlds been swallowed by darkness.

that is true that they dont go any down into past from bbs.

i also think bbs2 is gona have more than one story

I hope so, I have always wanted to see what happened around that time, even though I have heard bits about it, it would be good to fill up the gaps. Hmmm, maybe that what Blank Points means[just a guess here]

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after playing the game, read the xehanort report and watched the secret episoe ending, i felt like maybe it will tell us maybe eraques or xehanorts mark of mastery and more secrets about the keyblade war



There's only a little and I say little possibility that it will happen. Probably some cutscene will appear about it in further games, but only scenes. That's my opinion.

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