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Rough times

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I had a real tough time against MF, but eventually I beat him. At first I would have said Sephiroth in KH2, but after I beat him once he was easy. I haven't fought against Lingering Sentiment, but I know from what I've watched he is really hard. I agree with Azure Flame.

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Well, because I manged to level up enough, Lingering Sentiment was easy enough for me to beat. but in BbS I'm having an annoyingly hard time leveling up, so I have yet to beat Mysterious Figure. Same goes for Re:coded and Bug Roxas.

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ansemSoD if you arent 69lv or more.

xemnas in kh1fm

lingering sentiment

mysterious figure

no heart,eraquss armor

those are hardest to beat and i also hated maleficent dragon+ursula in kh1

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the hardest boss was mf hands down then terra spirit which comes easier when you figure out how to deal with each attack ididnt play kh2fm for years and i just beated him today for the 1000000 time

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KH- The last part, but I did it!

KH Re:COM- Vexen, thanks to that stupid shield. I was stuck on him for months!

KH2- Jafar, as a genie. I still have more trouble with him than I do with Xaldin.

KH Re:Coded- Escaping Riku's Datascape. Way too much jumping and whacking involved.

KH BBS: Mysterious Figure.

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Kh1 and 2 sephiroth

CoM I agree with Darkmoon probably Vexen

358/2 That bird thing in Neverland haha it took me forever

BBS Mysterious Figure

Re: Coded Either Roxas or Riku both were pretty hard Roxas was probably harder though


I havent played any of the final mixes yet but based off of the bosses ive seen these were the toughest for me (still havent beat Mysterious Figure)

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Well, I just beat Vanitas' Lingering Spirit, so I'll have to say that. Truthfully, I would have beaten him a lot sooner if my friend hadn't borrowed my game for six months. I'd say Mysterious Figure, but I haven't really attempted to fight him yet. I know when I get serious about it he'll be the worst boss EVER! The one time where I tried the fight just to see what it was like, I only lasted about three minutes. I'm level 51 and should probably do some leveling up. LOL

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haha thats better than me. the first time i tried to fight mf (i played as ventus because i like this moves the best) i was probably around level 60 and i lasted like 30 seconds haha i stopped playing for awhile but im starting to get back into it i think im gonna try to get to level 100 and then take him out

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I'm probably the only one that got stuck fighting in Pride Lands with that huge heartless (Groundshaker, if I remember the name correctly). In my opinion, that boss was way harder than Sephiroth (at least in KH2).

In 358/2 Days it was Riku (when you chose to fight him in a mission mode without dual-wielding).

And in KH1... Possessed!Riku. I remember that one cutscene perfectly since you couldn't skip it and I had to repeat that fight over and over. Sephiroth in KH1 comes quite close too.

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tutti frutti.

KH1 - Sephiroth (KH2 I though he was easy)

KHCoM - Vexen - dude's a coward with only a shield, enough said. And Ansem SoD - his guardian is worse in this game than KH1.

KHDays- That wyvern like heartless when you face 4 or 5 boss heartless, can't think of the mission but it was towards the end of the game in Twilight Town

KH2 - If I had to choose, it would be Xaldin

KHCoded - Sora's Heartless

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