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Final Fantasy

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I just wanted to know where i should start at if i wanted to start watching or playing the series bc every time i try i get confused. Thanks for the help.

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None of the Fantasies are connected to let you know. But here are some good ones to play.


1. Anything 7! Crisis Core is good since its a prequel to the whole thing.


2. FFX: One of my favorites (PS2 ONLY)


3. FF8


4. FF13: Its actually pretty good. (PS3 & XBOX)


5. FFDissidia 1 or 2: Both are good. (PSP ONLY)

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If you want quick and easy access point, try picking up Dissidia (Duodecim if possible)

It covers all the major points of nearly every game in the series.

If you're willing to invest some time, I highly recommend you try out every main title. If you find yourself confused, you can start with ones with more basic plots, like FF4 and 5. If the mechanics are to complex, consider using a walthrough (I personally think Final Fantasy is a series best enjoyed with a guide) or trying Final Fantasy Mystic Quest.

The best of the crop are probably FF6 and 7. I personally like 9 best, and 8 has the deepest ability system. FF3 and 5 both use the Job system. FF1 is the original, it's very basic and plot and gameplay, but it's worth noting because this is where it all started. FF2 has a very unique gimmick, and was the franchises first foray into deeper storytelling. FF4 was the first in the series to have a deep plot, thought it's pretty basic by todays standard. It was also the first to use the ATB system, and had a constantly changing party, unlike the previous 3 which had the same party throughout the entire game. Final Fantasy 10 was Squares first attempt at real time 3D graphics with voice actors, Square wasn't as experienced at the time, so the voice work is somewhat questionable. It went back to the basics using a turn based system rather than the ATB system, and introduced a level up system I personally love (It's a lot like Re:Coded's stat matrix) it also has arguably the saddest ending in the franchise.

Twelve was a drastic departure for the franchise, and some view it as the start of the franchises decline. It used realtime combat, and was the first numbered FF to feature voicework at the quality we have come to expect from Square.

Thirteen is a lot like a FF sidegame, the sequel to FF10, FFX-2. The game is unqiue in that it made turn based combat into a button masher. You can spend the first half of the game mashing X and winning every battle in the game (Probably with a 5 star rank) The second half becomes a lot more strategic, requiring you to constantly change your characters roles (Which determines the abilities at their disposal) to have a fighting chance at winning.

I left out FF11 and 14 because they are MMORPGs.

In short, here's what I suggest;

-If you only want to spend a little time, just play or watch Dissidia, it covers all the key notes.

-If you want to spend a little more time, play FF6 and FF7.

-If you want to spend a little more, I suggest you do FF6-9

-If you spend a little more time, Try FF4-10

-But best of all would be to play all the FFs from 1-13. Though I doubt you'll be able to beat FF1 or 2. (ESPECIALLY 2)

If you're interested in a specific character, here's a list of characters you might know from KH-

Auron, FF10

Selphie, FF8

Wakka, FF10

Tidus, FF10

Cloud, FF7

Aerith(Aeris) FF7

Yuffie, FF7

Leon (Squall) FF8

Tifa, FF7

Zack, FF7 (Crisis Core, though there is a scene with him in FF7, but it's hidden)

Sephiroth, FF7

Laguna, FF8

Vincent, FF7

Setzer, FF6

Seifer, FF8

Fu (Fujin) FF8

Rai (Raijin) FF8

Vivi, FF9

Yuna, Rikku, Paine, FFX-2


And here's a list of some other popular characters you way have learnt from internet Memes and such

Gilgamesh, FF5 (Though he appears in most FF games, especially the remakes)

Jecht, FF10

Edward (Spoony Bard) FF4

Lightning, FF13

Hope, FF13

Balthier, FF12


If you're looking for a good entry point for the series as a whole, I'd suggest Final Fantasy IV (One of the remakes ideally) which doesn't have a particularly complex plot, or any confusing mechanics... or card games.

Hope this helps.

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i actually started out by playing a little bit of Final Fantas X, but i didn't get into the series until i got my hands on Final Fantasy 7:Crisis Core (PSP), then i found Final Fantasy 7:Dirge of Cerberus (PS2) and then i found Dissidia (PSP) and then Final Fantasy 1, then Final Fantasy 13 (PS3)...it actually doesn't matter where you start, becuase they have their own story.

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^ i agree but disagree. for several reasons. XIII was good game play but kept freezing, glitching, and shutting down my xbox, but not for the ps3. so if your going with lightning all the way, get the ps3 version, its better.

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