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Did you know Bahamut was originally planned to appear as a summon in Kingdom Hearts, but was removed before the game was released? Through cheat codes, a "Bahamut" option can appear in the Summons menu and can be selected. However, since there is nothing on the game disc to execute, the game will crash when chosen.

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whos Bahamut!?!?


A high tier Final Fantasy Summon. It's a sort of dragon, though its size varies. Its signature is Megaflare (Which you should be familiar with, it has appeared as an ability in quite a few KH games), which is roughly equivalent to the spell Ultima.

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whos Bahamut!?!?




Bahamut is one of the staples of the Final Fantasy series, usually appearing as a boss and/or summon (with the exception of FF XII, where he was a battleship -_-). Usually, he looks like a large dragon, though starting in FFX, his design began to grow more complex.


His most famous attack is Mega Flare, not to be mistaken with the KH spell. It's generally a giant beam that he uses to cause heavy non-elemental damage to all enemies.

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ah the wiki spoiles everything for me . . . . but yes, i knew this, along with deleted disney castle, jungle book world, pinochio world, buzz & woody summons, and all the other crap that was taken out to this day. i actually posted a thread saying that someone who knows computers real well should make a fake youtube vid of it, although, they all internet attcked me. anyway i promiced i'd make one if i ever end up learning that stuff. you know, for the fans enjoyment. anyway, point in case is yes, i already knew that, because knowladge is power, and boy do i love my power. . . . . -heh heh-

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Huh. I knew about this, but I was led to believe it was a game glitch. This is interesting.


However, I'm kind of glad that they didn't include him. Bahamut just doesn't have a KH feel to me. I mean Bahamut is usually your best summon (Canon wise, anyway), and Sora summons beings like Dumbo, Bambi, and Mushu. It just seems too different to me. I don't know how to explain it.


In other news, I am so very happy! I got to Cosplay as Xion for an anime convention yesterday! So very cool. I also got a picture taken with "Roxas". I got a key chain of Sora from Avatar Kingdom (the last one they had), and a Dissidia style Tidus figurine (Tidus was in KH, you know). So that's the reason I haven't been participating in forums lately. Sorry for getting off topic. If you want to hate me, you can. But I'm just so happy about it all that I had to tell you guys. LOL

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Huh. I knew about this, but I was led to believe it was a game glitch. This is interesting.


However, I'm kind of glad that they didn't include him. Bahamut just doesn't have a KH feel to me. I mean Bahamut is usually your best summon (Canon wise, anyway), and Sora summons beings like Dumbo, Bambi, and Mushu. It just seems too different to me. I don't know how to explain it.


In other news, I am so very happy! I got to Cosplay as Xion for an anime convention yesterday! So very cool. I also got a picture taken with "Roxas". I got a key chain of Sora from Avatar Kingdom (the last one they had), and a Dissidia style Tidus figurine (Tidus was in KH, you know). So that's the reason I haven't been participating in forums lately. Sorry for getting off topic. If you want to hate me, you can. But I'm just so happy about it all that I had to tell you guys. LOL


that's not off topic because of how awesome it is!

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  On 3/27/2011 at 3:52 PM, 'king of hearts' said:

I knew that , Buzz and Woody were planned to be a summon in kh2fm but removed


Really? That's new to me.


I knew about Bahamut, but this I didn't.

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