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do nobodys age??

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i was wondering dose a nobody age at all

i was looking at all the ORG13 members form 365/2 and at KH2

and it dosent look like they age at all

whats your thoughts

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Then does that mean Namine and Roxas are 14???

Because they were theoretically created when Kairi and Sora were still 14...



i never thought of it like that o.O

you've got a very good point there kairiwilson....

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i think Yen Sid was saying something about that in KH2 i forget what but he was talking about that kind of thing and diz was talking about nobodies i dont know if it was related to this but he does say some stuff about them

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i dont want to sound like a smartass but no they dont age Tetsuya Namura said so


BTW if they aged, Zexion would look more like an adult (i mean add 10 years to his permanant age of about 17)


but erhmmm um they stay the same age that their original was the EXSACT second they lost their heart


but umm i normally think of their age as their time alive so like i would say Roxas and Namine are 1 and i normally say that Saix is 9 and Axel is 8 (in my opinion i always see members 11-14 appearing probably in a course of two years like they were added extras to the organization)

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Maybe they do age, but not physically. Like, a Nobody could be born to look 22. But they could live for a while, to 298, but look 22 the whole time.


Does that mean that they could die of old age?0_o

I'm stupid, aren't I?

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it was hinted in KH2 that natural forces cannot harm them so i dont think aging would have any effect

expecailly since you never ACTUALLY die of "old age" when its more of a desease breaking through your weak immune system and......im being a smartass again arent I?

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Okay, so if Nobody's don't age, how young or old were Lea and Isa when they became Axel and Saix?

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i was wondering dose a nobody age at alli was looking at all the ORG13 members form 365/2 and at KH2and it dosent look like they age at allwhats your thoughts


I'm pretty sure you need a heart to age, which Nobodies do not have. Nobodies can grow hearts though, so it's most likely that Roxas, Namine, Axel, and Saix all grew hearts since they obviously did age. No other Nobodies have aged besides them, at least that we can tell. Roxas and Namine obviously got taller, and Axel and Saix obviously grew a ton since they were Lea and Isa. All the other organization members don't look any older than they did when they were humans. Maybe Xigbar looks a little older.

Edited by Elfdemon_

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This is a pretty interesting question. Purely for the fact that between the events of the original Organization XIII being struck down by Young Xehanort, presumably after the Final or Secret Episode in BBS. The characters have most definitely aged physically. Most notable examples are in Lea, Isa and Ienzo. Who have all aged from being a kid/pre-teen/early-teen to all being late teens/adults in Dream Drop Distance when they are returned to their original selves.

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