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Soul Eater Evans

100 Org. 13 Facts

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~If dis thread dies,ima grab a revolver from Persona4 and shoot myself in the head,hoping not to burn my dread.~

Simple.Each person names 1 fact they've learned from the Org.It doesn't have 2 be true,but try making it funny.The game goes until we have 100 posts/facts.I'll start.

There is only one canon pairing in kh.Xemnas_X_Kingdom Hearts.

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they wear black hoods


^ tahts only funny cuz its random lol.Btw,plz write a number next to your post..Tnx.

5. You don't get to accessorize with your Organization cloak, but you can make it more or less fashionable with the way you use the zipper xD.


Time 2 go again >.>

6.You can't be in the Organization without saying the word "Heart" at least twice a day.

7.It's everyone's main mission to get Demyx to do some actual work.

8.Xion's like a boomerang,she leaves multiple times,but she comes back every single time.


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22. Marly's real name is named after a flower (Lumaria) GAY!!! lol

23. Every member of the Org. is in denial of being gay except for Larxene.

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