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KH1 Favorite Keyblade in KH1

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I would say Oathkeeper, because it's rad and it makes me feel all romantic. :3


But I'd have to say Oblivion. I loved it. It just looked cool and was pretty powerful and when you hit stuff you could see the black... star-stuff. xD IDK what the terminology is for it. But yeah. xD

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hi there....


My personal favorites is the Oathkeeper and the Ultima keyblade from Kingdom Hearts 1. The Ultima in KH1 look like an actually sword at certain parts, the one in KH2 looked like something the cat dragged in... The keyblades in KH1 looked better overall. Also, my favorite form has to be Valor form bacause the red is sexy and its just plain old beasty.

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My favorite Keyblades are:

1) Oblivion (Power of darkness, and represents Sora's feelings/memories of Riku .)

2) Oathkeeper (Same as Oblivion, except with Kairi.)

3) Pumpkinhead (It's a Keyblade that represents Halloween Town, and I think dark colored weapons are pretty nice. )

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Ultima weapon, It has that sword part underneath and has all the hearts and crowns one could possibly need.

Kingdom key is classic so gotta love that guy.

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