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KH3D Thoughts on Kairi NOT taking the Mark of Mastery

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Fine by me.


Besides, it only makes sense. She isn't a true keyblade wielder, so she shouldn't be able to take the exam.

And she barely knows how to use one when it is given to her anyways.


(Which brings a question to mind: Why the hell was Riku carrying a girly keyblade around with him!?)

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Fine by me.


Besides, it only makes sense. She isn't a true keyblade wielder, so she shouldn't be able to take the exam.

And she barely knows how to use one when it is given to her anyways.


(Which brings a question to mind: Why the hell was Riku carrying a girly keyblade around with him!?)


maybe he found it and wanted to keep it becaues it reminded him of his home world (i heard that somwhere) or he was gonna give it to Kairi

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Kairi isn't an experienced keyblade wielder so she doesn't qualify for a keyblade master. Kairi has only wielded a keyblade once before and needed to have Riku help her destroy a bunch of shadows, which is a bit lame in comparison with Sora and Riku. Kairi also doesn't have her own keyblade.

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We know she can wield a keyblade, but we don't know if she can summon one. Also, the biggest point of it all........NO SKILLS! lol

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Kairi's keyblade wielding ablities have yet to be seen. There's no point in having her take a mark of mastery, since she's only ever used the keyblade once. She just doesn't have the experience.

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Answer is simple: she doesn't have what it takes.


She has only used a Keyblade once, had it given to her, she may not even be able to summon one, and the only things she's fought are Shadows, which aren't exactly the most dangerous foes (even Kairi can one-hit them).


Sora and Riku have had plenty of experience with a Keyblade (Sora over a year, Riku somewhere under that). Kairi has one battle. If Yen Sid asked Kairi to take the exam, I would seriously question what the heck he is on.

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Shocking ending = they had her training to become one while they were on their adventure. then in 3 she joins the team as a full fledged wielder. the only reason i hope for this is because separating friends isnt very fun and to do it over and over would be balls.

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As clarified before, Kairi's never produced a Keyblade on her own. The flowery, lovely girly one (I... think it's called Destiny Place or something along those lines) was one that Riku... brought up, summoned, whatever, when thinking of home. The light novels, which are... mostly canon, kind of like the manga, pointed this out. So it's Riku who summoned it, and Kairi really had no hand in that. And then all she did was bash like, two Shadows when Sora and Riku can take out tons upon tons of tougher foes with just their normal attacks as a duo, let alone their limit.


Also, all Kairi does is get kidnapped and rescued and provide an axis for the two boys to revolve around (Riku much less so, later on in the series, when it became all about helping Sora since Kairi was already home and safe). She's literally a princess character- they don't tend to do much buttkicking, and she simply isn't meant to. Namine works the same way- while Aqua is portrayed as strong, as a fighter- and, oh, shocker, she's the weilder out of the three.

(I ignore Xion here because, although she's technically the same personality/character type as Kairi and Nami, she's a freakin' copy of Sora).


I wouldn't expect her to even be shown fighting, let alone taking the Mark of Mastery exam.

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Well, Kairi's only been shown using her Keyblade one time in the whole series, plus she isn't very experienced with it. So thus -- she won't be in the Mark of Mastery. I do expect her to tag along and support them even if she isn't taking the exam herself (like Ventus to Aqua & Terra) and who knows, we might even see her do a little fightin'.

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Personally, the way Nomura stressed that "even though Kairi doesn't have a Keyblade, she won't be taking the Mark of Mastery" (or something like that), makes me think he has something else planned for her. We all know Nomura has everything happen for a reason. If people's theories about BbSV2 are true, it might have to do with why she's at the Old Mansion. She's probably going to have her have her own adventure before she takes the exam.


From my vantage point, we see Kairi improve each game. KH1: all we really saw her do (fighting wise) was try and defend Heartless Sora from the other Shadows. Well, we've seen her use her PoH powers a bit too, but in both games. KH2: we see her try to defend herself sometimes (whether it be with her fists or in a defensive stance), she also jumps a story (hey, jumping and fighting go hand in hand in KH), and uses a Keyblade.


To me, I think Nomura's trying to make her a wielder, but gradually. I think he's trying to break her out of the Disney Princess/Damsel in Distress stereotype in a realistic way. Honestly, I don't know why people bash Kairi so much. For someone that has no fighting experience, she has a lot of courage and does pretty well. At least she's trying to be more useful. And the girl clearly wants to fight. "I wish I could fight like you and Riku. Don't give me that look, I know what you're thinking, but you two shouldn't be the only ones getting hurt." I don't know if it's the exact quote, but it's really close. Kairi also would have gone with Sora in KH1 if he hadn't told her not to. She was also really brave in evading Axel.


Anyway, I think Kairi's really improved. I think it's the wait between games (and the lack of her in certain games) that makes it seem like she hasn't. I think she'll be a wielder some day. So maybe she'll be able to take the MoM someday, too.

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when I saw the first trailer for this, i thought she would be in 3d, but i guess its just riku and sora. shame, they're the 3 main charecters, you should be able to play as them.

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They're setting up for a plot twist, Sora and Riku are cornered by some heartless, to exhausted to fight back, but Kairi shows up with a shotgun and saves them.

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Personally, the way Nomura stressed that "even though Kairi doesn't have a Keyblade, she won't be taking the Mark of Mastery" (or something like that), makes me think he has something else planned for her. We all know Nomura has everything happen for a reason. If people's theories about BbSV2 are true, it might have to do with why she's at the Old Mansion. She's probably going to have her have her own adventure before she takes the exam.


From my vantage point, we see Kairi improve each game. KH1: all we really saw her do (fighting wise) was try and defend Heartless Sora from the other Shadows. Well, we've seen her use her PoH powers a bit too, but in both games. KH2: we see her try to defend herself sometimes (whether it be with her fists or in a defensive stance), she also jumps a story (hey, jumping and fighting go hand in hand in KH), and uses a Keyblade.


To me, I think Nomura's trying to make her a wielder, but gradually. I think he's trying to break her out of the Disney Princess/Damsel in Distress stereotype in a realistic way. Honestly, I don't know why people bash Kairi so much. For someone that has no fighting experience, she has a lot of courage and does pretty well. At least she's trying to be more useful. And the girl clearly wants to fight. "I wish I could fight like you and Riku. Don't give me that look, I know what you're thinking, but you two shouldn't be the only ones getting hurt." I don't know if it's the exact quote, but it's really close. Kairi also would have gone with Sora in KH1 if he hadn't told her not to. She was also really brave in evading Axel.


Anyway, I think Kairi's really improved. I think it's the wait between games (and the lack of her in certain games) that makes it seem like she hasn't. I think she'll be a wielder some day. So maybe she'll be able to take the MoM someday, too.


Well thought out. I had not seen it that way before. I like it.


Other points I wanted to make...ah yes:


On the main subject, I concur with the general sentiment that Kairi lacks skill and experience at this time to take the Mark of Mastery. And there is the question whether she can summon, etc.


I personally hope that even if Kairi doesn't have the ability to summon a Keyblade and never gets one, I think it would be interesting if she learns how to use her PoH and light for offensive and defensive purposes.

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I don't care, I don't even like Kairi. To be honest, I don't really want her to have a keyblade.


I personally hope that even if Kairi doesn't have the ability to summon a Keyblade and never gets one, I think it would be interesting if she learns how to use her PoH and light for offensive and defensive purposes.


This would be better. However, I agree that she needs to get out of this "Princess Syndrome". It was fine for the first game, but in the second game it just felt kind of redundant.

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not experienced enought and to take the exam i believe you have to be a weilder by heart not some old guy give it to you when you boyfriends in trouble kinda thing


i couldnt help but laught at this lol and the hold guy was actually riku in his ansem form and i guess she is a weilder at heart becaues she did touch aquas keyblade in BbS but idk

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All I know is that Kairi BETTER be doing SOMETHING while they're taking the exam. She can't possibly be thinking of just staying on the islands again while they go off to save Terra, Aqua, and Ven. She will probably have some kind of adventure or some crisis where she'll have to finally get her own keyblade and use her power. I mean, there DOES have to be more point to having inherited the ability to weild a keyblade from Aqua than for a 2 second scene when she gets a keyblade from riku. just saying.

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All I know is that Kairi BETTER be doing SOMETHING while they're taking the exam. She can't possibly be thinking of just staying on the islands again while they go off to save Terra, Aqua, and Ven. She will probably have some kind of adventure or some crisis where she'll have to finally get her own keyblade and use her power. I mean, there DOES have to be more point to having inherited the ability to weild a keyblade from Aqua than for a 2 second scene when she gets a keyblade from riku. just saying.


I agree. If she stays on the islands, I'll be mad. She was the one complaining that she was getting sick of being left behind! Besides, I imagine the girl nearly went crazy that year Literally, people like Selphie thought she was crazy when she began remembering Sora.

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Well, considering she can't really wield a keyblade on her own (yet), probably not a good idea. But, I would like to see her become more of a fighter, since she's kind of a wimp in the first games. PoH powers would be awesome for her. I would love to see that.

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