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Lu Xun

Text Evas -Nothing happens by accident.

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Chapter 22- Consequences of the Betrayal


After using his darkness tornado, Master Shin Zuy and Evas arrived in Tifah and Yufy’s location.


-Tifah? Yufy?-Shin Zuy screamed their names.

-We’re here, my friend.-Tifah ran into his voice’s direction.

-What happened?-Yufy asked.

-It’s a long story. I’ll tell you.

-What happened to Evas??-Tifah asked.

-First, you have to hear the story.

-Okay.-Both Tifah and Yufy replied this.


[i think that song suits well on here again]



-Remember when I felt something strange? Whatever it was, it was right.. Once I arrived there, I saw Evas fainted... and Perlu and Varun attacking her.. Myez was there too, but he was only taking care of Joshy, who had been kidnapped by Perlu... Then, I went to help her and so here we are.. It was all a trap.. That idiot really betrayed us.. But I wonder why.. -Master Shin Zuy finally explained everything to them.


-Where... am I?-Evas opened her eyes and said this.

-You’re with us.. You’re safe..-Tifah replied.

-Ah.. Master.. I’m so sorry.. I fell for their trap.. I could’ve been killed if Shin Zuy didn’t appear in time..

-No matter, my dear.. We just want to know how it was.. Everything...-Yufy asked.

-Ok.. First, I arrived at the Dark Cave. Then, the next one to arrive was Perlu.. We talked a little and then, Varun appeared with my son, who was unconscious. Myez finally appeared, and then Perlu told me he was the traitor.. Then, I was attacked and rescued by you, Master.

-So.. They had it all planned.. I’m sorry, my dear.. I was the one to formulate this plan, so I’m the culprit for you almost dying..-Master Shin Zuy said this.

-No.. It wasn’t your fault.. We all agreed on carrying on the plan.. So, sorry my dear..-Tifah said this.

-Yes, sorry Evas!-Yufy also felt bad for the situation.

-No guys.. It was my fault.. I should have noticed something about Myez’s betrayal before.. Earlier today, Tuvo told me he saw Myez going out and talking with someone else.. It was either Perlu or Varun.. Everything makes sense now! But I’m so tired now..-Evas replied.

-We have to go back to the castle now.. Everyone, gather near me!

-Yes!-Both Yufy and Tifah replied this.

-Dark Tornado!


[stop music here]

Once Shin Zuy said that, everyone returned to the castle. Tuvo ran in their direction to find out more about how was their mission.


-Already back? You guys are really stron--- Before he could complete the sentence, he saw Evas, who was badly injured.

-Take her to her room!-Tifah ordered Tuvo to bring Evas to her room.

-Yufy, gather some herbs from the garden.. And do it quick!

-Ok, master Tifah.

-My friend, Tifah.. I’ll be going for now.. I have to think of a new strategy since the game has changed a lot today..

-Okay.. I’ll take care of Evas..

-See you later! Dark Tornado!-Master Shin Zuy disappeared from Tifah’s castle.


Tifah arrived in Evas’ room, and there, she told everything to Tuvo.


-That’s what happened.. He betrayed us.. That idiot..-Furious, Tifah said this.

-I knew he would do something like that.. but not this way.. Evas could be death right now...-Tuvo replied.

-We’ll need to completely heal her before we can think of another attack.. Please, go see if Yufy already gathered the herbs I asked him to..-Tifah asked this to Tuvo.

-Okay.. Be back soon!-He replied.

-Master... Tifah... I have... ano..ther... quest...ion..

-Tell me what it is, my dear.

-Where is... my dear son... Joshy? I only remember seeing him fainted in Varun’s hands.. but where.. is him..now?

-He’s still with them.. They’ve kidnapped him.. But we’ll save him once you’re completely healed..

-Nooo.. My precious son.. I need to... find him...

-At this rate? No, you won’t. You have to rest until you can fight normally...


Then, Tuvo and Yufy arrived with the herbs Tifah asked them to bring.

-Here they are, master.-Tuvo gave some to Tifah.

-The rest is here.-Yufy gave the others to Tifah.

-Thanks.. Now, Evas.. You need to eat this one.. So you can, at least, feel a little better..-Tifah said this.

-Ok.. Give it to me..-Evas replied.

-Now, I’ll be going to the kitchen to do a soap with these herbs.. Once I’m finished, I’ll come back.-Tifah said this before leaving the room.-Oh.. Yufy, come with me.. I think I need a little more.. And you can find them for me, right?

-Of course, master!-Yufy replied.

-Now that they left, I want to ask something to you, Tuvo..-Evas said this.

-What is it?-He replied.

-Didn’t you understand what Myez was saying in the night you followed him?

-I remember hearing someone else saying this: “Hahaha, the spell will go back to the spellcastler”.. Sorry.. That’s the only sentence I remember.. I’ll be going now, okay? You need to rest.

-Okay, bye.-Evas replied.-So.. Myez told everything about my plan, and then he made another one with them, huh? I will never forgive him for what he has done today.. But I need to sleep now..


Meanwhile, Myez was talking with Perlu about a magical item called the “Sun Stone”.


-Master Perlu.. I’ve been reading some books here, and I am interested in the “Sun Stone”.. Could you tell me more about it?-Myez asked this to Perlu.

-Indeed... The Sun Stone.. It’s a item who chooses it’s wielder.. I’ve tried to get it.. but it didn’t choose me... Many of my soldiers have already tried it, but no one has ever been chose.. Do you want to try it out?-Perlu asked.

-Yes, I want.-Myez replied.

-Fine.. It’s in a black forest near here.. Take some care, it’s full of monsters. You’ll find it in a big stone..-Perlu said this.

-Thank you, master. I’ll begin to look for it now!-Myez replied.

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Chapter 22 part two- True Reasons


“Sun Stone: One of the three strongest items in this world. Its power can destroy an entire continent, but the one who uses it too much, will end up having his life force drained. It’s highly recommended to use it the smallest possible.”


-Life force drained? Ha! I don’t believe it... However.. what I seek is power.. Power enough to annihilate those who I hate.. Power to get vengeance.. Perlu said it was in the black forest.. I’ll be going to it now..


Before leaving Perlu’s castle, Myez passed through a corridor in where Varun was walking as well.


-Does he really fight for us?-Varun thought to himself.-I really doubt it.. He seems to not care for our goals.. And also to be working in a plan himself.. I’ll have to keep an eye on him..

-Why does he keep looking at me like he doesn’t believe in me.. That’s one to worry.. I can’t make nay mistakes.. not near him..-Myez thought to himself.


Then, after exiting the castle, he finally arrived in the black forest. Strangely, it was a silent place where almost nothing was going on.


-What’s this? I thought I would have to face some powerful creat-- Before he could finish it, a wolf attacked him.-Argh! I was right.. Darkness Wave!-After he used this attack, the wolf quickly faded out of existence.


Next, a cactus appeared and threw some thorns at him. One of those hit him on his arm. However, he quickly managed to destroy the creature.


-A giant cactus in my way this time? Flame Ball!


After destroying the cactus, he continue to advance to find the big stone. After hours of walking, he finally found it.


-There it is.. Now.. if it only chooses me..-- What’s this?-He said this when he saw a piece of paper falling from the sky in his direction.


“You, the chosen one.. Will have to complete a last task.. Beat the Grogus Armor and the stone will be all yours. He’ll be coming in 5 seconds!”


-What? He’ll be here in 5 seconds? 5,4,3,2,1.. 0!


Suddenly, a giant black armor with two laser beams on his head and a knife on his right arm, appeared to fight Myez.


-You... chosen one... prove me you’re worthy..-The armor talked with a strange voice.

-As you wish.. Flame Ba--

-Laser Beam!-The armor attacked Myez.

-Ahhhhh! So strong.. I’ll have to take care...

-Laser Beam!

-Nooooooo.. two hits in a row.. I wonder if I’ll be able to use one single attack at him.. Darkness Wave!-Finally, Myez managed to hit him with one of his attacks.

-Ouch. Is that all you can do? I think the stone was wrong this time.. Laser Beam!

-Aaaah.. I think I won’t get the Sun Stone and fulfill my goals..-Myez said this.

-My friend.. You’re the chosen one? Let me get rid of this thing for you.. Darkness Giga Chains!-As soon as Perlu said that, 100 black chains tied the giant armor and he then exploded, leaving nothing behind.-I’ll try to get the Sun Stone.


When Perlu tried to touch the stone, he was pushed down to the ground.


-Yeah.. It seems like I can’t really use it.. You try it now, Myez.-Perlu quickly got up from the ground.

-Okay.. Here goes...


As soon as Myez touched the stone, a bright light appeared and a voice said “Use it well”. Strangely, the stone disappeared, but Myez gained new powers, which could easily kill his enemies, but would drain part of his life force.


-I feel so strong..-Myez said this.

-Now, you’re almost strong as I am.. With your new power, we’ll be able to destroy anything and anyone who cross our path!Hahahahaahahahaha!

-Stay thinking that, my “friend”.. You’re going to find out which were the true reasons for me to join you soon-Myez thought this to himself.


What did you think about this chapter? xD

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Wow can't believe I missed that much of the story. it is an awesome story so far. especially with the music that you added to it. I can't wait until I could read what you have to dish out next. keep it up, becuase I'm loving this story.



  On 6/8/2011 at 9:13 PM, rikunobodyxiii said:

Need to remember to listen to some epic music when reading this.


Agreed, I was listening to Caramelldansen when i was reading chapters 19prt2-21 and it didn't go at all. I changed the song to something else and the song deffinitely went with the story.


the song in chapter 22 went extremely well. it actually made it seem like i was listening to the soundtrack of the book. I love it when the songs I listen to sound like they actually belong to the story. it makes reading the story all the more interesting to read. keep up the fantastic writing.

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