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Lu Xun

Text Evas -Nothing happens by accident.

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Chapter 19- There are things that are better left unsaid


Still with no results, Master Shin Zuy felt bad while searching for Gera and Math. Something was strange with his body.


-Aaaargh... A little longer.. I have to wait.. They still need me..


Meanwhile, Evas, Joshy, Tifah and Myez were together. They were talking about some things while Tuvo was taking care of Yufy.


-We need to not only kill Perlu and the others, we have to kill his entire people. If we don’t, one of them will go to to the throne-- and the story will be repeated again..

-I know that you’re really worried, Myez.. but defeating Perlu means the end of his army.. To another one to come up with such numbers.. it’ll take a lot of time..-Evas replied to Myez by expressing her opinion.

-I get your point, Myez.. but it’d take much time to “exterminate” Perlu and his soldiers..

-Mom.. maybe he’s right.. we may have to-- Joshy tried to talk but Tuvo surprised them with Yufy.


-Hey guys! Come here! Our little friend is completely healed now..-Tuvo called them.

-Thanks God! I couldn’t see another ally dying..-Joshy replied.

-An ally dying..? What are you talking about, Joshy? Oh.. Where’s Phapy? He doesn’t seem to be here..

-He’s not, Yufy... Phapy, he--he..-Tifah struggled to say, but Myez decided to say before she could finish the sentence.

-He died. I’m sorry.. but our friend died..

-Phapy? Noooooooooo! He, me and Tuvo.. We were always together!!!!!-Yufy cried while saying this.

-My bud, it was hard for me as well.. He has already been buried.. in the garden..-Tuvo replied.

-I’m going there! Don’t follow me, guys. I need to be alone with him.-Said this, Yufy began to run to the garden.


After it, the group got separated again. Tuvo stood at the kitchen with Tifah while Evas and Joshy returned to their room. Yufy finally arrived at the garden where he began to talk with Phapy’s buried body.


-My friend.. I’m sorry.. I wasn’t there to help or save you.. and by what I know, you died because of me.. since I was the one who made you go to Hetrad’s cave.. I’m really sorry.. You were one of my best friends.. I’ll keep memories of us together in my heart... I just wish to gain strength from your spirit.. I really like you Phapy.. I want you to hear it.. Don’t matter where you are now..-Crying, Yufy showed his true feelings for Phapy.


Tuvo soon left Tifah’s side and headed for the garden. Yufy needed to rest, and after this loss, he should stay with his best friend.


-Yufyyy! Come here. I have a chocolate for you!-Tuvo called his friend.


-It’s time for chocolate! Evas said that in her world, it’s a special data today.. It’s Eastier.. Easteiri.. What is it??

-It’s Easter, Tuvo.-Evas appeared and replied to Tuvo.

-Oh yeah! Easter!-Tuvo said this to his friend.

-This chocolate is delicious.. where’d you get it?

-I got it in one three at the forest.. I knew it’d have a good use for us..

-Let’s eat. The food’s ready!-They heard Tifah’s voice who called them to eat.


It was late and they hadn’t eaten anything before. Tifah had made a meal with some legumes around it. Most of them except by Myez were in the kitchen to get their food. He was still in his room.


-Why won’t they agree with me? Do they want to see wars for ever? I have to accomplish my plan.. And I’ll have to do anything for it.. but not just yet.. I’ll have to think of it----

-Myez! Come here! You have to eat something!-Tifah’s scream arrived to Myez’s room.

-I’m going..I’m going.. I’ll have to wait for a bit.. I need a perfect chance.. or else I’m just going to spoil everything..


-I’m going!-Said this, he went to the kitchen.


Their calm reunion was spoiled when they heard Master Shin Zuy’s voice. He had come to bring awesome news.


-I’ve found Gera and Math. As I thought, they’re together.


*Sorry if this is little, but I'll try to make bigger chapters soon. I promise (: I'm still planning if this one will have a second part so like DC says, Stay Tuned!

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The next chapter'll be up soon.. I've been busy doing pages/editing stuff for the site and in this week I have a lot of exams in school... so wait a bit :/

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Thanks for the lovely comments, guys! I'll be working on the next chapter soon. If not tomorrow, then on Monday. Since tomorrow's the mothers' day, I'm going to watch Rio and eat some pizza :P

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Chapter 19 part two- The future


-Yes, you heard it right. I’ve found them.. They’re in a forest, not very distant from here.. --However, I’ve been thinking of a plan, which could finally help us to get rid of Perlu..-Master Shin Zuy announced.

-Tell us!-Evas said.

-Alright.. It is a little too simple, but knowing him, he will surely fall on our trap. Listen, you’ll have to do this (he then continues to tell his plan, but is later interrupted by Myez.

-Is that YOUR plan? Even if we do succeed, what then? We can’t just get rid of the leader and let his followers walking by.. Soon, another conflict will eventually star--

-I see your point, my dear.. But, just getting rid of him isn’t enough?-Tifah asked.

-For me.. it isn’t...


Suddenly, Master Shin Zuy interrupted Myez and continued to talk.

-So, we’ll have to split up in two groups.. One to attack Gera and Math.. and the other to get Perlu...

-But in the plan you said she was---Yufy replied

-Yes, I said. But, sincerely, didn’t you get it? It’ll be a trap.

-Okay.. So, me, Yufy, Tuvo and Joshy will go to Perlu.. Is that fine?- Evas asked.

-I want to go with you Evas.. Can you go to the other team, Yufy?-Myez asked.

-If you want that much, then okay.-Yufy replied.

-Then it’s settled.. Tifah, me and Yufy will go to get Gera and Math.. Wait.. we need someone to guard the castle... Tuvo, could you do that for us?-Master Shin Zuy asked.

-Sure. I can stay here while you guys are off takin’ care of the enemy.

-You can go rest now. Tomorrow will be the beginning of our offensives.. Evas, write the letter as I told you to, okay?-Master Shin Zuy explained.

-Yes, I’ll do it tonight.


Meanwhile, Math had finally accepted to work with Gera.


-Yes, that’s my answer. Do you think it will take time for them to act?-Math asked.

-No.. But that doesn’t matter to me.. I want only to avenge my husband’s death..

-Feelings like vengeance won’t take you anywhere.. You best stay focused in our true goal.. Eliminate those idiots.

-Since you’re mortal again, we’ll have to be very careful when fighting them..

-At least the old man’s end is coming.. He’s our strongest enemy... I can sense something.. They’re planning to attack us soon.. Hahaha! I’ve already thought of a counterattack to get them.. You just use your magic to defend this place.. We’ll need it soon..


Later, at that day’s night, Evas began to work on her letter. It should be extremely objective, otherwise their plan wouldn’t be successful. At her first try, she did not end her letter, because Myez arrived to talk with her. Her draft stayed like this:


“I need to see you. Since Phapy’s death, I’ve been really sad.. But things need to be settled soon.. I don’t want to see any more friend of mine dying.. To finish this, you’ll hav-”.


Then, when she was writing that word, Myez arrived.


-Evas.. You sure about the old man’s plan?

-Yes, he knows much about our enemy.. That’s a great advantage to us.. Perlu will easily fall for that..

-I’m not that sure.. Destroying the main leader won’t be so good as we think, since others may take the lead..

-We’ve talked about this.. Defeating him is our priority..

-Okay.. I’ve gotta sleep well tonight. I want to see a good letter from you.. Until tomorrow.-Saying this, Myez left Evas’ room with some different ideas on his head.


What will happen now? Find out in the next chapter. Leave your comments about what you thought about Chapter 19 part 2.

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Chapter 20- Trust


In the next day, everyone woke up later. Strangely, Myez wasn’t on his bed. Evas had wrote her letter, and so everyone began to have breakfast and wait for the missing ally.


-Where’s Myez?-Tufo asked.

-We will need him soon.. It’s already 2:00p.m.-Evas replied.


Suddenly, Myez arrived and, differently from the other day, he did not express his opinions about the group’s plan.


-Hey everyone! I’ve gathered this food for you.-He then showed some fish and vegetables.

-Oh.. So that’s what you’ve been doing for the entire night?-Joshy asked.

-Yes.. Today’s gonna be a special day.. We need to be ready for what’s coming.-Myez replied.

-Thanks for this stuff! I’ll make a special mix today!-Tifah appeared and said this.

-Well... Eh.. I’m going to my room.. Warn me.. once.. eh.. the food is ready, ‘kay?-Myez asked.

-Sure, I’ll.-Joshy replied.


Once Myez left the kitchen, Tuvo arrived and began to talk with Evas.


-He’s back?-Tuvo asked.

-Yes, he gathered food for us during the night!-Evas replied.

-Is that so? I’m not so sure about that...

-Why do you say that?

-I shouldn’t tell you, but.. Okay. You need to know.. During this night, Myez woke up and left the castle.. Since my room is near the Castle’s gate, I’ve heard when he left. Then, thanks to my curiosity.. I followed him.. The forest was so dark, since it was really late.. But I could swear I heard him talking with someone else.. I didn’t see who it was.. but.. he seemed to be making a deal or something.. Less than 15 minutes later, he just disappeared.. no hints of where he went..

-You’re probably imagining things..-Evas replied.

-Maybe.. but I’m not sure if we can trust 100% on him.. In today’s mission, you’ll need to pay much attention to him.. I’ll stay here in the castle, as planned.. Good Luck!-After saying this, he left.

-Myez? Talking with someone? No.. That can’t be.. Tuvo must only--Evas was interrupted by Tifah.

-Food’s ready!-Tifah said.-Could you call the others, Joshy?

-Okay, Master! I’m going!-Joshy left the kitchen.


During the dinner, nobody said anything. That was the calmest meal they ever had together. Strangely, Myez was extremely nervous, and soon after eating, he left the kitchen in a hurry.


-Since today, he is acting strange, isn’t him?-Tuvo asked.

-Yes.. but maybe he is just worried about today’s mission.. He just doesn’t know how to hide it too well as we do.-Tifah replied.

-I’ll take a nap. Once Shin Zuy calls, you may wake me up.-Joshy said this and left.

-I’m going to my room as well.. See you guys later.-Tuvo left.

-This is so strange..-Evas whispered this.

-What’s strange, dear? You seem to be very worried about something.. May I know what it is?- Tifah asked.

-No, it’s nothing. Master, I’ll be going as well. You know, just take a look again at my letter.-Evas replied.

-Something tells me today’s not gonna be a good day.. Hope whatever it is, it’s lying.-Tifah thought this to herself.


Later, four hours to be exact, Master Shin Zuy called Tifah.


-It’s time. Call your pupils, please.-Shin Zuy gave instructions to her.

-Okay, my friend. I’ll be back in no time!-Tifah replied.


After waking everyone up, they all gathered in the Castle’s gate, where Master Shin Zuy appeared to talk person-to-person.


-Everyone’s ready? One step wrong and we can ruin the entire plan. It’s strange but, I can’t help but feel that we won’t succeed.-Master Shin Zuy said.

-Don’t be so pessimist! We need to win! We have to.. So, let’s go!-Joshy tried to rejoice the group.

-Any objections? Myez? Don’t you want to say anything to try to convince us to not do our plan?-Shin Zuy asked.

-Nah.. Eh.. I’ve changed my mind.. Hum.. We--you know--we’re gonna win.

-Now, we can go. Tifah and Yufy, come with me. For the others, I wish good luck.-Master Shin Zuy said this to the group and left with Yufy and Tifah.

-Right.. I’m going to send the letter using my magic.. It’ll be arriving into our beloved Perlu in minutes... Myez and Joshy, you can enter in the castle. Once I receive the confirmation, we’ll depart.-Evas said this to her two party members.


-Okay, mom.

-I’ll.. eh.. be in my room.. Warn me when we need to go.-Myez left to his room.


One hour later, Evas called her son and Myez. Perlu had answered; he accepted to follow the letter’s instructions. Here is what was written in the letter.


“Since some time, my life has changed so much. I’ve made friends, but enemies, like you. But, I believe this has gotten long enough.. I won’t see any more of my friends dying. If you think we should put an end to this as well, answer to this letter.


We’ll meet in the dark cave, which is after the forest near my castle. I’ll go alone, but you’ll have to do so too. Hope you accept. I’m sick of you making schemes to try to kill me, let’s make it simple and fair.”

Wanting a quick reply,



After reading it, Perlu quickly chose some words to accept his enemy’s propost.


“I see.. you’ve finally understood everything.. I couldn’t be happier.. I’ll see you soon.. And believe me, you’ll have a day to remember for your entire life. I always wanted to make something like this, but you’re wise.. Have fun before meeting your destiny”

Agreeing with everything,



Then, she showed that to Joshy and Myez. According to the plan, Evas would go to the quickest way alone, Joshy would go for the other way, which took a little more time to arrive, and Myez would go for the longest way.


-From now on, we’ll have to follow the plan.-Evas said.-See you on the Dark Cave.

-Mom, I wish you all the luck in the world!-Joshy said before going to his direction.

-I’ll be going.. hm.. you know..-- Need to get there to work as a trio and defeat our enemy, right?-Myez murmured.




What did you think about this chapter? It’s getting cool, eh? xD Post your comments about this one :3

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Chapter 21- Betrayal


While walking, Evas began to think about what Tuvo had told her earlier.


-Myez.. Everything seems to be appointing that you will-- No, I can’t fall for conjectures... He wouldn’t do that.. I believe in him.. Never mind, I must continue to talk until I find Perlu.


However, suddenly a black wolf appeared and attacked Evas. She managed to dodge the attack, and used her want to destroy the creature.


-I thought I wouldn’t have to face any creatures in this path.. Strange.. It’s almost as someone just invited or called them..


Meanwhile, Joshy sensed that something was about to hit him. Then, he began to run faster.


-What? Someone is following me? What can it be?? I must continue to run! I don’t have time to fight anything! My mom needs me!


Suddenly, in his front, a man appeared. Joshy didn’t know who he was, but he was certain that he wasn’t wanting to be his friend.


-Why are you running?

-Get out of my way! If you don’t, then I’ll make you move!

-Calm down.. I’m not an obstacle that you can remove that easy... Now, I’ll have to close your eyes-- not permanently, though-- we need you as a bait.. Water Spirit of Draining Life!-As soon as he said it, five blue chains appeared and tied Joshy up.


Unfortunately, the attack was successful, and Joshy got most of his life force drained. One more attack, and the boy would be dead.


-Oh.. How I wished to kill you.. But I can’t.. Once we get your mom, you’ll be useless, so I will kill slowly and painfully.. Hahahaha!


Some minutes later, Evas finally arrived in the Black Cave. Perlu was already there waiting for her.


-Joshy.. Myez.. Where are you two?-She thought this to herself.

-Finally.. The chance I’ve been waiting for.. Darkness wave!-Perlu used this attack to hit Evas.

-Defensive Barrier!

-After all this time, it seems like you’ve learned how to-- at least-- protect yourself, didn’t you?

-Not only that, Perlu. Estuphory!

-You’ll need much more than that to kill me!

-I have MUCH more than that..

-Before finishing you off.. I wanted to know: What would you do if you saw your son almost dead?

-What? Why are you asking that?

-No reason.. Just curiosity...

-I would save him, of course!

-Another question: What would you do if you discovered you were being betrayed by one of your “allies”?

-I don’t know... I think I would.. Never mind! Estuphory!

-Don’t try that again.. It’s just too easy to dodge..-After dodging the attack, he said this to Evas.-I don’t want to finish this quickly.. We can have a nice conversation.. If you do beat me, what would you do next?

-I’m only focused on the present.. I have yet to think about the future!

-Is that so? Because I think you’re not----


Suddenly, Perlu and Evas heard a noise coming from the entrance. It was Varun with Joshy, who had fainted during their battle.


-They’re here! Now you’re gonna see with who you’re dealing with!-Evas said this to Perlu.

-Ohh.. So you brought people with you? Hahaha! Look at it. It’s not your ally, it’s mine.

-What??? Who are you? And what you’re doing with my son?

-Calm down, dear. My name is Varun. I helpeld Master Perlu when your old friend invaded his castle.. It was because of me that Mark died... Haha! Ready to die, dear?

-What? I can’t believe it.. You made a trap for me?

-I didn’t do anything.. Who told me about what you were planning was--


Before he could complete that sentence, they heard another noise. This time, who had arrived was Myez.


-Please hear this song while reading the rest of this chapter-



-Finally, my friend! Now we can handle them! But before anything.. Perlu, could you finish your last sentence?-Evas asked.

-Of course, I can! The one who told me about this.. It was Myez.. The one right in front you.-Perlu replied.

-What? I..... I don’t believe it...He’s lying.. isn’t he?-Evas asked with tears on hear eyes.

-I wish I could say it was a lie.. But, it’s not..

-Why... Why did you that? We.. we didn’t do anything against you.. So..


[stop the music here]


Meanwhile, in the other group, Master Shin Zuy had a bad feeling. Something was warning him about Myez’s betrayal.


-Argh.. I believe Evas is not going to succeed.. But I must guarantee that she survives.. I’ll go after her.. You two wait for me here!

-Okay!-Tifah and Yufy replied at the same time.

-Dark Tornado!-After saying this, he disappeared.


[Put it again here]

-Answer me.. I need to know what we’ve done wrong..-Evas asked once more time.

-I... I had my own reasons to betray you.. Nothing personal.. You know, I don’t want to tell them to you.

-I knew it.. We shouldn’t have believe in you.. You just helped us out because you were forced to.. You only used us.. So you could finally ambush us..-With more tears, she said this.

-It’s not like that-- but I won’t reveal my true reason to you..

-Enough of it already!-Perlu said this to Myez and Evas.-Now that we shared our little drama.. I think we have to finish things here, don’t we?

-Yes, master Perlu.-Varun replied.

-Before we begin to kill you.. Just know; don’t attack us, or Myez will kill your son with his knife.-Perlu told this to Evas.

-What? Am I vulnerable now?-Evas replied.

-Dark Wave!-Perlu used this on Evas.

-Argh.. Huh...Huh... I won’t last five seconds if this keeps up.. I have to do something.. But what?

-Water Chains!-Varun attacked her this time.

-AAAAAAAAAhh.. I’m sorry.. I’m sorry.. Everyone.. I’m so sorry..-After saying this, she fainted.

-Hahahahahahahhaahahahaha! How long I’ve waited for this... It’s time for the FINAL BLOW!-Perlu approached Evas’ body.

-You’ll have to wait an eternity, if you ask me.-Master Shin Zuy appeared and rescued Evas.

-What? OLD MAN? You again! How many times will you get in my way?-Perlu asked.

-The same amount of times you try to destroy my friends!-Master Shin Zuy replied.

-AAAARGH! Dark Wave!-Perlu attacked Shin Zuy.

-Don’t try anything..-After dodging, he said this to Perlu.-Myez.. I've been already suspecting of you switching sides.. but not this way.. Because of you, Evas could be killed right now.. Don’t you feel anything because of that?

-Not a thing, old man. I’ve had my own reasons to do that.. And you have no business in my life to ask about what I feel or not feel.

-If that’s your way.. Then.. I’ll have to leave and face you as a traitor in the next time..

-What--’s happenin-g? Shin Zuy.. you sa..ved.. me?-Evas began to wake up, but she was still very wounded.

-Don’t talk, dear. It won’t do you any good.. We have to go.. Dark Tornado!

As soon as he said that, both him and Evas disappeared from that place.

-NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!-Furious, Perlu screamed this.

-Don’t worry, master. We’ve got the boy.. Just use him as a bait and then.. we can wait for the old man’s death and kill Evas..

-About that.. You’re right, Varun.. Thanks, you always makes me happier when you say how we can destroy our enemy.

-She’ll never forgive me.. I may end up in the hell for what I’m doing..-Myez said this.

-If you’re having regrets, why did you switch sides?-Varun asked.


Myez did not reply, but he thought this: “I didn’t switch sides, and I don’t have any regrets.. You’re just going to see something soon.”


So, what’ll happen in the next chapter? Find it out in the next chapter! What did you think about this chapter?

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Chapter 21- Betrayal


While walking, Evas began to think about what Tuvo had told her earlier.


-Myez.. Everything seems to be appointing that you will-- No, I can’t fall for conjectures... He wouldn’t do that.. I believe in him.. Never mind, I must continue to talk until I find Perlu.


However, suddenly a black wolf appeared and attacked Evas. She managed to dodge the attack, and used her want to destroy the creature.


-I thought I wouldn’t have to face any creatures in this path.. Strange.. It’s almost as someone just invited or called them..


Meanwhile, Joshy sensed that something was about to hit him. Then, he began to run faster.


-What? Someone is following me? What can it be?? I must continue to run! I don’t have time to fight anything! My mom needs me!


Suddenly, in his front, a man appeared. Joshy didn’t know who he was, but he was certain that he wasn’t wanting to be his friend.


-Why are you running?

-Get out of my way! If you don’t, then I’ll make you move!

-Calm down.. I’m not an obstacle that you can remove that easy... Now, I’ll have to close your eyes-- not permanently, though-- we need you as a bait.. Water Spirit of Draining Life!-As soon as he said it, five blue chains appeared and tied Joshy up.


Unfortunately, the attack was successful, and Joshy got most of his life force drained. One more attack, and the boy would be dead.


-Oh.. How I wished to kill you.. But I can’t.. Once we get your mom, you’ll be useless, so I will kill slowly and painfully.. Hahahaha!


Some minutes later, Evas finally arrived in the Black Cave. Perlu was already there waiting for her.


-Joshy.. Myez.. Where are you two?-She thought this to herself.

-Finally.. The chance I’ve been waiting for.. Darkness wave!-Perlu used this attack to hit Evas.

-Defensive Barrier!

-After all this time, it seems like you’ve learned how to-- at least-- protect yourself, didn’t you?

-Not only that, Perlu. Estuphory!

-You’ll need much more than that to kill me!

-I have MUCH more than that..

-Before finishing you off.. I wanted to know: What would you do if you saw your son almost dead?

-What? Why are you asking that?

-No reason.. Just curiosity...

-I would save him, of course!

-Another question: What would you do if you discovered you were being betrayed by one of your “allies”?

-I don’t know... I think I would.. Never mind! Estuphory!

-Don’t try that again.. It’s just too easy to dodge..-After dodging the attack, he said this to Evas.-I don’t want to finish this quickly.. We can have a nice conversation.. If you do beat me, what would you do next?

-I’m only focused on the present.. I have yet to think about the future!

-Is that so? Because I think you’re not----


Suddenly, Perlu and Evas heard a noise coming from the entrance. It was Varun with Joshy, who had fainted during their battle.


-They’re here! Now you’re gonna see with who you’re dealing with!-Evas said this to Perlu.

-Ohh.. So you brought people with you? Hahaha! Look at it. It’s not your ally, it’s mine.

-What??? Who are you? And what you’re doing with my son?

-Calm down, dear. My name is Varun. I helpeld Master Perlu when your old friend invaded his castle.. It was because of me that Mark died... Haha! Ready to die, dear?

-What? I can’t believe it.. You made a trap for me?

-I didn’t do anything.. Who told me about what you were planning was--


Before he could complete that sentence, they heard another noise. This time, who had arrived was Myez.


-Please hear this song while reading the rest of this chapter-



-Finally, my friend! Now we can handle them! But before anything.. Perlu, could you finish your last sentence?-Evas asked.

-Of course, I can! The one who told me about this.. It was Myez.. The one right in front you.-Perlu replied.

-What? I..... I don’t believe it...He’s lying.. isn’t he?-Evas asked with tears on hear eyes.

-I wish I could say it was a lie.. But, it’s not..

-Why... Why did you that? We.. we didn’t do anything against you.. So..


[stop the music here]


Meanwhile, in the other group, Master Shin Zuy had a bad feeling. Something was warning him about Myez’s betrayal.


-Argh.. I believe Evas is not going to succeed.. But I must guarantee that she survives.. I’ll go after her.. You two wait for me here!

-Okay!-Tifah and Yufy replied at the same time.

-Dark Tornado!-After saying this, he disappeared.


[Put it again here]

-Answer me.. I need to know what we’ve done wrong..-Evas asked once more time.

-I... I had my own reasons to betray you.. Nothing personal.. You know, I don’t want to tell them to you.

-I knew it.. We shouldn’t have believe in you.. You just helped us out because you were forced to.. You only used us.. So you could finally ambush us..-With more tears, she said this.

-It’s not like that-- but I won’t reveal my true reason to you..

-Enough of it already!-Perlu said this to Myez and Evas.-Now that we shared our little drama.. I think we have to finish things here, don’t we?

-Yes, master Perlu.-Varun replied.

-Before we begin to kill you.. Just know; don’t attack us, or Myez will kill your son with his knife.-Perlu told this to Evas.

-What? Am I vulnerable now?-Evas replied.

-Dark Wave!-Perlu used this on Evas.

-Argh.. Huh...Huh... I won’t last five seconds if this keeps up.. I have to do something.. But what?

-Water Chains!-Varun attacked her this time.

-AAAAAAAAAhh.. I’m sorry.. I’m sorry.. Everyone.. I’m so sorry..-After saying this, she fainted.

-Hahahahahahahhaahahahaha! How long I’ve waited for this... It’s time for the FINAL BLOW!-Perlu approached Evas’ body.

-You’ll have to wait an eternity, if you ask me.-Master Shin Zuy appeared and rescued Evas.

-What? OLD MAN? You again! How many times will you get in my way?-Perlu asked.

-The same amount of times you try to destroy my friends!-Master Shin Zuy replied.

-AAAARGH! Dark Wave!-Perlu attacked Shin Zuy.

-Don’t try anything..-After dodging, he said this to Perlu.-Myez.. I already suspected of you switching sides.. but not this way.. Because of you, Evas could be killed right now.. Don’t you feel anything because of that?

-Not a thing, old man. I’ve had my own reasons to do that.. And you have no business in my life to ask about what I feel or not feel.

-If that’s your way.. Then.. I’ll have to leave and face you as a traitor in the next time..

-What--’s happenin-g? Shin Zuy.. you sa..ved.. me?-Evas began to wake up, but she was still very wounded.

-Don’t talk, dear. It won’t do you any good.. We have to go.. Dark Tornado!

As soon as he said that, both him and Evas disappeared from that place.

-NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!-Furious, Perlu screamed this.

-Don’t worry, master. We’ve got the boy.. Just use him as a bait and then.. we can wait for the old man’s death and kill Evas..

-About that.. You’re right, Varun.. Thanks, you always makes me happier when you say how we can destroy our enemy.

-She’ll never forgive me.. I may end up in the hell for what I’m doing..-Myez said this.

-If you’re having regrets, why did you switch sides?-Varun asked.


Myez did not reply, but he thought this: “I didn’t switch sides, and I don’t have any regrets.. You’re just going to see something soon.”


So, what’ll happen in the next chapter? Find it out in the next chapter! What did you think about this chapter?

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