Evil-Ven-the darkness king 5 Posted April 15, 2011 cool, keep it up 2 Lu Xun and Zexion's_Lover_46 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Leaxel 178 Posted April 15, 2011 Awesome! 2 Lu Xun and Zexion's_Lover_46 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHlover12 22 Posted April 15, 2011 Fantastic as usual! i can't wait to see what happens next! update soon 1 Lu Xun reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
J. Severe 1,137 Posted April 15, 2011 Nice story. It's really coming together now. Can't wait to see what the next part is! 1 Lu Xun reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Final Hearts 69 12 Posted April 16, 2011 Wow...that was...absolute wonderful. again almost cried...that was like reading poetry that went to the heart. what a great job, keep it up my friend. 2 Lu Xun and Zexion's_Lover_46 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Naroco 26 Posted April 16, 2011 It was Awesome dude. To bad Mark's dead though. 2 Lu Xun and Zexion's_Lover_46 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ai Enma 7 Posted April 16, 2011 I loved it once again 2 Lu Xun and Zexion's_Lover_46 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarksideZero 3 Posted April 17, 2011 The story is coming together nicely cant wait for the next chapter. 2 Zexion's_Lover_46 and Lu Xun reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lu Xun 2,069 Posted April 17, 2011 Chapter 17- The life has more sad moments than happy ones Myez and Math were still talking. As Myez didn't know that Hetrad was dead, he decided to not attack his old brother, since it'd useless. -Ready to die, Myez? -Would you really kill your brother? -I'd kill anyone. Didn't I kill mom and daddy? -You can kill me, but you won't touch one finger on Evas' son! -Ooh.. Then I'll kill the boy first!-Said this, Math began to run into Joshy's direction. -Estuphory!- Evas used this spell to save her son. Both her and Tifah arrived just in time so save Myez and Joshy. -Evas.. it's useless, he can't--Myez said this to Evas but was interrupted by Math. -Aaaargh! How can it be? I'm immortal.. You guys didn't... defeat Hetrad, did you?-Math asked this to Evas and Tifah. -We? No. Who killed him was Phapy.. He..he died as well..-Evas replied this to Math. -Aaaaaargh! Then I'm not immortal anymore.. -So I can finally destroy you, little traitor!-Enraged, Tifah said this to Math. -You're wrong again, old woman. See you later!-After saying this, he opened a dark portal and escaped through it. -Arrgh! I can't believe that he escaped again!-Furious, Tifah said this to Evas and Myez. -Don't worry about it Master Tifah. We'll catch him sooner or later.-Myez tried to calm Tifah saying this. Evas saw her soon who was currently fainted and ran to his side. She couldn't remember the spell that could heal him, so she got the old book and searched for it. -Oh yes, I know now the spell's name. Tugara! -Mom.. what happened?-Joshy opened his eyes and began to talk with his mom. -No matter, dear.. the important is that you're with me now.-With a smile on her face, Evas replied this to her son. -Myez, Tifah.. It's so good to see you again! Where are Tuvo and Phapy?-Joshy made another question to his friends. -Oh yes, Tifah. Where are them? How did Phapy defeat Hetrad?-Myez asked as well. -Tuvo.. he is near.. As for Phapy, he is no longer with us..-Evas replied. -What do you mean by "no longer with us"? -She means that he used a magic which required that both the spell caster and the target would die. That's how he destroyed Hetrad.. He gave his life for us...-Tifah helped with the reply for Myez and Joshy. -Phapy........-Joshy began to cry and say Phapy's name. Minutes later, Tuvo was carrying Phapy's body to meet their friends. Joshy was still crying and Myez was with one or two tears on his face. -Here is the one who stood bravely to face Hetrad.. Here is the one which gave its own life to save us.. Here.. is one of my best friends..-Crying, Tuvo made this little speech. -We need to.. make a funeral, I mean, one that he deserves.. We should return to the castle..-Joshy said this to the others who accepted his idea. -Through this portal please.-Myez opened a portal which leaded to the castle. Each one of them entered in the portal and they appeared in the castle's main gate. Thankfully, Perlu forgot to think about attack the castle. -Thanks Goodness. The castle's still here, I mean, not destroyed.-With a smile on her face, Tifah said this. -So where are we going to put Phapy's body?-Tuvo asked. -In the garden, of course. There's not a better place than there!-Joshy replied. -Oh yeah, the garden.-Evas accepted her son's suggestion. -Let's go to it then!-Myez suggested to go to the garden as soon as they could. They finally arrived at the garden. There they began to dig and after it, they buried Phapy's body. That was the saddest moment for most of them. -May you rest in peace.-Evas said this while looking at Phapy's body. -I hope you go to the heavens since you've only done good things in this world.-It was time for Joshy say something about Phapy as well. -You were one of my best disciples.. I wish I could have taught you more..-Crying, Tifah said this. -Now that we were beginning to become friends...-Sad, Myez also said a sentence for the death man's memory. -My best friend.. I don't know how I'll be for now.. But I'll be sure to stay strong! I'll try at least..!-Tuvo, the saddest person in the reunion, said this to his best friend's body. After everyone spoke something as a tribute to Phapy, they returned to the castle. Evas and Joshy headed for their room, Myez stood examining the castle and Tuvo headed for Phapy's room and began to remember the good moments they had. Tifah was the only one who stood at the Castle's main gate. She was surprised by Master Shin Zuy who appeared suddenly. -Oh my god..Phapy...-Tifah thought this to herself. -Tifah!-Master Shin Zuy appeared at the Castle's entrance.-Call the others, I must talk with you and them about some things. -Okay.. I'm going to call them! Wait for just a bit! Meanwhile, Math had appeared in a dark forest. Gera who had flee from her husband's cave found and began to talk with him. -So, these guys are really strong, aren't they?-Gera asked. -Oh.. you're Hetrad's wife.. They only have luck.. I'll get them next time.. -Don't you want to help me? Together we'll be stronger than them! -I'll think about it... Let's head for my house, there I'll give you my answer. -As you wish, my dear Math. 3 Zexion's_Lover_46, Leaxel and DarksideZero reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ai Enma 7 Posted April 17, 2011 I loved it once again and it was totally intense. 1 Zexion's_Lover_46 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Leaxel 178 Posted April 17, 2011 Just keep getting better and better. keep it up! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Final Hearts 69 12 Posted April 17, 2011 Why do i get the feeling you're trying to make me cry? becuase you almost did again...this is such a great peice of work. i absolutely love it. keep up the awesome work. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Infinity000 0 Posted April 17, 2011 How sad the funeral made me cry:( Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted April 17, 2011 it was so sad but so good, why do you make me sad and jealous by your writings 1 Lu Xun reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarksideZero 3 Posted April 18, 2011 good story but it was sad Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted April 18, 2011 Plans fail and alliances are forged. Interesting. 1 Naroco reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zexion's_Lover_46 76 Posted April 18, 2011 It was very beautiful and beloved that you had Phapy buried in such a peaceful place as a garden. The story is getting sad but I love it. You're doing a fantastic job I can't wait to read more :') 3 Lu Xun, Naroco and Master Keeper reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lu Xun 2,069 Posted April 18, 2011 Chapter 18- Two heads think better than one alone At Tifah's castle, Master Shin Zuy had arrived minutes ago. Instructed by him, Tifah searched for the others and put them together at the entrance where they could hear what Shin Zuy wanted to say. -My friend, they're all here now.-Tifah reported that her mission was fulfilled. -Very well.. Then I must say somethings to you. One of your friends, Phapy, obtained success in defeating one of our big enemies. It's a shame that he died as well.. But the fact is; there are still three. Gera, Perlu and Math. And I'm still not sure if there are any more of them.. My suggestion is that we focus on Math, since he's not immortal anymore, and Gera. We should leave Perlu for the final.. Do you agree?-Master Shin Zuy asked. -Yes, we do.-Tifah replied for everyone since she was the "Master" of them. -Great. You also know that it was me who saved Evas and Tifah from the Dream World, right?-Master Shin Zuy made another question. -Yes, we do---Tifah was interrupted by Evas. -What? It was you...? But why?-Evas asked. -I don't have to reveal my reasons, but the main reason was because of the Old Organization. -Oh, Tifah commented about that.. but now much.-Evas replied. -It's not time to talk about that.. I'll try to find Gera and/or Math.. You are dismissed for now..-Shin Zuy ordered them to go to the castle, for now. Everyone of them headed to the castle, except for Evas and Tifah. Evas was still wondering about how did Shin Zuy manage to save them. Evas knew of another thing, but couldn't say while her and Shin Zuy weren't in a particular conversation. -So..How did you do it?-Evas asked. -I used a dark power... An ancient magic.. that's what you need to know about that.. Please, go to the castle. -Okay..-She obeyed and began to follow her soon. -My friend.. You didn't take the rite from an old book which said that you should kill someone, did you? -I did.. I killed.. my apprentice, Mark. -Ohhhhhhhh, then you'll--Tifah was interrupted by her friend who already knew what would happen to him soon. -I know.. But I needed to do that.. I don't care about that.. You're the true master, Tifah.. We'll have to make many attacks before that faithful day comes.. -Surely.. I thank you.. for risking yourself so much for me and my apprentices.. -I did that in the name of our old friendship.. And I don't like how Perlu is.. -I'll go take a rest now, my friend. See you later. Any news, just tell me.-Tifah exited the gate and headed for her room. -If I didn't do that... They wouldn't have escaped from the dream world.. I really care for them.. My healthy is of no importance.. They're young, and I'm the oldest here..Magical Tornado.-Said this he returned to his castle to began to search for Gera and Math. The heroes were in separated places of the castle. Tuvo was still in the garden, making a promise to his friend's tomb. He was planning to get revenge, by killing Hetrad's wife, Gera. -My friend.. you don't know how I miss you.. You've died two days ago.. but it looks like you've left us for ages now.. To honor your memory.. I promise this: I'll kill Gera so you can finally rest in peace. I hope that you're watching me from wherever you are.. While talking with it, a flower fell into his head. He quickly put it in his friend's tomb. He was trying to make a tribute like those who live in Earth. -Ooh.. A flower.. So beautiful.. Evas said that in her world, when someone dies, they put a flower in their tomb.. So here you go.. This is your first flower! I promise to bring more flowers to you soon! Meanwhile, Evas and Joshy were in Evas' room. Joshy was still sad because of Phapy's death and Evas was consoling her soon. It was a very sad scene to be watched. -Mom.. I.. am really sad.. Phapy.. why did he die? I'd prefer to die in his place..-Crying, Joshy said this to Evas. -He.. saved us.. According with what Tuvo said, Hetrad could control our minds and make we fight against our friends.. That'd be really bad..And after that, he'd kill us with his knives.. Phapy knew about that.. He decided to save us.. He is our hero..-Evas replied. -If you look that way.. but still.. I'm missing him and I'll miss him.. -It's hard for me too dear.. But.. we have to be strong.. I bet Phapy wouldn't want to see us with these sad and depressed faces. Don't you agree? -Yes, mom.. But I've never lost someone.. It'll take me time to be so strong as you are now.. -I understand.. I'll stay here with you.. Sleep a little dear.. -I'll try mom.. At the same moment, Myez was walking through the castle's halls with a smile on his face. He was still sad about Phapy, but another thing brought a smile on his face. -Hahaha! I can kill my brother now! Thanks Phapy! You'll see Math! I'll avenge your deaths mom and father. I swear! It's best if I return and talk to someone.. What will they think of me walking alone in the castle? While searching for Gera and Math, Master Shin Zuy noticed that, due to Phapy's death, they accidentally left Yufy in the cave alone. Then he used a magical tornado and headed to there. Thankfully, Yufy was safe but still fainted. He picked him and brought him to Tifah's castle. The team, without Phapy, was now completed. Will Shin Zuy find Gera and Math? Will Yufy be better again? Find those and other answers in the next chapters ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comment about what you thought about this chapter please ! See you guys later. Chapter 19 is coming tomorrow. 2 Master Keeper and Naroco reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lt Ultima 82 Posted April 18, 2011 most impresive 1 Naroco reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted April 18, 2011 Moves to the final play, perhaps? *grin* "Cry havoc..." 2 Naroco and Lu Xun reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zexion's_Lover_46 76 Posted April 18, 2011 It's great. It seems like everyone is taking Phapy's death hard in the story. He will be missed :') 4 Lu Xun, Naroco, Lt Ultima and 1 other reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Final Hearts 69 12 Posted April 18, 2011 you know, to tell you the truth i had forgotten about Yufy....i just love how this is going. 2 Lu Xun and Naroco reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MiontheDemon 71 Posted April 19, 2011 Can't wait 2 Naroco and Lu Xun reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
razzy 16 Posted April 21, 2011 Story Keeps getting better ever time i read it RIP 2 Naroco and Lu Xun reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kalnet 1,198 Posted April 22, 2011 This is getting good. keep it coming! =) 2 Naroco and Lu Xun reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites