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Kingdom Hearts civil war

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Marina nods. "Yeah. Hollow Bastion just seems to sound much cooler I guess."Marina says trying to get cheered up. They got on the ship and went directly to Hollow Bastion. They showed a video of what was happening at Hollow Bastion right now. "(Whoa. Where did that machine came from?)"Marina thinks as she saw this huge mechanical thing attacking. She cleared her throath a bit and looked at the locket. "Oh,I see. I'm sorry."Marina says. She looked down. "No parents so I don't know how does it feel. But I think I can asimilate..."Marina sayss as she goes into a thought. They were near Holloww Bastion.

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John was hiding behind some rubble.'' Dang. No back up for awhile.''said John as he threw his phone in his pocket. He then threw a gerende at the keybladers. It exploded killing a few. John then grab a flag of Hollow Bastion. He stood up on a rubble of stone. He held the flag with pride.'' Soldiers. We need to take the castle.''said John as he yelled across the battlefeild. The soldiers roared as they went to kill the keybladers. More air attacks happen. He then saw keyblader's in the air.'' This is a real big battle.''said John as he got his blade and started killing Keybladers.

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Alex looked at Marina. "Hey, no need to feel sorry. I've gotten along since she died. Haven't gotten along that well, but I've survived almost my whole life without fighting." Alex turned around. "Life hasn't always been easy for me. Granted, you've had to go through a LOT more than I have, but it's not easy." Alex turned around again, smiling. "But hey, no matter what kind of crap happens, I don't let it change who I am. That's the difference between me and most of the people here. Almost everyone has lost friends and family to this war, and don't appreciate me being so cheerful all the time."

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Marina steared at him and then couldn't help it and laughed. She felt that Axel was stearing at her. She regained her posture and looked at him. "Sorry. I couldn't help it. It's just what you said. It's true. And the tought of it makes me laugh a bit."Marina says. Then she heard a small beeping sound comming from the comp. "Um,we have a problem."The pilot says. The showed a screen showing some goverment soldiers trying to enter the Hollow Bastion castle. "Oh no they don't."Marina says. She looked at one of them and they got some beams pointed at the castle entrance. "Fire."Marina says. The beams went directly to there and started to shoot at the goverment. "We need to eliminate all of those goverment members at once."Marina says as she summond her blade.

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John ordered the men to take cover.'' Air forces. Destory that keyblade ship.''said John as he put his phone away and then killed a few more keybladers. Tanks started rolling from the far east.'' Yes back up.''said John as he saw jet fighters from Twilight Town helping. John then got his gun and started shooting the keybladers. John and his soldiers made it to the gate of the castle.'' Get that gate open.''said John. One of the soldiers then started working on getting the gate open.

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Quentin's eyes widened, Kazaac landed.

"NArville, are you firetrucking insane?" HE asked. Narvile looked at him.

"We can't go ahead and attack that thing, it's suicide." He said, KLAzaac stared at him.

"I didn't come here to run from them, order the attack you coward!" He said.

"My priorities are the lives of my men!" Narville ordered, KAzac lunged towards hinm with his fists, Narville caught it with his hand and then immediately slammed his fist into Kazaac's jaw. Quentin looked at them.

"Stop!" He siad.

"Sir, you gotta stop thinking about getting us home, right now we gotta stop that fleet!" He siad. He quickly walked out towards the exit. Narville stared at him, he pointed to acouple soldiers.

"you four come with me." HE said. They nodded. He headed out. Quentin saw the giant mech. NArville looked down trhen at Kazac.

"Our orders?" HE said, NNarville looked at him.

"Go into attack position, give them support." He said, Kazaac nodded.

"Alright, Raider comman, let's move out." Quentin saw the giant mech outside, he remembered a while back how it destroyed one of they're cruisers, it was equiped with missiles and arc cannons.

( It looks like this http://killzone.wikia.com/wiki/MAWLR )

Quentin heard something on his comm.

"Alright Lieutenant, Raider Command will help you fight the Mawlr." Narvilel said.

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Marina felt the ship get hit. "Uh oh."Marina says.


(EPIC FIGHTING MUSIC!!!!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TePWFnYW3Ek&feature=related -'Armada' from 'Two teps From Hell' starts to play.)


She looked outside. Her eyes widened. There were goverment allies starting to come here for back up with Tanks and air forces. While at the same time some keyblade wielding fleet coming here to help eliminate the soldiers of the goverment. This was not a good sighn. "(Hell's gonna break lose...)"Marina thinks. She felt the ship get hit again. There was an air attack comming to hit them. "Fire down!"Marina says. Their ship started to shoot. It was a battle in the air right now. The same for the ground as the keyblade wielders that were comming in their runners tried to stop the tanks from getting any closer. She opens the door from the ship and looked back at Alex. "Come on."Marina says. She jumped from the ship and summoned her runner and armour in mid air. She saw keyblade wielders fighting against some tanks. She saw the ships in the air fighting and shooting at eachother to see who would go down first. Marina was nervous without her mask on. But she shook her head. She went and flew around. Seeing the battle field. She threw bombarga shperes. Explotions occured. But some of the Tanks were still going. "(We need to win this. WE lose Hollow Bastion. We lose a big chance in this war.)"Marina thinks.

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Quentin quickly got behind cover, he saw a couple of the raider ships fire on it, they didn;t do much damage, but they did draw it's fire. It fired towards them, Quentin looked and saw a Wasp missile turret on a rack, he picked it up and fired out yowards the Mawlr, it did little damage. The mawlr fired a large electrical beam towards the ships, it missed but, something happened, it's vents opened up, revealing a wek point.

"Fire on the vents!" Kazac yelled, Quentin fired the missiles towards them, he disabled 4 out of six of them, the thign shook around.

"I think it's going down!" Quentin yelled. It stopped firing on them. He looked out and saw a sky elevqtor, that must be how they got troops ontothe cruisers.

"We need to get tot hat elevator." Quentin said, he thne saw a wave of keyblade soldiers get down there.

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Alex looked out the door as Marina summoned her Rider and armor and began to fly around the sky. "Er...." Alex didn't have access to his ability to turn his Keyblade into a Rider yet, and he didn't have an armor pad given to him. Alex scratched his head. "Well.... this is uncomfortable." Alex felt the ship begin to shake again. He looked out of the door, nowhere to go. "Um... guess I'll have to hold fort if we get boarded or something." Alex summoned his Keyblade and rested it on his shoulder. "This is gonna suck..."

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Marina dodged the bullets of some guys from teh goverment. "You guys are a pain."Marina says as she throws a blizzard shpere and they freeze instantly. Marina then was blown away when an explotion happened behindd her. It was because of the tanks that were shooting at them. Marina slowly stood up and looked back. The tank was aiming at her. She then stood up and started to run and bearly dodged another shot from the tank. She looked up and saw that the ship was starting to shoot at the air forces. They got to knock one of them out of the sky. But that wasn't going to do much. Marina felt her heart pumping faster and harder at the point of aching. But she didn't know the reason. She just knew that her adrenaline was running. It was either the terror of war. Or simply the exciment of battle.

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Quentin fired towards them, more missiles fired ont he ground, everything went dark, he slowly woke up.

"Sir, lieutenant, are you alright?" A marine asked him, he looked at him.

"What hapenned, where's KAzaac and Narville?" Quentin aszked, the trooper shrugged.

"Not sure, the Mawlr got up and it's been hell." He said, Quentin slowly got up and saw the mawlr still moving, it was over an area, went towards it.

"Sir, what are you doing?" the marine asked, Quentin looekd to him.

"Finishing what we started." HE said, he ran toward the area underneith, at the space elevators, there were a large amount of keyblade weidlers defending it. HE fired towards them, the marine called on his comm.

"The lieutenant needs support, C'mon men." He said. Quentin fired towards another.

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i calmly walked through the base, every soldier is on their guard. they were loading up their guns, and artillery. 'i better get out of here' i then hear a conversation not to far away:


"did you find leslie inverse yet?" "no, but we will colonel defoe. we have this place locked up, and we have a plan to get rid of the enemy." "good. you are dismissed private."


i then hear foots step going away.


"you made it this far, leslie inverse." defoe said, i came out to where i was hiding, then many soldiers surrounded me by the hundreds. "its time for you to die...."


'time to blast my way outta here.'


they started to shoot as i ran, dodging most of the bullets, one of them grazed me in the arm. i jumped, i summoned my keyblade and i killed many soldiers. "how can a street rat like YOU wield the keyblade?!" he said surprised. "thats for me to know and for you to find out!" i said as i killed more soldiers. then tanks came in and started to shoot at me. then i as i waved my keyblade, a red aura appeared around me then everything slowed down. i jumped even higher, and i started to recite my spell:


"Darkness beyond twilight... Crimson beyond blood that flows.. Buried in the stream of time is where your power flows..


I pledge myself to darkness and to conquer All ye foes who stand in our way..let your strength become mine and deliver doom to all....DRAGON SLAVE!!!!"


then a massive sensation of the power of darkness engulfed me, it destroyed everyone and everything, including the base.

i waited for all the debris to clear as soon as it did i looked around me and i created a large crater that went as far as the eye can see. "heh...that was easy, thats what you get when you mess with an inverse!" i said proudly, then i see some disoriented solders pop up from the debris. "time to go..." i ran to a nearby truck that seemed to be in really bad shape but when i started it it worked, i drove like a mad man not stopping for miles.

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John and a few soldiers got into the castle. They made battle with keybladers the moment they steped inside. John clashed blades with a few. He then killed them and headed down the hallway. He then saw his comardes die. He kept killing a few keybladers. He then got to a panel. He hit a few controls. He then heard some noise outside. Weapons then came outside of the castle and started shooting every keyblader.

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(Quentin and MArina are on different sides, in fact quentin has been missing for months and he doesn't report to that base.)


(oh whatever i dont even know whats going on with your plots or whatever, so fill me in, and then i will edit.)

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They finally punched a hole through the defense to the mawlr, at the cost of men, quentin got onto an elivator attached to the mawlr, he went up and ended up on it's leg. HE looked and saw Keyblade weilder elites rushing otowards him, he fired an dkille done, one kunged toward shim, he avoided the blade and ehten kicked him off, anoither one tried to jam her blade into his face buit instead hit his arm, he tripped her feet onto the railing, she fell off. One more came, he blocked the slash with his gun and then kicked him in the balls. He looked out, then suddenly a keyhblade weilder jumped onto him with keyblade in hand, Quentin fell over. She tried to jam her keyblade into him, but he rolled over to one side and kicked at her leg, she grunted and kicked art him harder, he rolled in one direction. when she was about to slash at him again, suddenly she was caught by a barrage of machine gun fiire and was killed, quentin saw it was captain Narville.

"You looked like you needed help." He said, Quentin nodded. Quentin got up, He saw Kazaac rise in the air in a dropship

"c',mon Quentin, we need to kill this thing." He said, Quentin nodded. He got onto KAzaac's ship and then started controlign the mounted turret, he fired on the MAWLR's remaining vents. IT shook violently, it shot it's main gun, it missed but suddenly colapsed on itself.

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i drove for hours until the truck ran out of gas. 'great...what now?' i sighed, i then got out of the truck and i walked until i saw a nearby town. when i walked into town it was silent, and it looked almost abandoned. there was an old man putting up a sign. "excuse me sir, what happened to the town?" i said, the man looked at me. "well this town is being evacuated because of the civil war, you should know. aren't you a soldier?" he asked me with curiosity. "no this is just a costume." i lied naturally. 'civil war huh...maybe i can cash in on this...' "who are you?" he asked. "im leslie inverse." as soon as i said my name his eyes widened. "leslie inverse?! the bandit killer?! one of the cursed ones from the inverse family?!" he said. "yes, and yes." i said as i put my hands behind my head, he was simply speechless, i put a tracking spell on him.



"please help us, and end the war, and as mayor of this ancient city i will give you our treasure. the nearest military base is that way, but you should consider wearing different clothing for it is the opposite side. i shall go tell the rest of my people!" he ran like a madman, towards the mountains. 'time to get to work...things should run smoothly.'

i walked towards the way the man pointed i then found myself in a thick forest, then a fireball came at me. i managed to dodge it, i then heard a horrible laugh: (here it is: Naga The Serpents horrible, horrible Laugh).


"please dont think you can escape from me leslie, now that i have finally found you!" 'oh great... i know this crazed, over confident arrogant sorceress...she has pestered my family so she could earn the title of 'the one who could overpower an inverse' but shes mostly annoying than a formidable opponent.' Naga is a tall and overly-buxom woman who wears a leather bikini-like garment, which made her look like a hooker, or an exotic dancer. "what the hell do you mean by 'escaped'?! i blew you away into the sky!" i said. "i overheard you conversation with the mayor...im going to get the treasure before you do!" she said boastfully. 'this chick doesn't listen at all, it just goes in to the ear and then right out through the other!'


she laughed again, with her horrible, horrible laugh:Naga The Serpents horrible, horrible Laugh it literally made my ears bleed a little. "OK PLEASE STOP!" i begged then a drop of my blood fell on to the ground, she looked at the drop fall into the ground. her face suddenly went pale and she passed out. 'huh..that was anticlimactic, but ok. i guess i forgot that she faints at the sight of blood, but oh well time to get the job done!' i then ran like crazy, towards the base that i could barely see, and eventually it became night again.

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Alex was sitting by the door of the ship, watching the battle. Marina's gone fighting in the skies, I'm all alone on a ship that I, quite frankly, don't even know the name of, and there's a war going on right below me. Alex held his mom's locket in his hand tightly. "Bet you didn't expect me to wind of here, did you, mom?"


The ship shook again, and Alex saw a cruiser pull up beside the ship. Oh, great. Alex got up and rested his Keyblade on his shoulder. Several government soldiers burst in through one of the doors. "Hey guys, yeah, so anyone here want to give up? Yes? No? Maybe? Sheesh, why don't you guys ever take the easy route?" The soldiers pointed their guns at him. "Well, a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do. Let's go!" Alex dashed at the soldiers.

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quentin saw they finally destroyed the MAWLR, they were standing at the elevator's about to go up, Kazaac looked at the troops.

"60 guys?" He asked, Arthur sighed.

"There are no ships down ehre, the only way up is through those space elevators." He said. Narville looked down.

"There's just not enough of us yet." Narville said, Kazaac looked at him then the others.

"Look, if we're goin g down, then I wanna take as many of these basterds as we can, I want it to mean something." HE said.

"They've gotta have a communications room up in that station, right?" Cairo asked.

"What, warn Twilight Town?" Narville asked.

"Is that all we can do?" Kazaac asked. NArville sighed.

"you did your best son, we all did, alright people, fall in." Narville said, Quentin stood up.

"No, no that's bullshit!" Quentin said, thye suddenly looked at him.

"Do you know the odds of us stil being here? Right here, right now? None of us should be alive, and that MEANS something." Quentin said, they nodded, he stepped onto a higher piece of debris.

"We all know, what the keyblade weidlers do to they're prisoners... and if we could save even ONE person from that, if I'm going down, I want these basterds to atleast remember my firetruckING name!" Quentin siad, the others cheered.

"And that is why you do not firetruck with the WPA!" Kazac said, they cheered louder. quentin looked to Arthur and Cairo.

"Guy's, which elevator will take you closer to the communications bay?" quentin asekd. Cairo looked at the computer then ppointed to one.

"That one." HE said.

"Get the warning out, we'll take the other one, find a way to delay the launch." HE said.

"How?" Arthur asked, Quentin breathed in for a moment an dthen looked at him.

"De-orbate the space-station." He said. They nodded, they got into the elevator's and strapped themselves in.

"Launching, good luck people." NArville said. The aleavators went up at quick speeds.


Stahl just arrived at the space station. HE looked to see, Admiral Orlock? (Other character, who was Visari's military advisor, is Stahl's military rival, just named as the new Autarch (Leader pretty much)

(Orlock now control's The keyblade weilder's army, the forces Stahl had was a privately funded army. Yeah I'll admit, most of these character's and part of this plot is related to Killzone 3, I jsut felt it would work since I wanted my characters to go through a struggle agasinst them, and killzone 3 came to mind when i thought of a struggle, so that's what some of the plot in my post is coming from.)

One of the soldiers quickly ran to Orlock.

"Wir, the WPA army is here, they took out the Mawlr, and they're coming up the space elevator-" Orlock turned to him.

"enough with the WPa, it's either they die, or you do." He said, the man saluted and hurried away, he looked at Stahl.

"By the order of the High council, I Jorhan Brimve Stahl report for duty, I am willing to serve in any capacity the state wishes." HE said. (By state he means the union or whatever, after 15 years they probably would have make they're own government.) He paused for a moemnt then looked around.

"this is it? I would of expected more security." He said.

"Like father, like son, it seems failure runs in the family business." Orlock said.

"Ironic how you needed both of us to get you where you are." Stahl remarked snidely. Orlock looked to one of the soldiers.

"did he bring the weapons?" HE asked. The soldier looked at his wrist for readings.

"Electrostatic energy profiles confirmed on the chairmen's cruiser, they're all there sir." HE said. Orlock nodded.

"You should be proud Stahl, your weapons are gonna usher in a new era of keyblade weilder dominance." He said. Stahl looked at him strangely.

"I'll speak highly of you, at your funeral... arrest the chairman." Orlock said, the soldiers behind him backed down for some reason.

"Ah yes, the men and women of our proud and painfully underpaid military, they're all so pathetically predictable." Stahl said. Orlock stared at him in disbilief. Stahl put his hand to his right ear.

"Commore, fire on your command." They answerred back.

"Fire." Stahl said, Orlock stared at him.

"You wouldn't dare!" He said. Orlock was wrong, one of Stahl's ships fired on a keyblade union ship, it immediately fell apart. The station fired back on it, the blow did nothing to the chairman's ship.

"You've... you've developed energy shielding?" Orlock asked. Stahl smirked.

"Your not watching." HE said. Suddenly Stahl's ship fired a a green object out towards 2 small ships, they were immediately enveloped by green energy and destroyed. Orlock stared at Stahl then looked back out.

"this, is how you make the senate accept you?" Orlock asked.

"The senate will beg me to forgive them... right after YOU do." Stahl said, he pulled out what looked to be a WPA pistol he must of found.

"Get on your knees, GET ON YOUR KNEES!" Stahl yelled, Orlock looked at ihm and instead summoned his keyblade and stabbed the tip into Stahl, who fell back for a moment, Stah'ls soldiers fired on Orlocks and killed htem quickly, Orlock stabbed his keyblade into one then killed the other, Stahl was gone.

"I know your still here Stahl... YOU CAN't HIDE FOREVER!" Orlock exclaimed.


The WPa troopers got up to the station and then looked out the window.

"They'rte firing on eachother." Kazaac said, Quentin pointed to Stah's ships, which weren't effected by fire.

"Look at that." Quentin said.

"we;ve seen those ships before, anyone know where they went?" HE asked, NArville looked at him.

"The second Pier, I like your thinking Victor." He said, Kazaac immediately went to his comm.

"Arthur, forget the communications room, we need access to those strike ships." He said.

"Way ahead of you." Arthur answerred back Narville looked at them.

"Alriught troops this is our chance, we'll regroup at pier two and take command of the strike ships, it's the only way we can prevent the cruisers from reaching earth, this is it boys." Narville said. Quentin nodded, he prepared his eapon, they quickly went through the door.

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Marina was with a small group of keyblade wielders waiting for a group of tanks to pass by. Marina counted down quietly from five to one and signaling with her fingers. Five.four.three.two.one! They saw the tanks pass by. Marina threw a blizzaga shpere and it made the tanks stop on their tracks for a few moments. They took this chance and then ran towards them. The tanks,still stuck on the ice,shooted at them. Then all of them got behind three keyblade wielders in specific. They got their keyblade upfront and shileds formed around them and protected them from the blasts. "(Gotta love the reflect effect.)"Marina thinks. Then they ranned and went over the tanks. They used bombarga shperes to open up the doors and got inside. Marina got inside her's. She jumped in and slashed the goverment soldiers in the neck,killing them. She then picked up the bodies and threw them out. She saw the others do the same. Marina felt bad for killing them. But there was nothing she could really do. Therewas a war. And these were enemies. Unless she wanted ti be declared a traitor. She needed to fight. Marina signaled them and they used fira magic to melt the ice and they re-entered the tanks. "OK group. Let's defeat the enemy by blending in with it."Marina says. They went ridding into the battlefield. The goverment soldiers didn't attacked them as expected. Then when all of their backs were turned. Marina signaled them and they all shotted towards teh soldiers. Killing practically all of them that were in that area. "Mezric. Get me to teh castle!"Marina says. Then they all kept shooting at soldiers but stopped on their tracks when a ship from the enemy crashed down and the force knocked the tanks upside down. Marina helded her head. "Say something if you're not dead."Marina says. Then she could hear a bunch of grunts and small talking through her comm. So she knew that they were ok. They started to crawl out of the tanks and then run towards the castle. They slashed through soldiers as they blocked attacks. The doors were locked. So Marina looked around and saw a broken window. She sighnaled something to one of her allies. He noded. He went and kneeled down and got his blade ready. Marina ranned at full speed and jumped over to him. Her feet touched his keyblade and he instantly used aeroga and flipped his keyblade sending Marina flying. Marina then uses aeroga to get an extra sprint and go through the window. "I'm in. Try to get in as well. Follow my comm location,I need to go in further."Marina says as she starts to run.

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John was at the panel shooting at keybladers that were coming to stop him.'' If we win this battle then a turning point shall begin and the worlds shall win because this is the keybladers key world right now.''thought John as he kept fireing and saw that no more came.'' Good. Time to keep these weapons fireing.''said John. Jphn then ordered the tanks to flank the keybladers at the east part of the castle. The air forces to attack the ground as much as possble. He then kept hitting panels.

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Marina ranned through the castle swiftly. She had been here before. She knew where to go. She heard some noise. She hid behind a pillar and took a peek. She saw someone from the goverment. He was at the main panel. There were hidden crystals around Hollow Bastion that with this letted them see everything. "(He's using it as an advantedge.)"Marina thinks. She got her comm on and whispered some orders. "Get Ciara and get her to tell you where did she and squad 'recon' planted those aerima crystals. We need them destroyed,a goverment punk is using them at his advantedge."Marina whispers. She took a bombarga shpere and waited. After a few minutes the panel's screens turned to static. As the guy was busy trying to get it fixed. Marina slowly clicked the shpere and it rolled right behind him. Then the guy jumped out of the way at the split second the shpere exploded. He was unharmed,but the panels were destroyed. Marina slowly walked over to him. "You shall not get Hollow Bastion."Marina says with a seriusness in her face.

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'' You don't get it. We worlds were only trying to make peace by killing you keybladers. Since that, You guys formed a army to repel our plans. You shall lose this battle.''said John as he pulled out his double ended blade and rushed to Marina and clashed against her keyblade. He then backed away and pulled out a gun.'' This is one thing you keybladers hate.''said John as he started shooting.

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Marina blocked the bullets,but on got her shoulder. She helded her wound. She looked at him. "Keyblade wielders have been known to be the keepers of peace for centuries. We keyblade wielders were gifted with these keyblade for mostly that reason. We never wanted a war. It wasn't ever our choice. We were just choosen. All of us thought that we could live in peace,like any other day,forerver. But it is the goverment who caused all of this war. We NEVER threathened to get you out of power neither to harm anyone. But then without warning you just started to launch attacks...to kill us. We had no choice!"Marina says. The guy shooted at her. Marina dodged as fast as she could. Her blue shirt getting bloody by the shoulder area and the area looking kind of purple because of the mix of blood and blue ink. "We could not let you guys kill us and extinct us like animals without a true reason. Wielding a keyblade is not a reason!!!Just thinks of your friends and family. What if one of them could wield a keyblade out of nowhere,are you going to kill them too?!"Marina asks frustuated. The goverment was the whole reason for this war even starting.

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They went through the door, ir was empty, quentin looked around... he suddenly saw spider drones APPEAR.

"Fire!" Quentin said, they did, the spiders blew up. Suddenly some kind of alarm sounded, they hurried to the next hallway, to see keyblade soldiers.

"Get the WPA dogs!" One of thenm yelled, Quentin got behind cover, he peeked out to fire on the others. They finally got through to the next hallway, Quentin could swear they were getting close, he saw something.

"HEavy!" Quentin yelled, a large keyblade weilding brute in large metal armor came, he seemed slugish, he had a battery pack on his back.

"Shot the pack, I'll distract him!" KAzaac yalled, he threw a grenade, but it had no effect. Quentin nodded. Kazac fired at it's ehad, it shook around and turned, quentin took this opratunity to fire on it, the pack blew up and it caught on fire. It colapsed, Quentin saw an elevator it came out of, he motioned the othwers, they entered. The fight was still going on ahead in space.


Orlock was pacing around, Stahl was there, he needed to die. suddenly someone picked up a rusted piece of scrap metal, Stahl did, and slapped Orlock across the face repeatiely with it. He fell back into a heavy monitor which toppled over him. HE couldn't move. Stahl pointed the pistol at him.

"Stahl waiit, think about what your doing... you're going to leave us... defelsless." HE said, Stahl laughed.

"That the best you got? Haha!" He said.

"Listen, even if you win, do you think the WPa, willl give you time to rebuild? Loook around you Stahl... your destroying our people." He said, Stahl lowered the gun for a moment.

"Unless, what if there were no enemies to fight, what if I took my weapons, and killed everyone in Twilight Town?" He said. Orlock was trying to grab his keyblade which was about a foot away from his arm.

"The colonies would be terrified, they'd FALL into line... and I wouldn't need you." Stahl said. HE looked down and saw a keyblade on the ground. Orlock immediately grabbed his keyblade and fired on Stahl, but he wasn't there.

"Like I said... your predictable!" Stahl said getting out fo cover he fired a spell with the keyblade towards Orlock, his skin expanded and contracted, it blew up. blood spattered where he once was. Stahl laughed, he lowered the weapon.

"Shit, that must of hurt." HE said laughing.

"Chairman stahl!" One of his soldiers said arriving. He turned to them.

"Report." He said.

"As were your orders, the weapons are primed for full deployment in Twiligfh ttown's atmosphere. We're ready to jump to warp at the moment your back aboard your cruiser." HE said. Anothe rsoldier approached.

"Sir, WPA troops are approaching." HE said. Stahl stared at Orlock's remains.

"Couldn't even get that right, utterly useless." He mocked. HE then looked to his troopers.

"Go, the moment we're off this station, destroy it." He said.

"But sir, the others..." One said, Stahl looked away.

"firetruck 'em." HE said.


Quentin felt the station shake., he loked out to see the ships still firing on eachother.

"It's tearing this place appart, we gotta hurry up." Quentihn said, NArville nodded.

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