roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted March 25, 2011 Quentin stared at him, he was a pale man in his late fourties. He paced aroound the room. He seemed to be the head honcho, Quentin also noticed something, a camera, the man was facing him. He motioned for keyblade weilders in armor to get closer, one was carrying a strange keyblade. (Calamity from two steps from hell plays) He faced the camera, Quentin recognized him, this was Jorhan Stahl, the weapons maker for the keyblade weilders, and by weapons, that meant gummi ships and other militaristic artilitary. It seemed obvioud what they would do to him. He faced the camera. (he's basically a character that wants to be Visari's successor) "Good day, my fellow weilders, I am Jorhan Stahl. This is something of a rarity for me, because speeches are not my forte. But honesty is. And I believe what I have to say today you'll find very... refreshing. My father and Visari, both great leaders. They built this union from nothing. Using sharp minds commited to our future, together, they built a nation. Visari gave us purpose and hope. My father's factories, they gave us the most powerful army the universe has ever known! But our army has failed us. They have allowed themselves to become fat, lazy and CARELESS! But that changes today! The time has come for some new firetrucking management (Eh, I'm basing these character's off other ones.) I know, what this nation needs... and I will cut out this desease of compliance and subjugation. So, to honor Visari, tomorrow we launch the greatest military campaign in our history. And to celebrate that... I will give you justice. REVENGE! And the death... OF HIS KILLERS!" He yelled, Quentin clenched his eyes The keyblade weilder in armor pointed the keyblade at him, he was about to fire when suddenly one of them pushed at him, his aim was compromised and aimed at Stahl he immediatley jumped back and put another one of his soldiers in the way, he screamed out in pain and was vaporized from the keyblades blast. Quentin looked at the soldier, and saw him remove his helmet, it was Captain Narville, who immediately got him out from the chair, Stahl dissipeared, but orderred morem soldiers in. "Kill them, the WPA must not survive." He yelled. Narville tossed a pistol to Quentin, who caught it, they both got behind cover. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted March 25, 2011 hey terra never answered my question why amn't i in Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted March 25, 2011 Everyone saw this. They started to shoot magic attacks at them. But they got behind a table to cover themselves from the attack. Marina's blood was boling with anger. She was furious. She shook her head and got her comunicator working. "How the HELL did he escaped?!"Marina asked furious. "He just did!He pulled out a weapon out of nowhere and got us kncoked out cold!When we woke up,he was...gone?"One of them says nervus. Marina cutted out the communication and got her mask on. "NO.SURVIVORS!"Marina says as she throws fiev bombarga shperes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted March 26, 2011 "Captain, how did you get out?" Quentin asked, his captain was holding a keyblade rifle. HE fired at them, then saw the bombarga, they got down. "I'll tell you later, but we need to getg out of here." He said. Quentin nodded. He fired with the pistol out and then saw a door closing, they immeidately got through it and locked it, Quentin heard banging on the door. "Alright, sir, what do we do?" Quentin asked. "We need to free our troops." HE said. Quentin nodded. "That means... head back to hollow bastion?" Quentin asked, his captain sighed and nodded. "God know's what they're doing to them." He said, Quentin nodded. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vanitas 127 Posted March 26, 2011 From a distance he saw a building with sounds and explosions originating from inside. "Looks like I found it" said Red. Red headed towards the building. The sound increasing in volume and his heart beating faster he exclaimed in statisfaction "This is IT! Something to look forward to! A challenge!" Red summoned his keyblade and charged the building. Savoring every moment of fear and confusion originating from the people he passed. "Cant get better than this. Who ever did this is doing a nice job." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted March 26, 2011 They started to punch the door trying to get it opened. "Argh!"Marina says frustuated. She got her comunicator out. She hacked into the com system with the comunicator and got to the building's sound system. "Attention everyone. Two WPA soldiers are on the lose around section 13. Find these two and kill them at once!!"Marina says. She then took out a big shpere. It fitted in her hand completetly. "Stand back."marina says. They all saw the shpere and ranned oout of the way,as their lives depended on it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted March 26, 2011 Quentin saw the door shake, Narville nodded, he got next to it and planjted a mine on it. "where'd you get that sir?" Quentin asked. narville shrugged. "I found it along with our other wepons he said, he passed Quentin a larger rifle, Qeuntni holstered it. He saw that other WPA soldiers were captured here. The immediately hurried to the door and exitted, they hurried through the hall, they were heading towards the prison section. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vanitas 127 Posted March 26, 2011 "Two WPA soldiers huh?" said Red hearing the announcement. "Chasing them would be fun... But it probably wouldnt offer a challenge. Made up my mind. I ransack this base then I go." Red gripped his keyblader harder in anticipation and attacked the keybladers swirling around him. Pretty soon, they was a circle of blood. The unsuspecting keybladers were all dead or too injured to move. "Not good enough" said Red. He knew where he had to go. He had to fine the person that spoke over the sound system. The voice ringed power and authority. The perfect enemy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted March 26, 2011 Marina threw the sphere. It hitted the door and exploded,but the explotion reacted with the mine and a huge explotioned happened. They all screamed as flames covered them. Some of them were getting burned alive as other dodged it just in time and only got minor burns or only burns on their clothes. Marina helded her side as she was burned. She saw her arm with burns. She flinched and looked around. Bruned out corpses around. She looked around. One of her good friends was bruned to ashes. She felt her anger rise even more. They. Had. To. Die. She slowly got up and looked at the computer. She typed in something and pulled a trigger. Alarms started to sound. She got her comunicator. "Medics of the enfermery area get to the Union Hall right now,we have injured,gravely injured and dead. Soldiers of all of the other areas,get your behinds going and look for those two!!!Seal all exits and guard all doors. They need to die!"Marina says. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted March 26, 2011 (eh, don't kill off stahl, he's kinda important... not to mention ON YOUR SIDE) "I repeat, get those WPA firetruckers!" Stahl yteleld through the intercom. Quentin and Narville got tot he cell district, a keyblade weilder looked at them about to raise his keyblade when Quentin immediately punched him in the jaw, he gasped o nto the table, his hand stretched, Narville immediately stabebd a knife into his hand, The man yelled out, in his hands was the cell keys. Quentin took them and proceeded to free the WPa prisoners. Narville handed them weapons. (Meanwhile) "Sir, the WPa prisoners hav e been freed." Someone said, Stahl's eyes widened. "What are you waiting for, prare the troops, they aren't leaving this place alive!'" HE said, "Alright sir." she saaid pressing a button, more soldiers were coming. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted March 26, 2011 Marina ranned to the ones that were hurted badly,but alive. She wanted to go after them SO badly. But she had bigger things to worry about. Right now,and right there infront of her. She used a cura on the really really burned ones. But they were still to burned. "Don't worry guys. You're gonna make it. Just hang on. Please."Marina says. She looked around and saw some who were stable. They were looking at her. "You're able to move?Then don't just stand there. Get your behinds over to your posts of battle!"Marina says. They noded and ranned out. Marina saw the medical wielders come by with medical stuff. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sigrun 1,064 Posted March 26, 2011 the man turned he was dressed in some kind of uniform. "why is a little girl like you doing here?!" he asked. "ugh...im16...and i was just passing by." i said, he looked at me with suspicion. "you look familiar...whats your name?" he asked. "leslie." i said simply, the look of suspicion intensified. then he sighed. "alright...i should at least escort you into town." he said, i nodded. "what town are we close by?" i asked. "wait you dont know where you are?" i nodded. "no. like i said i was passing by." i pointed out. "Land of dragons, we have to go now this place is crawling with bandits." he said, then he took out a walkie talkie, and called in for a transport. then a large heavyset hummer-like car came in, obviously military grade. i got in and eventually we came in to town, there was a heavy military presence with many war trucks and cars filled with soldiers. 'shit...i better keep my head down, i better hope they dont know about me being a bandit killer.' the car stopped at some sort of military base,i went inside, security was very strict. 'its a good thing i dont have my knives, guns, bombs, and weed on me.' the man then offered me some food, and i ate it. i looked around the base, there was a wanted poster of ME, i took it down and it threw it into the trash. then a heavily decorated soldier came up to me, he took out me to another room, he took out his gun and pointed it at me. "leslie inverse...i finally found you." he smiled, he looked very familiar. i lifted up my hands. "whoa..chill." I said. "dont you remember me? you killed most of us after we took that treasure, after i kill you i will be praised." he said. "please...wait until they find out about your rap i recall you raped and killed a prince once you and your goons took control, Defoe. they wont be celebrating, youll be killed, the king wants revenge." i said, i remember him now perfectly. 'this guy has done worse shit than I did' "not if i kill you first!" he said, i kicked him in the balls and i ran for it. i then hear the alarms go off. "WARNING WARNING THIS A LEVEL 5 LOCKOUT DO NOT BE ALARMED, PLEASE APPROACH WITH CAUTION." said an automated computer voice. then many soldiers came my way, i hid somewhere under a truck. 'firetruck...i need to blend in or ill be toast.' i then see a nearby army guard standing at attention, i hit him over his head and he passed out. i took him near a closet and i switch clothes with him. i tied him up to the radiator, he woke up so i put a sleeping spell on him. eventually the alarm stopped. "here we go." i whispered, i came out of the closet. "CORPORAL WHY ARE NOT AT YOUR POST?!" said a high ranking officer, as he was about to walk by me. "i had to fix my bra-um, sir." i saluted 'what a lame excuse leslie!" he laughed. "at ease...carry on then." he chuckled. 'i better get the firetruck out of here, defoe is running around the base somewhere looking for me.' i thought. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vanitas 127 Posted March 26, 2011 Red continued to explore and with each step the destruction was more evident. Eventually he came across a group of soldiers. With a girl that looked like she was in charge. "Well, well, well. Doesnt this look like hell" said Red gesturing to the burned soldiers and the blew up door. "I can feel the anger coming out of you. Like little daggers. You want revenge dont you? For your fallen and injured friends? Too bad none of you will live to exact your revenge." Red lifted up his keyblade. "If not for your sake. Fight for your friends. Bring some excitement to this world." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted March 26, 2011 Marina steared at him with a really confused expression. The healer wielders were to busy trying to get the living yet grave ones healing the best they could. Marina quickly stood up and summoned her blade by her side. She got her mask on her face. Behind this mask,for some reason,she felt safer. Stronger. Much better with it in battle than without it. "Unless you want to end up dead. I suggest you get out of here."Marina says. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
baylaust 2,531 Posted March 26, 2011 Alex stood among the chaos, completely dumbfounded. He had been able to avoid getting hurt, but he saw everyone around him in pain, dying. Alex looked all around him. ... REAAAALLLY gotta say, it's not easy being optimistic all the time. Alex looked over to see a mysterious person talking to Marina. Whoever he was, he wasn't friendly. Alex casually walked over, looking at Red. "Hey, yeah, is there something I can help you with? Glass of water, chocolate bar, ass-kicking, you name it, I deliver," he said, with a casual smile on his face. A reason he had no friends in this war was due to his ability to seem so carefree during dangerous situations, which people thought as being reckless and not caring about his allies. "Sheesh, talk about a crappy way to start a mission." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted March 26, 2011 Quentin helped get them prepared, theyseemed a bit dramatized about what they've seen. Narville had a small map. "Alright, the only way off this planet is by either gummiship, or portals that are created." He said, the others nodded. "However, when portals are created, it;s unknown where they would take us." HE said, Quentin sighed. "Sir, we need to get out of here, it's crawling with keyblade weilders." HE seaid. Narville nodded. "Yeah... so we need to use those portals, I don't intend on swimming." HE said. Quentin nodded, the others did as well, they looekd at the map, they headed towards the corresponding hallway. 'I got a bad feeling about this' Quentin thought, they were heading towards the portal room. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vanitas 127 Posted March 26, 2011 "I might die. But if the purpose of me being here really called for me to win I would'nt die obviously. I might just be here to waste time. Give time for those WPA soldiers to get away. If they are capable of killing say... Visary, they could stir up real mayhem. Or, I might just be here to kill you. Which would satsify me much more. Who am I kidding, I just want to fight you." Reds keyblade erupted into flames. He threw a small fireball at the feet of one the healers. "That was a bit of inspiration so you don't run. That would hurt your buddies and we don't want that." ( Sudoku is a bitc* ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted March 26, 2011 Quentin and the group headed through one of the hallways, he saw a large group of kleyblade weilders, and three others, one semed to be an asshole holding a keyblade towards his allies. One of the WPa prisoners was about to speak up, when Quentin shushed him. He nodded. "follow my lead." HE whispered, they nodded. They had a small group, of about 17 guys. Quentin saw a sign that pointed that the portal room was a couple hallways away. They sneaked behind the conflict, They paid no attention, Narville setted up mines around the floor and walls around them, they would set off when theyh were out. They quickly got to the hallway, Narville wispered. "Three... two.... ONE." HE said, quickly getting into the hallway, they slowly shut the door, They suddenly heard a large KABOOM! from the room, Narville quickly put one more mine on the door. Quentin looked to the others. "Double time it, we need to ge tmoving!" Quentin said, they kept going, he couldn't imagine what would happen if they didn't get to the portal room. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
baylaust 2,531 Posted March 26, 2011 Alex looked at Red. "Wow..... has anyone ever told you that you're a prick? If not, it's pretty overdue. Anyway, please stop talking in riddles, quite frankly, it's somewhat annoying." Alex opened his hand, and his Keyblade, the Hero's Crest, appeared in it. Alex spun it a couple times, and then rested it on his shoulder. "So, who wants to attack first? Marina, me, random guy with Keyblade #2? Seriously, it's your call." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted March 26, 2011 Marina sighs She looked at Alex and smiled under her mask. "Wanna help...kicks his ass to the next dimension."Marina simply says. She threw a green shpere towards the healers and they get covered by a shield. She then ranned towards Red. He blocked. Marina jumped and then used Fira magic at him. He dodged. "You have some nerve to threathen my friends."Marina says as she threw a shpere and ice spikes started to go towards Red. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
baylaust 2,531 Posted March 26, 2011 Alex gestured at Red. "Meh, whatever, I'll let you take the first shot. Go ahead." Red ran at Alex and swung his Keyblade. It went right through Alex. Suddenly, he disappeared, revealing it to just be an illusion. "Heads up." Red turned around and recieved a kick to the head by Alex. Red swung his Keyblade several times, with Alex dodging them with lightning speed. He ran torwards Red and slid between his legs. While Red was disoriented for a moment, Alex spun his Keyblade to a reverse grip, and puched Red in the face with the hilt of his Keyblade. "Oooooh, that's going to leave a mark. Hope you're not too self-conscious, buddy." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted March 26, 2011 Marina saw Alex fight. He was pretty good. Then she stopped when she heard some beeping behind her. She slowly turned in horror to see a mine. She looked around. The room was filled with them. "Alex..."Marina says. She then heard the beeping go faster and faster. She now knew that they were in deep trouble. "EVERYONE DOWN!!!!"Marina says. The healers stood over the injured to protect them. Marina practically threw herself to the ground and pulled Alex. She got her cape over them and the cape got covered in blue fire. The explotion occured. The entire room turned into a blazzing inferno. The cape was protecting Marina and Alex. But just bearly. After a few moments. The fire killed itself out. Marina made the cape back to normal to reveal the room filled with smoke. Even with her mask. She was having trouble breathing. She started to cough. The smoke started to clear up,to reveal that most of them were covered in black charkoal all over. She looked upfront and saw the medics and the last survivors. Dead. "No..."Marina says looking down. She punched the floor. "Damn it....they just sneaked up on us!!!!"Marina says. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vanitas 127 Posted March 26, 2011 "That hurt my feelings." "And I guess I do." Flames erupted at his feet and it melted the spikes. "Lack of strength to back up your threats. Tsk. And you, spinning your keyblade around in a circle fails to show me skill. It just shows a lack of restraint. You could have surprised me with whatever it is you are capable of doing. Well, it does make this easier." Reds hand gripped his cloaked and set it aflame. He threw the cloak at the keyblader with the mask on to obscure her view. He then lunged with his keyblade the one wielding the Heros Crest. "Oh and I have been called a prick. And sadistic" said Red as his keyblade came down. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vanitas 127 Posted March 26, 2011 Damn it. I should have waited. lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
baylaust 2,531 Posted March 26, 2011 (you can always just edit your posts) Alex barely rolled out of the way. "Woaaaaaahhhkay, that was uncomfortably close. And hey, most of these guys have been fighting this war their entire lives. I've been here for barely 2 months. Cut me some slack. You, on the other hand..." Alex began to rush Red, making several lightning fast strikes. Red was blocking them, but was also being pushed back. "You're cocky, arrogant, and think you're stronger than everyone else. You should at least back up your claims. And hey, I go for style. If I'm going to beat the crap out of someone, may as well look good doing it." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites