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for one thing, xion is not a horse.


second xion is No.i backwards with an x mixed in. just like with all the other members names. the No is short for number, and the i is the roman number for one. for those of you who dont get the whole number one thing, *spoiler* in days it is revealed that xion is a puppet ment to replicate sora. or more commonly known as a replica. now if youve read vexens journal entries, then youll see that when she was made she was dubbed number one of the replica program that xemnas started. or No.i for short. why is that she was the first of the replica program to accually work and be functional. when they put her into the organization,she needed a name. and if youve read xemnas' journal entries then youll know what the meaning behind xions name is. she was No.i of the replica program, that was her name, No.i. so they put an x in, wrote it backwards and theres xions name. almost like replicu is a way. but he was an imperfect, in their eyes, replica prototype that wasnt fit for number status since he wouldnt be used in the program. so when vexen went to CO, he took the prototype replica to see if it would yeild any use. it apparently did and became our replicu. this horse thing had nothing to do with it.

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for one thing, xion is not a horse.


second xion is No.i backwards with an x mixed in. just like with all the other members names. the No is short for number, and the i is the roman number for one...


First of all, thanks for the backing.

Second: I have hear that the "i" isn't for roman numerals, but the imaginary number "i". I read this on KH's wiki, so take that info with a grain of salt.

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so does that meen ur saying xions a horse?


No, that means Xion's a unicorn....or something like it....whatever Ixion is supposed to be lol.


Anyway, I highly doubt that there is a connection. As for her name, I'm pretty sure the i was for the imaginary number, not the roman numeral.

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for one thing, xion is not a horse.


second xion is No.i backwards with an x mixed in. just like with all the other members names. the No is short for number, and the i is the roman number for one. for those of you who dont get the whole number one thing, *spoiler* in days it is revealed that xion is a puppet ment to replicate sora. or more commonly known as a replica. now if youve read vexens journal entries, then youll see that when she was made she was dubbed number one of the replica program that xemnas started. or No.i for short. why is that she was the first of the replica program to accually work and be functional. when they put her into the organization,she needed a name. and if youve read xemnas' journal entries then youll know what the meaning behind xions name is. she was No.i of the replica program, that was her name, No.i. so they put an x in, wrote it backwards and theres xions name. almost like replicu is a way. but he was an imperfect, in their eyes, replica prototype that wasnt fit for number status since he wouldnt be used in the program. so when vexen went to CO, he took the prototype replica to see if it would yeild any use. it apparently did and became our replicu. this horse thing had nothing to do with it.


he obviously knows that

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I have played FFX, and honestly, never noticed that, probably because I haven't played it for a bit, and, well, I probably would never have noticed it in the first place.

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Those that have played Final Fantasy X, would know Xion is Ixion without the 'I'.





well ya but xion is

a replica. and her name has the same logic as the rest of the organization just scrambled up and an x is thrown in. her "true name" is No.I look familliar like i sai it was scrambled up.


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I have played FFX, and honestly, never noticed that, probably because I haven't played it for a bit, and, well, I probably would never have noticed it in the first place.


Also, that was the default name. You could rename Ixion anything you wanted.

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I have played FFX, and honestly, never noticed that, probably because I haven't played it for a bit, and, well, I probably would never have noticed it in the first place.


Also, that was the default name. You could rename Ixion anything you wanted.


I never did, I just kept the Aeons with their original names, same with Tidus.

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I have played FFX, and honestly, never noticed that, probably because I haven't played it for a bit, and, well, I probably would never have noticed it in the first place.


Also, that was the default name. You could rename Ixion anything you wanted.


I never did, I just kept the Aeons with their original names, same with Tidus.



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