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people who hate justin bieber

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true but i want to see how many pple hate him and no offense but i couldnt help but look at your sig but it seems more true to the kh series if bbs was in the first triliogy b4 kh i know you did it your way im just sayin we all have rights to opinions ^^

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Jeez people this is really starting to get old... I mean what's the point of making a life times supply of Justin Beiber threads when we all hate him? Like DeathSkull said. It's almost like you all love him but are hating on him just to cover it up. Don't get me wrong I hate him too. But seriously...it was funny at first but now it's just plain annoying...

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I agree with Paopu and DeathSkull. I'm pretty sure that 70% of the internet hates him, so if you guys hate him so much, then can't we just NOT post numerous threads about our hatred for Justin Bieber?

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haters are the reason he's famous


like rebecca black.


the cool eagle's are made out of orichalcum+, not obsidian. (I'm fine with Rebecca Black, she actually has an okay voice suprisingly, not including Friday)

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haters are the reason he's famous


like rebecca black.


the cool eagle's are made out of orichalcum+, not obsidian. (I'm fine with Rebecca Black, she actually has an okay voice suprisingly, not including Friday)


ah, but i'm a special eagle.

and yeah, rebecca actually has a really good voice, bar friday.

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You do not know how much I hate that little Son of a B. I've made so many insults about that ugly ass bastard (sorry for the language but its true) all over the web (I usually get dissed but then I own them). I can't stand all these phycotic Bieber fans. And by the way JB gay is a woman. Listen to his high pitch punk voice. He should just sticked to recon and stand up comedy.

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You do not know how much I hate that little Son of a B. I've made so many insults about that ugly ass bastard (sorry for the language but its true) all over the web (I usually get dissed but then I own them). I can't stand all these phycotic Bieber fans. And by the way JB gay is a woman. Listen to his high pitch punk voice. He should just sticked to recon and stand up comedy.



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Imo, people who always go, "JUSTIN BIEBER SUCKS!111!!!ONE BAWWWWW" are just as annoying as the people who love him. ://

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Why do people keep on hating on the kid with no reason...?


there is reason. it's not really directed at him, but at his stupid drooling fangirls. he's really not talented.


but my comments are directed towards him, because i've heard stuff he's said and he is possibly the biggest asshole on earth

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Why do people keep on hating on the kid with no reason...?


there is reason. it's not really directed at him, but at his stupid drooling fangirls. he's really not talented.


but my comments are directed towards him, because i've heard stuff he's said and he is possibly the biggest asshole on earth


Nobody is stating a real reason other than "LOLOLOL HE IZ DOUCHEBAG. FHAAGGGGGG"


Since he isn't really talented, maybe people should ACTUALLY BRING THAT FACT UP rather than just saying "LETS ALL HATE TOGETHUR!"

His songs are repetitive, he uses the same generic pop beats as everyone else, and he's popular for doing nothing. Yeah, and everyone on the radio totally doesn't do the same.


I don't think he's the biggest, but thats mainly because he's only 16. Is he an asshole? Absolutely. Should we care about that? Not really.


His fangirls are quite annoying, I do agree on that though. Well, at least the hardcore fangirls. Otherwise, I can handle other opinoins.

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Yeah. It's fun to talk with me, isn't?


yes it is fun to talk wit you me


and death skull no we hate justin bieber its the i hate fanclub


Oh you mean the I dry hump Justin Bieber fanclub? Gotcha. Keep the Bieber Fever train running.


It's ok, your secret is safe with :)

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Justin Biebers Fangirls slogan should be Im a Bieber Bitch and if you turn Justin Biebers initials around they spell BJ coincedence i think not.

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Justin Biebers Fangirls slogan should be Im a Bieber Bitch and if you turn Justin Biebers initials around they spell BJ coincedence i think not.


How about you spend less time loving justin bieber and spend more time loving the almighty dchiuch.

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ok sk3 did they brain wash you or do you just give up and decide to join them


who is this sk3 you speak of? i am merely a prophet of dchiuch!

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