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Oh Boy >_<

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I just checked out a Japanese to English dictionary/grammer book at my local library and you won't believe how much sentences and words there are for me to learn O_O. I think my mind's going to have an explosion from learning all these words and phrases xD. Learning Japanese is going to take longer than I thought though (I've been learning Japanese for 5 months now). I mean, all these new words are a little hard to remember. But it usually takes ma about 5-6 days to remember that word/phrase. I mean it's already hard enough trying to learn the days of the week in Japanese as well as the months too (so far I know how to say January and December in Japanese). You know what's strange though? I find it easier learning the Katakana and Hirogana (the Japanese alphabets and characters) more than I do with learning a sentence in Japanese xD. So yeah, Japanese is kind of tougher to learn than I anticipated lol. Just hope it won't take me a few years to master it though O_o. So, any tips or advice that any of you can give me to learn this language faster? I know that most of you guys on this site speak a different language other than English, so I'm looking for some strategies to help me with this.

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You could try to cram it all at once, or tr talking to peoplez in the language. Or.... you could be lazy and just use one of the childrens videos like Muzzy.


Well, okay I'll try that. Except for Muzzy, that seems so childish to me especially since I'm 18 years old lol. Plus Muzzy scares me O.o

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to fluently speak a language, it generally takes more than one year.

i'd reccomend finding someone to get you lessons if youre serious about learning it, or getting a language program (...but not muzzy lol) .

learning from a dictionary isnt really a good way to go; youre not really learning the language, youre just memorizing certain phrases and words by doing that.

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to fluently speak a language, it generally takes more than one year.

i'd reccomend finding someone to get you lessons if youre serious about learning it, or getting a language program (...but not muzzy lol) .

learning from a dictionary isnt really a good way to go; youre not really learning the language, youre just memorizing certain phrases and words by doing that.


I thought that dictionaries for another language is useful. Since it tells you what words mean what. But who knows, you could be right. But sadly, there's nobody I know that will teach me Japanese )=.

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i'm not saying you cant learn anything from a dictionary, but certainly not a whole language.

you'd have to look. put up flyers asking, search the web for nearby speakers, etc.

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You could always try Rosetta Stone? I know someone who uses it for Spanish, and that person has a, like, two and five year old, and, they already know some Spanish, so, maybe that could work.

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