super x-blade 0 Posted March 18, 2011 The Next Day Farther looked all night for food but could not find anything the Mother have find a job for only 1 Penny a day Mother : im home. Ally : how much did you make. Mother : well he said you did a good job and game me 2! Pennys! . ally : O_o thats just wrong. Farther : there's a new job opening. elzbille : how much do you get? Random Guy : 1000189988 DOLLORS!!!!!!!! elzbille : GET OUT OF HERE!!!!! random guy : okay Farther : its 12 Penny's elzbille : WHY IS EVERY JOB PENNY'S?!?!??!? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
axel19 6 Posted March 18, 2011 envy laughs "so you want to help me slaughter thousands of other humands like you do you well fine. Just so you know you will be the last sacrifice."envy walks out of the tunnel and heads to the next city." Come on if you are coming lil girl" he said with a grin on his face. "we got a job to do and its gonna be fun for all " so they start walking to the next town. slowly but surley they will arrive as soon as sakura will stop blabing her mouth. " god will this lil pipsqueak ever shut up" envy questions in her mind. " its getting on my nerves im thinkin that i will just sacrifice her now instead of her being last. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dancinmoonlight 12 Posted March 18, 2011 *as she keeps blabing she grows smaller and then turns into the age of 6* AH!! i really am a little girl! *holds his hands* sir what are we gonna do first she says. well i think that you will help me allot hmmmm he says (i might just wanna kill her right now) oh ok saukura says well sir i think that you will be great when you grow up *they walk into the new city* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
axel19 6 Posted March 18, 2011 " all right pipsqueak first of all you need to start calling me envy or you will learn to regrett calling me sir . and second if you dont shut up i will turn into your worst fears." said envy as they walked into the city. the city was full of people laughing and cheering and having a good time. this made envy sick to his stomach. " man i need to cause a lil chaos in this town and here beautiful screams. hey pipsqueak you stay right hereand dont let me catch you following me."envy says as he walks away."its time for me to have fun with this town" he says with a evil grin on his face. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
X blade 2 Posted March 19, 2011 Back in the city of Utopia (the city with the evil gummy bear in it) Arslan is celebrating his 18th Birthday with his loving family. "Thanks mom and dad this is the best Birthday ever!!!" says Arslan as he blows his candles out, "I wouldn't know what to do without you guys. Arslan hugs his mom and dad and then goes to bed. Little does Arslan know that this may be the last time he sees his mom and dad alive. Meanwhile the gummy bear had gained a lust for blood and escaped the Labratory. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dancinmoonlight 12 Posted March 19, 2011 *Sakura waits in a tree where she waits* hmm i wonder when evny gonna be back. oh well *she yawns and yawns talk * wellll maybee whennn hee getss backk i willl be awwakeee *falls fast asleep* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
axel19 6 Posted March 19, 2011 envy starts his fun by toutoring two couples and watching them cry out in agony. " scream and cry all you want no one can save you from my grasps." Envy said as he slashed them in all the painful areas of the human body with a evil grin he laughs. " you actualy think that other humans like you will be able to stop me from toturing all of you. dont make me laugh you humans are so weak. im just going to take my time and kill all of you slowly one by one and theres nothing any one can do about it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dancinmoonlight 12 Posted March 19, 2011 *Sakura wakes up* HUH!!! woah that was werid <.< hmmm where is envy..? envy ENVY!!! hmmm he must be in town... *his voice is in my head remembering something* dont you dare or you next!* hmmmm voice doesnt scare me *goes to the city and see's blood and gaps* O: *puts hands on mouth and envy hear my lil gaps* WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE KID!! *saukura starts to cry a tear drop on goes te blood then blood makes blood people, blood tsnumis, and blood tornnados. they start attacking him* sakura keeps on crying harder. and then..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
axel19 6 Posted March 19, 2011 " ow you lil pipsqueak i may not be a ble to die but it still hurts when i regerer" he stops as the blood starts to transform into a phiklosophers stone." yes i did it i finaly created one that gives me more power" evil laugh "now you lil pipsqueak once i swallow this i will become more powerful." Envy swallows the philosophers suddenly the sky turned gray."yes i can feel the power surging threw my veins hahahahaha unlimited power. know what should i do with you, you lil pipsqueak you attacked me juast know and i dont take kind to people attacking me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dancinmoonlight 12 Posted March 19, 2011 I I I i didnt mean to hurt you * starts to glow weridly* huh O_O * huge white wings grow and caat ears come out an eyes change into red* YOU'VE HURT TO MANY PEOPLE BY THE HEAVENS OF HOLY YOU MUST GOTO A DARK CELL WHERE NOBODY CAN SEE YOU ANYMORE! *sakura walks slowly and he powerful attacks hurt evny* NOW TIME TO MAKE YOU GO FOREVER IN THE CAGE U BELGONGED IN *puts right hand up and then middle of hand shows a heart and it blasts at h im and then a light hole trpas him andthen he sinks into te ground and goes to an unknown world* *sakua turns back to normal and sky goes back to blue and then the people come back alive* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
axel19 6 Posted March 19, 2011 " so sorry to say that i doged your attack and knock you out cold and that was just a dream. I think i should kill you know you tring to trap me in a dark cell hah dont make me laugh i have more power then you know that i swalloed the philosophers stone i made. you can not stop me " envy starts to walk away living the city and sakura " now i hope she dont find me again because that will be bad news for her. if i meet her again it will spell doom for her and it will be the end of that lil pipsqueak. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dancinmoonlight 12 Posted March 19, 2011 Nooo! *sakura runs to him and hugs him and doesnt want him to go* please dont leave me your the only person who understands me and you seem like a real dad to me *she doesnt let go of envy* can you plase be my father envy i know we just met a couple of days ago but your just so nice to me *she hugs him even tighter* and then..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
axel19 6 Posted March 19, 2011 "get off me pipsqueak im a homonculus which means i dont know love i was created.stop hugging me get offme fine you can tag along some more oh whats that smoke lets go follow it." envy and sakura walk to the smoke but it quickly turns in to night so they settle down a camp for the night. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dancinmoonlight 12 Posted March 20, 2011 thank you envy. and wowie you dont know love that stinks. *stomach graggles* uh oh am hungry do you know where to get food envy. well envy says.. i can get any kind of food what do you want. hmmmm sakura says um do you like cheese pizza or no becuse we can get a half and half pizza my side and ur side of choice can you go get pizza please envy she says ok he says i will just be good ok and stay here ok she says. and then.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zexion's_Lover_46 76 Posted March 21, 2011 The gummy bear had now escaped from the lab and made his way to a house. They were having a party inside and he could see a lone package of gummy bears sitting by the table. Completely enraged and out of his mind, the gummy beart walked up to the house but not before he grabbed a pipe that was lying next to a dumpster. Creeping up to the door, he opened it slowly and walked into the living room. Being stealthy, no body heard him come in and continued talking and eating some cake in the kitchen. "HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY ARSLAN!" a kid exclaimed. The boy known as Arslan looked up with a smile on his face and replied, "thanks". Then he went back to eating the cake. The gummy bear had crept up the stairs and was lying in wait in the master bedroom. He knew that he couldn't fight against that many people so he knew that the best course of action was to take them out one by one. And that's when he realized, if he wanted to take over the world then he'd have to have more minions by his side. But, he was going to plan all that out later, right now he just wanted to have some fun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
axel19 6 Posted March 21, 2011 Envy went in to the lab only to find it empty except for a few dead scintecsts laying dead in a pool of blood. "oh how could i miss all the fun " he cries out. sundenly he hears screas from a house and he runs toward the noise. A grin on his fface he might have missed that action but he wasnt going to miss this one. he finaly gets there and he sees the killer. he is surprised and gives a what the firetruck face as he sees that the killer is a oversized living gummybear. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dancinmoonlight 12 Posted March 21, 2011 *sakura follows envy and she sees a party* O: a party!!! *ding dongs the door and then the kid lets her inside* wow fun *skips and sings to the bath room* lalallalalala *opens the door* AH!!! a huge gummy bear is in the bathroom. time to die kid! no!! she says hi ya! * she jumps up in the air and kicks a lil gung out of his ear* dont touch my dam ear he says grrrrrrr *she runs away* O: envy! *she hugs envy* envy envy theirs this huge gummy bear in the bathroom and i kicked him in the head cause he tried to kill me. she says dont kill him he says because he might be good for the future and he might like you. O_O *she about to scream bt he covers her mouth* dam kid youe werid for a 14 year old. *she mubles and talks because envys hand is on my mouth* well maybe with i didnt drink a thingy from your backpack! you went through my backpack! yes i did what i was hungry.. and then.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zexion's_Lover_46 76 Posted March 22, 2011 The gummy bear stands back up after being knocked on the head. "What the hell?" he exclaimed. The bear picked up the pipe and hit Sakura on the head. Her mouth was closed by Envy but then then he let her fall to the floor. She wasn't unconsious but was more of in a shocked state. "Way to go!" Envy replied with a malicious grin on his face. "Don't tell me she eats my kind too," the gummy bear retorted. "Nah, I really don't think so," Envy lied trying to gain the bear's trust. "I don't either; never did like eating them much. So, what's your name?" The gummy bear pondered on this for a moment...what was his name? "Plato," the gummy bear answered simply making it up. He thought it sounded nice and he was having to give an answer on such short notice, so he thought of the name from the top of his head. "Well, Plato," Envy answered extending out his hand. "Nice to meet you, Envy's the name." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
axel19 6 Posted March 22, 2011 "now what are we going to do with thes pesky humans plato?" envy questioned he was really itchin to kill some more humans "join me and we can cause all the chaos and death that we want to." Envy said "plus with my amazing abilty they want know what hit them" he says as he copys into an exact copy of plato. " so what do you say you want to team up or what ?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zexion's_Lover_46 76 Posted March 22, 2011 'I'll need all the help I can get,' Plato thought to himself. But out loud he answered, "Sure thing." And then he shook Envy's hand. "I need more of my kind," Plato ordered. "Let's get back to the lab. Hopefully, I can find that potion that the scientist used on me. Then we can start a whole army!" Plato evilly laughed and Envy joined in. "Don't worry," Envy reassured. "This world will be OURS!!!" Plato and Envy headed back off to the lab. But what they didn't realize was that there was one lone survivor, hiding under the table. There was a sheet over it so he couldn't been was Arslan.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
axel19 6 Posted March 22, 2011 plato and envy began thier journey back to the lab "so plato what are your plans after we destroy every human on earth. mine is to make the people we kill in to a philosophers stone so i can become more powerful and after that i dont know what im going to do. man this walk seems long i wonder when were gonna get there and find that potion your looking for . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dancinmoonlight 12 Posted March 22, 2011 well ouch sir i thought you where gonna kill me and i dont eat gummy bears i thought they where cute so i bought them and i keep them in my secrect hiding spot where me and envy are hiding she says. oh ok then <__< hey little girl go a bit ok said plato ok she said. hey man i think she could be worth $$$ says plato how?? envy says. well ive seen her on T.V. and she seems like should teach her >: ) he says. ok then said envy. *sakura comes back* ok am back am sorry mr.plasto *she hugs him and he thinks the hug is werid at first but then he thinks its ok* alrighty just be nice next time ok he says. ok sakura says and then..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
X blade 2 Posted March 22, 2011 Back at the house Arslan realizes that everyone is dead as he stumbles from under the table. "Who could do such a thing?" Arslan says as he searches the house. Noticing that there is no survivors he decides to get revenge for the death of his family, but where to start? Just then he reaizes a trail of blood leading outside of the house and he decides to follow it. "All I have is a kitchen knife" Arslan says to himself. "And I expect to kill a man who slaughtered my entire family I must be crazy." He then notices three figures on the outside of a labratory. One was a man, the other was a little girl, and the third was a short.....gummy bear?!?!?!? And then he saw the blood dripping from the gummy bear and filled with rage charged at it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dancinmoonlight 12 Posted March 22, 2011 *sakura holds envys hand and walks* umm envy why did you kill those people she says. well kiddo its part of my job and they will do good for me ok he says. ohhhh ok well i hope their not sad and plato did you eat them sakura says. OWH THEIR WHERE SO GOOD ^__^. ummmmmmmmmm ok? *sakura notices a man stalking them she turns around* hello sir *he runs as fast as he can* just let him go plato envy says. ok says plato but i need an army of gummy bears theirs way for them to be created he says and ill tell you what color of the gummys bears do later on ok he says and then.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
X blade 2 Posted March 22, 2011 Seeing that he was ignored Arslan comes up with a new plan and rushes to the lab and sets his trap. "A liitle twist here a crank there that should be perfect!!!!" says Arslan as he finishes his trap. Then Arslan sees three figures coming toward the lab. He gets into his position with his kitchen knife held tight in his fist ready to be used. The figures get closer and closer the suspense building up in Arslan and getting a slight craving to kill, and his lust for revenge getting stronger. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites