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Don't Fuck with Gummy Bears

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Let's begin the rp ^^


"How does it taste now?" one of the scientists ask the other. They had been working on the gummy bear project for weeks, trying to improve the taste and maybe make a few different colors or so. But so far, they had nothing to show for. The scientist that had been eating the gummy bear, finished it and only had one thing to say about it, "Bleck."

The other admitted defeat. "Even this last one tasted better then this one," the scientist that had eaten the gummy bear said. "Well," the other scientist said. "I'm just losing hope in all of this but we'll just have to try again."

"Don't feel so bad we have a whole team to back us up. We actually created another but it's a chemical so we really don't know if it's safe yet. I really don't see the harm in trying though."

With that, both the scientists went into a back room where they saw a third scientist testing the chemical on an blue gummy bear. He poured the contents of the chemical slowly over the gummy bear and allowed to a two drops to fall onto the bear. But then there was a small explosion of some sort. It was very small but there was smoke coming from it and the bear actually grew three times is size.

"Uh..." the scientist that had poured the chemical on the gummy bear said. "I-I don't think that's safe to eat. If it grew that big, it may have other effects on us if we eat it."

One of the scientists sighed. "Well, put it off to the side for now," he answered. "We'll take care of it after we have lunch."

The other two scientists nodded their heads and they all exited the room, joining the other scientists for a lunch break.

Being left alone, the gummy bear seemed to look so lifeless but then...it started moving. Only a little at first and then it started moving all over the place and eventually fell off the table.

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meanwhile back in a desert somewhere a kid named tony fell passed out half way dead.

then a mysterious figure came to him and says "do you wish to survive" as he hands tony a red stone.

"yes" said tony "but what is this "? "why it is a philosophers stone. All you need to do is swallow it and vow to serve me and it will grant you immortalty." "ok i will " so hew swallowd the stone and in a instant everything changed for him he was no longer Tony he was now a homonculous named envy

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Back at the lab, the gummy bear had continuing moving more and more and now it was evident that it wasn't just a simple fluctuation but a bear that was coming to life. Soon, the gummy bear jerked it's head to the side and started blinking it's eyes. Whatever that chemical was, it was allowing him to move and feel and think like a human being. The bear stood slowly got up and started walking, not having a clue as to where he was at. "W-Wh-where am I...?" he asked himself out loud. He outstreched his arm and moved it around while looking at it as if wondering what it was. For someone 'hand' came into his mind. He didn't know why, but it appeared he had human knowlegde. He didn't know how intelligent he really was but he was pretty sure he knew enough.

But he really thought that he was like other people and that he was brought to live meaningfully but that was further from the truth.

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back at the desert Envy was walking his way to the nearest city he thinks to him self that he wants to have fun and the only way he can do that is to see people suffer. he then sees this lovely couple and decides to have fun as he sees the guy go to the restroom he foolows and transformsin to that guy. then he walks out and kisses another girl and then runs back into the restroom and transforms into his normal self liesting to the wife cussing the husband out his plan had worked .yet somethin in him wanted more he knew what that feeling was wanted to kill all the pple that made him envy them. hints the way he got his name envy or jealousy.

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a man who was as dark as the night was walking in a beach looking for a person called vanitas.... he found him sitting othe beach with his mind washed away...he didnt remeber anything of his past... so he asked him " do you wish to gain your memories again?" he wispers " yes..." just for one favor... you will kill all the gummy bears that exist... if you dont do that all your memories will go to the back side of your brain and you will be like before and dont remeber anything.." ok..." so he he gains his memories and he summons a sword similar to clouds sword and says... i am ready! the dark guy says ok.. but i have a present for you before you start *gives him some clothes* whats this? vanitas says... " its something to hide your face from the enemys...

(it was an organazion 13 outfilt xD)

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The scientists had come back from lunch and the one that had put the chemical on the gummy bear came back to dispose of it. He remembered very well that he had left it on the table so it came as a shock to him that it wasn't there anymore. He noticed that it was on the ground...and...was it standing up...?

"Hi," the gummy bear simply said. The scientist's eyes grew wide. "Uh...hello," he answered and suddenly who wondered if he was suffering from an hallucination of some sort.

"Maybe eating all those gummy bears went to my head..." the scientist told himself out loud.

"Eat...gummy...bears...?" the gummy bear asked with a frown. "Why would you want to eat me."

The gummy bear started to become quite upset.

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as soon as envy figured out her passion she decide to kill off every one in that town.he laughed as he watch them fight back and all he had to do was turn in to one of thier loved ones and finish of what he started "this feeling feels so good" he thought. "truly humans must really be this weak i cant believe i use to be one " he killed everyone in that town no one survived not even the littile children. that was epecialy fun. now its time to move o... just then some one shot envy in the head. "ow that hurt you littile scumbag" he said as he began regenerating. and he ran up to the guy and finished him off.

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vanitas started training so he went killing who ever he found infront of him

but 3 people attacked him very strong and he was still weak because he hadnt regained his powers....so deside to use the power with in... he has the power to make his body as a demon or and angel and he made it half angel hafl demon... and killed all of them in 0,5 sec..and the smell of blood made him wild...

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as envy started his long walk toward the capital of amextrix to see father he was thinkin that he should destroy the whole word and nothing was going to stop him not even death he had survive what was a fatal wound to the head and yet it was healed. "this stone inside me its something woderful." he said out load "i wonder if i can mke anymore thats somethin i will have to ask father when i get to central." so he walked on thinkin of what to do next with all of his power. "surley i am immortal i cand do what ever i want." he said know i only have " five more miles until i get to central then i have to go underground." he said with a smile on his face

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*As sakura masamoto is perfouriming in japan ROCK OUT tour she gets ready to sing* ARE YOU READY JAPAN FOR SAUKURA MASAMOTO (crows screams) *i step out and dance and sing computer city ( xD)* I LOVE YOU SAUKURA MARRY ME!!! *sakura ends her concert* few 3 hours of singing and dancing wowthats exchuasting *she drinks water and relaxes* now time to go get a massage *gets in mustang and starts the car (it looks like bumblebee from transformers :D* yay massage time!!! *she pays 100 dollars for a one hour massge* ahhh that was so fun!! *goes home and goes to sleep* *yawns* ahhhhh its 10:00 PM well am tired goodnight world se you tommrow!! ^__^ *goes fast asleep*

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vanitas started thinking who was that dark person who talked to him and gave him back his memories... he had incrediple power not even with his demon powers he could win... so he didnt have a choice but to go and kill the gummy bears... something happened while he was walking he started to brake down and he fainted..... after 1 day he woke up something had happened he had a new power... he heard a voice say "" you dont have much time "" he moved his hand and he noticed he gained the power to control TIME... you could stop time he didnt know how the hell that happened but he was doing tests and in the end it was true he could do it... he wondered who could of gave him this power and why?

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"What do you mean eat gummy bears," the gummy bear asked again and this time there was a sign of anger in his voice.

"Um...well," the scientist stuttered. "Yeah we eat your type. You weren't even meant to be alive." The scientist still believed he was talking to a figment of his imagination. That was until the gummy bear ran up to him, jumped up, and slapped him in the face. "Ow," the scientist replied. "What the hell?"

"I demand you stop eating us," the gummy bear replied. "And why did you bring me to life in the first place then...?It not like I mind it though." "I was doing an experiment is all," the scientist answered innocently enough. "For you guys to taste better not to come to life, grow in size, and start talking."

"I demand you stop eating us, you ignorant fool," now the gummy bear was totally pissed off. He grabbed a scalpel that was on top of one of the tables and pointed it at the scientist.

The scientist backed away slowly with his hands up in surrender. "It's just natural order."

"Screw the natural order," the gummy bear yelled. "I'm taking you out."

"NO! DON'T!" the scientist screamed in pure fear. "NOOO!

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* Sakura wakes up* oh that was scary nightmare and its coming o-o *grabs her guns and katana's ( two of them)* oh i almost forgot!! *goes to the huge dragon staue and places hands on it and then it glows and burns and disappers* i will use this for my good! *grabs the book and the heart winged stone* OK am ready i dont know what will happend but i hope that nothing will happen to my love ones! ( Oh yea this is what i look like in battle form xD

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envy finaly made it to central and is traveling underground.he smiles as he thinks about how much power he will have if thier are more philosopher stones. his question will be answered in a minute. there comes a draft as he enters the room and meets the so called father "ive been expecting you envy" he said with a smile on his face. " I knew you would come to seek answers about the stone in your body . and the answer for your question is yes you can make more but the way to do so is to sacrifice human souls . do you think you can do that? Envy laughs " do you think i can do that of course i can i feel pleasure in killing people. and if that means i can make another philosophers stone then yes i will do it".

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*As sakura walks along the streets she goes underground and see a person in werid clothes* hey can you help me am scared... *the guy looks at her like wtf who is she* umm are you going to talk please? hello sir.... are you their?... because i need help......

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envy smiles as he sees the lil girl "oh hello lil girl what do you want and how did you get past the chimeras ? " he smiles as he thinks to himself" ah how pleasent the first of my sacrifices comes to me " he gives a evil grin how would you like to be a very speacial person in this lil party im having?

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The scientist lay dead on the floor. The gummy bear walked out from the back room. The other scientists looked up and saw him standing there and they, too thought that they were suffering from a delusion of some sort. "Stop eating us," the gummy bear demanded. One of the many scientists laughed. "So, you're saying not only am I seeing a gummy bear come to life," he replied. "But he's threatening me too?"

"It's not funny your moron," the bear answered.

The scientist laughed harder. "What are you going to do about it?" he snickered.

The gummy bear ran up and hit the scientist in between the legs. "HOLY SHIT!" the scientist moaned in pain. His knees buckled to the floor and he slipped down. The other scientists looked up and they all had a look of shock on their faces.

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Ummm am not a lil girl <.< or am i??? and your in japan right now and i dont trust you sir *pulls out my angel light katana and points it at ur face* hmmmmm you must of got somthing bad dont ya ;) well sir am famous in the earth am Sakura Masamoto and who are you? *pulls back long katana sword* hmmm you be nice to me ok?


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"i am envy and you cant kill me sakura for i am a homonculus and you should be my sacrifice and you should show youre elders some respect. i am more powerful then you you lil worm. How dare you point your katanna at me go ahead and swing ill bet youll miss. even if you hit me i can not die become one with me become a philosopher stone. you might as well agree your gonna be one anyway."

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Oh yea!! *swings and he misses it* huh!?!? *keeps on swinging and still misses* *he blasts a huge black orb* WAH!?!?! AH!!!! *is stuck in a huge black ball* LET ME OUT!!! (he laughs evily) sorry but you must be for the sacrifice. ( In my mind: Now the time to use it.) *grabs a heart winged shaped stone from my backpack and kisses it and it glows and i get free from the dark obb* and then......

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"damn' envy says "you cant be a alchemist" laughs either way your gonna be my sacrifice whether you go i will be right behind you this is gonna be a fun game of cat and mouse you hear me. i vow that i will find you and turn you in to a philosopers stone before this century is over you will be come a part of me and i will make you suffer and rue the day you came into my sight. i will attack all who are dear to you and that way i know you will come after me.

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ok so im trying my best on this thing at Elzbille Home Town not a big Town to live in for her but everybody's just try's to work it Elzbille is looking for food for her family

Ally : im back

Farther : did you find anything Elzbille.

Elzbille : no nothing farther

Mother : its been 3 weeks with no food

Random Guy : OMG NO WAY!!!!!

elzbille : WRONG RP!!!!

random guy : oh BYE!!!!!!

farther : ill see if i could find some food maybe there is some

mother : be careful

Elzbille : should i go get a job mother?


ally : JUST LEAVE!

mother : no no Ally you shall be safe here its the only thing we can do i will go get a job

Elzbille : but there's only one job left and thats feeding chickens and only 1 Penny a day O_o now thats just weird

Mother : we will finger out something soon why woun't get some rest you did alot to day

i tryed my best

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" i cant believe that lil girl got away from me dammit. all well i guess i got to look for more humansacrifices"he thought as he left the long dark tunnel " what i cant believe is how that girl got past the chimeras guarding this hallway oh well i guess ill have to figure that out for myself.lets see what to do next i know im going to massacre a whole city that always makes me better.well better go get my things ready and travel to a city ." as he packs his bags he cant help but hear screams from iside him.

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*sakura follows the man who she tried to kill he notices and he pretends am not their* hi ^__^. oh your so back for more lil girl he says AM NOT A LIL GIRL!!! or am i?? hmmm but no i wanna help you, you seem nice so yea :) can i come along with you she says. and then....

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