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KHBbS kingdom hearts bbs-ven/roxas?

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this is just a guess i know my last one epicly failed and so i am here to try again i have not been on in a while but here goes i think ven is sort of connected to roxas because remember in some trailers you saw ven and what looked to be sora and riku maybe sora saw ven and thought about him and thought he was cool or something and remembered him but not very well and maybe ven died and sora remembered it as a dark memory and when he became a heartless he thought of ven and then ven became roxas again this is a theory and im not completely sure if its true so don get mad at me =]

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Nobodies are created from heart and body/soul, so memories wouldn't quite be involved. ^^

We don't know yet whether or not Ven had any social relation with Sora, and I doubt a memory of a guy you saw in passing could be that strong. xD

It's obvious Ven is connected to Roxas in some way, but he's also connected to Sora in some way, since Sora now even looks relatively like him.


Why would anyone get mad at you? C:

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