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What type of school do you go to?

Where do you go to learn at the moment?  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. Where do you go to learn at the moment?

    • Public School
    • Private School
    • Home-school
    • Collage
    • I'm graduated.

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I'm a sophomore (grade 10) at a catholic high school with about 1300 students. It's technically a public school, but we just refer to catholic public schools as just catholic schools and non-catholic public schools as public schools Since it's catholic, I have to take religion every year, which means losing an elective every year, which kinda sucks.


My school has been referred to as a "war zone" by my parents, due to the crazy construction going on in the school. Because of the construction, our cafeteria is in the gym and my math class has been moved 4 times since September.

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right now trying to get into an excelled trade collage. meanin? It a cllage thats liek CalArts. eiher y i'll work for disney xD or buyt hem out (hey if I do, expect a KH Anime!)


Am I the only one who could barely understand that?

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