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OK so tommrow i am going to goto target and get a game for DS i am wondering which game i should get.


Should i get Pokemon Soulsliver??? Pokemon Black??? Or Sonic colors (even though tht game is borning as hell xP)

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Um, I don't really care for any of those lol, but I don't like Sonic to much anymore, and I know that Pokemon Black is the newest, so get that one.

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tricky question, anwser the world ends with you imo it's best ds game




If it has to be from the list, I'd say the new pokemon. it's supposed to be good but idk

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tricky question, anwser the world ends with you imo it's best ds game




If it has to be from the list, I'd say the new pokemon. it's supposed to be good but idk


Seriouslyyy. Get TWEWY. It's better than most.


But I have pokemon white rite nao and its pretty fun. Get the newer pokemon if you get one of those instead.

Seriously though, do seriously consider buying The World Ends With You. unlessyouhaveit

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If you can find it, Hotel Dusk: Room 215 is pretty good. It's a visual novel, so it might seem a bit dull if you're new to the genre (or if you don't like tons of reading), but it's worth it. .w.

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the world ends with you is better than most kh games.If you havn't made up your mind yet here is my my version of top 20 best ds games from last year.Ghost Trick a good game

20)Ninja Gaiden:Dragon Sword


18)Metroid:Prime Hunters

17)Final Fantasy IV

16)Hotel Dusk:Room 215

15)Sonic Rush

14)Super Scibblenauts

13)The Lenged of Zelda:phatom hourglass

12)Kirby's Canvas Curse

11)Mario and Luigi 3:Bowser Inside Story

10)Pokemon:Diamond and Pearl/Platinum

9)Tetris DS

8)Castleva:Dawn Of Sorrow

7)Elite Beat Agents

6)Professor Layton and the curious village

5)Phoenix Wright:Ace Atorney

4)New Super Mario Bros

3)Advance Wars:Days of Ruin

2)Mario Kart DS

1) the world ends with you


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Pokemon black/white has a better story this time around. If you like the old pokemon, you can get pokemon white. Pokemon Black only has more trainer battles.


The world ends with you is a must get if you're a KH fan or an rpg. It has good replay value after you're done with the game and the story is awesome.

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