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Razorwind Keyblade

There is NO SUCH THING AS 2O12!

Do you think 2O12 will be the end of the world?  

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  1. 1. Do you think 2O12 will be the end of the world?

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it would be nice if ppl would stop predicting when the world will end. only God knows when the world will end.


Yeah I do hate it when people predict the end of the world. God will end the world when he feels like it.

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You can believe with what you want, Im going to believe it was I think. I agree, the world will not end in 2012, but I do Believe sumtin will happen on that day that year.


Here is what will happen on December 21st 2012.


1. A bunch of butt-hurt people will say "Oh wait! The world actually ends on ____" (bullshit)

2. A bunch of butt-hurt people will say "We didn't say it would end! We said it will be the beginning of the end" (bullshit).

3. A bunch of butt-hurt people will kill themselves out of pure failure (They were only holding humanity back anyway)

4. A bunch of smart people will celebrate singing "I told you so! I told you so!"

5. If the Mayan calender is accurate, some cool thing in space will happen.

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Snap, I did not know Lord Sesshomaru was a KH fan, is this where you occasionaly go when you're not trolling InuYasha? o_O


Actually no, im also taking care of Rin, and Planning out my Empire.

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Here is what will happen on December 21st 2012.


1. A bunch of butt-hurt people will say "Oh wait! The world actually ends on ____" (bullshit)

2. A bunch of butt-hurt people will say "We didn't say it would end! We said it will be the beginning of the end" (bullshit).

3. A bunch of butt-hurt people will kill themselves out of pure failure (They were only holding humanity back anyway)

4. A bunch of smart people will celebrate singing "I told you so! I told you so!"

5. If the Mayan calender is accurate, some cool thing in space will happen.



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I find it kinda interesting how it seems many people are more concerned with never playing KH3 than, you know, dying.


All we're living for is to see KH3. Everything else in our lives is meaningless. You're a KH fan. You should know this xD

You can believe with what you want, Im going to believe it was I think. I agree, the world will not end in 2012, but I do Believe sumtin will happen on that day that year.


I sure hope something happens. Something happens everyday. If not, then maybe by end of the world they meant the most boring day of history.

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No and they did one for 2010 but that didn't happen. Ok let's put it scientifically the plant is going through major changes but at this rate it's going to be long after 2012 if any year when the earth was going to go.

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Note that it's actually 200,000 years in the mayan calender.


Earth's magnetic field always shifts every 200,000 years.


They predicted that 2012 is when the poles shift AGAIN.


And everything will get hotter, then colder, and so on

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notice also that it ends on winter equinox, that is a logical time to end the calender


They didn't predict the end of the world. It's going to be the time when north and south switch places and reverse. Don't worry, East and West will stay the same.

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The truth about 2012 is that a massive ice age will start and most humans will be wiped out. The few that survive will evolve into a shorter, hairier species of human. After the ice age passes they will then further adapt into reptile like humans and dinosaurs will return. Oh and also Doctor Who will turn up and go back to before 2012 and save the world. So technically speaking, 2012 won't happen. Well it will, but it won't, if that makes sense.

Just for the lolz.

Who knows what will actually happen, personally I don't think anything will happen. Anything world ending that is.


that stuff about Dr who makes sense to me dude. lol


What does terrorist activity have to do with the earth itself?


Also, if anyone of you believe in 2012, then you clearly want to die. Just saying.


and what,pray tell, is wrong with wanting to die


Don't be sorry. Anyone who believes in it is too stupid to make any contribution to society.


that's a pretty broad statement, you do realize that you're also saying anyone who would believe something extraordinarily unlikely is too stupid to contribute to society.-


I myself am quite aware that the world won't end in 2012, but it's always fun to hope something interesting happens right?

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I myself am quite aware that the world won't end in 2012, but it's always fun to hope something interesting happens right?


yep, my idea of fun is hoping the world ends because it is something that doesn't happen everyday

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that's a pretty broad statement, you do realize that you're also saying anyone who would believe something extraordinarily unlikely is too stupid to contribute to society.-


I myself am quite aware that the world won't end in 2012, but it's always fun to hope something interesting happens right?


Way to take my post completely out of context. If you can't come up with a decent counter to my argument don't try to bullshit me. I hate bullshit, it smells and pisses me off.


I play video games, by your logic I am a shut- in nerd with no life or social skills.

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Way to take my post completely out of context. If you can't come up with a decent counter to my argument don't try to bullshit me. I hate bullshit, it smells and pisses me off.


I play video games, by your logic I am a shut- in nerd with no life or social skills.


i wasn't taking you r post out of context at all. you said

"Anyone who believes in it [that the world will end in 2012] is too stupid to make any contribution to society"

the world ending in 2012 is extremely unlikely, yes but so are alot of other things. like world peace. calling people stupid for believing in these things makes you someone who makes extraordinarily biased, and untrue statements.


also on a completely unrelated note; you play video games. all that means to me is that you play video games. it also has nothing to do with the rest of your post.

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He didn't say everybody who believes in something unlikely. He said people who hear "Hey, dude, an invisible planet is gonna crash into the earth or something in 2012" and start worrying about it even though there are no facts to prove it, are stupid, and stupid people don't contribute to society. If some scientist said there was an invisible planet that could hit the planet in 2012 and gave actual evidence(The trajectory, location, and speed of the planet, and a logical reason why the planet is invisible, and proof that it could exist), you wouldn't be stupid for believing it, because there's evidence.


In other words, people who believe unlikely things when there's no evidence are stupid, people who believe unlikely things when there's evidence are not.

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In other words, people who believe unlikely things when there's no evidence are stupid, people who believe unlikely things when there's evidence are not.



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