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KH3D You know what would be a shocking ending?

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Started thinking about this, since everybody is thinking the 'shocking' ending for 3D is going to be somebody getting saved. You know what would be shocking?

If it turns out they can't be saved.

Or if only 1 can be saved, and Sora has to choose.

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Nobody seems to get that 'shocking' doesn't mean 'A popular character returns' or 'Somebody Sora cares about gets hurt'

So really the purpose of this topic is to get people to grasp that shocking means something unexpected.

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that'd be pretty nice but what i think it'll be is somthing hinting to the plot of the series after the xehanort saga, im backing myself up by saying nomura said it will change the way we think of the series. although, it may be kh3 cuz All the main games seems to change our way of thinking: kh1 is the exception, the 1st, well duh. in kh2 the nobodies and org. 13 did a hell of alot of changing my thinking. khbbs introduced ven aqua terra venitas MX and the unversed. well that did alot too. so what will 3d hold? anything, but nomura will make it fit no matter how far out it is.

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Nobody seems to get that 'shocking' doesn't mean 'A popular character returns' or 'Somebody Sora cares about gets hurt'

So really the purpose of this topic is to get people to grasp that shocking means something unexpected.


It could mean that. You don't know.

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No i don't think so ..Shocking means that somebody we know like Sora, Riku, etc Dies that would e really shocking...Choosing

it's not that shocking i most ...Harmful and cruel

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Nobody seems to get that 'shocking' doesn't mean 'A popular character returns' or 'Somebody Sora cares about gets hurt'

So really the purpose of this topic is to get people to grasp that shocking means something unexpected.


It could mean that. You don't know.


Doing something predictable isn't shocking. Doing something a person can easily guess, like Axel returns, Vanitas returns, etc. are ridiculously predictable, which removes their shock value.

No i don't think so ..Shocking means that somebody we know like Sora, Riku, etc Dies that would e really shocking...Choosing

it's not that shocking i most ...Harmful and cruel


That's why it's shocking. It's unexpected Sora would have to make such a difficult choice.

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What would really comes as a shock is if Kairi got kidnapped again (that's not the shock)


~And sora had to choose between HER and terra,aqua and ven~


Who would he chose then I wonder?


And if he did chose to save ven, ven would be like it's vanitas get him!!!


And as the saddest ending imaginable Sora would die by the hands of the boy he saved all those years ago

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I'm liking this.

I think maybe we get to choose one to help us throughout one part of the game so that we can get the others. And then we get to save the others.

The idea of Riku sacrificing himself is predictable but I must say it's be prreeetttyyy sad.

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Sacrificing himself as in how? The darkness in his heart is no more. He doesn't belong with it anymore.


I can't think that Nomura would have Ven kill Sora. Mainly because it would mean Sora wins, him being the main character as long as there is Kingdom Hearts. That, and I think Ven would remember Sora from 12-13 years ago when he left Sora the job of repairing his heart. (By the way, if Sora can only save one person, it should be Aqua. In BBS, she personally promised that she would be the one to wake Ven back up. I don't think Nomura would let that go. So Sora can go get Aqua, who is the only person who knows where Ven is, and they can go get Ven. Then KHIII is them getting Terra and events leading up to the final battle.)


I thinkk a surprise ending would be the complete destruction of the worlds. Or Sora being split up. Meaning Roxas (& Xion. You could count her separately, too.), Ven, and Sora's heart all becoming separate. MX strikes him down and it's up to Riku, Kairi, and Mickey to save him by gathering Sora once again. They might be able to save Ven in the process.

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