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So bored...Let's talk :)

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Hello there! As you can tell by the title, I'm bored and basically in solitary confinement in my hospital room with my "room mate." I'm not going to explain why I'm here cause I don't really want to bother people with the long story..either way I'm in my hospital room, the person I have to share a room with is a cranky middle aged woman name Heather and she always wants the TV off by 9:30 my time and my nurse agrees with her however since I'm suppose to be here all week my doctor said I could bring my laptop and use it for entertainment. So while my oh so fantastic room mate sleeps can someone please entertain me!!! You can talk about anything here! The only thing I ask is don't be rude or arrogant. Thanks :)

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it's a long story but if you really want to know I'll try to give you the spark notes version. About two years ago I developed and eating disorder and after a months of rehab...I guess you could call it the doctor said I was all better and was free to go. Then a couple of weeks ago while walking to class I randomly fainted. My doctor thought it was weird and decided to do blood work and apparently something is wrong and I've stopped gaining weight and started losing it fast he also noticed these weird red bruises showing up so when the blood work came back he told me I had subjective vertigo (which I didn't really know vertigo was this serious but apparently to him it is) but he told me he wanted me to spend the week in the hospital so the nurses can see if the medications he put me on are helping. Damn even short it is long sorry about that :(

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No no it's okay i just wanted to know... lol i was curious. I'm sorry you're sick though! That must suck :( When I was little I had something like that. I would never eat so my parents had to count EVERY calorie that went into my body. If it was off, I would've died.

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It's okay :) I just want to go home now hopefully I get to go home Friday but at least someone had something like this :) so how is your day going?

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Hi there, nice to meet you.......glad we had this chat, bye :D (when I see your avatar, I get instantly reminded of someone from a completely different forum......I might as well see if you're from there, are you from Dissidia Forums?)

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It's okay :) I just want to go home now hopefully I get to go home Friday but at least someone had something like this :) so how is your day going?


Good, (somewhat >.>)

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