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my fan made game

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ok after the announcement of the fanmade game clash for the crown i decided 2 make my own kh game and its gonna be about vanitas story through out bbs. im callin it the mask of fear. players r gonna be able to play as vanitas and experience (of course my made up) story of birth to death. ive already written the storyboard down as an actual book. so now my only problems r what software i need 2 make an actual ps2 game and how 2 add bbs cutscenes in 2 it. vanitas is gonna hav simular commands as ven but instead he has sum that allow him 2 summon unversed 2 attack and the enemies mite as well be balls of light (only temperary til i can figure sumthing else out) so wat do u guys think. should i do this and if yall can can yall tell me wat software ill need to make this a 3d ps2 game/ thnx.

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Unless you've had experience with this type of thing before, you should probably just start off slow instead of jumping right into making a full-out PS2 game.


Try RPG Maker at first. It's 2D, but I've seen people do some pretty cool things with it.

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You are going to need written permission from Square Enix in order to make this without infringing copyright. Even if you give them credit it is still illegal and they will make sure your game never gets released to the public.


With that said, you can't make any money off it either, that will give you jail time.

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