Wolf on the Run 391 Posted March 17, 2011 joe begins to look around the tower then rubbed his eyes "man i getting tired" joe then looked at his watch "dam its 11 Pm its really getting late" "yes indeed i beleave i will turn in myself" says the master joe then looks to azura "hey what about we head for the pokemon centre stay there for the night" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted March 17, 2011 Azura nods. "Allright."Azura says. She gets Rose and Spike back into their pokeballs. Azura and Joe walked outside and started to go on their way to the pokemon center. Azura yawned. Razor followed bearly keeping up. Then he just did what he did back at the Sinnoh region on their way to Canaval City. He letted himself drop on the floor and fell asleep. Azura looked back. "Razor."Azura says. She goes and picks him up and carries him as he's asleep. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted March 18, 2011 joe smirks as they reach the centre "todays been a long day for all of us it will be good to finally get some sleep and tomorrow we take on the gym" joe smirked looking down to pikachu "okay buddy first guys a flying type so i'll be using you and also pidgeotto as well to get to know her better what ya think" "pikachu" pikachu smiles as they reach the pokemon centre Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted March 18, 2011 They get to the pokemon center. They get a room witch had bunk beds. They go to the room. Azura went to the bathroom and changed into her PJ's. They were black and blue and it came with a small soft sleeping at that was in the shape of a Lucario's head. Azura yawned and looked at Joe. "Flying type,correct?This should be interesting. Razor might have a hard time against this one."Azura says as she gets on the top bunk bed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted March 18, 2011 joe looked at azura "rose and spiky to there a grass and bug type both are weak against flying types so looks like you may have a hard time tomorrow unless you magically get some kind of electric type of pokemon before tomorrow and i really dont think that will happen" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted March 18, 2011 "Yeah."Azura says as she looks down. Then Rose came out of her pokemon and moves up to the feet of the bed. She curls up and falls asleep. Razor went on a small corner at the feet of the bed and fell asleep. Azura sighs. "They have good moves. But they're all weak against flying types. It should be a headache..."Azura says as she lays down on the bed and yawns. "Maybe if I wake up super early tomorow I can look around for a lucky pokemon."Azura says as she falls asleep. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted March 18, 2011 joe thinks for a minute "i wonder the closest electric type know to live around this area is mareep but even then there still pretty far off well i guess all azura can do is count on her pokemon but wait isnt Razor part bird wouldnt that make him kind of okay against a flying gym man i really dont get them sinnoh pokemon" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted March 18, 2011 Azura fell asleep. After a few hours the night passes and it was morning. Azura slowly wakes up and finds out to see it was 5 AM in the morning. She thinks for a little while and sighs. "(I need to trust my pokemon on this. Razor might make up a good fight. He knows peck. But still. Will it be enough?)"Azura thinks. She then comes down and goes to the bathroom. She changes clothes and Rose and Razor follow her outside. Careful to not wake Joe up. "I could...nah. Should I even ask mom that favor?"Azura asks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted March 18, 2011 the next morning joe was woken up by cyndaquil and pikachu when he rolled on top of them and cyndaquil used flamethrower while pikachu used thundershoke cause to to fry and fall out of bed "dam you guys did both of you had to attack me" "cynda" "pika" "great" joe then got dressed and started to look for azura Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted March 18, 2011 Azura had looked all around the city and the rural areas around and there was not a single electric type pokemon around. Azura came back to the pokemon center a bit frustuated. "Oh man..."Azura says. She then looks at the telephone and then just thinks. Her mom had an electric type pokemon that always helped her around the house. Now she was trying to decide either to keep her pride and try her best with her pokemon or suck it up and ask her mom if she copuld borrow her pokemon for the gym battle. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted March 18, 2011 joe started to head out of the room followed closly behind by cyndaquil and pikachu pikachu then jumping on joes shoulder "hu pikachu your lighter then i remember" "pika" joe then saw azura in the distance by the phines so he walked over to her "hey azura ready to head to the gym and try for a first badges" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted March 18, 2011 Azura turned to him and noded. Then she looked down and the turned to him again. "Um,well,actually. I was thinking of something. You see. Spike and Rose might not be able to do very well in the flying type gym. And Razor might make it through but he is still a water type the most. I was thinking of what to do. Either ask mom for her pokemon or just give it a try with my pokemon..."Azura says a bit confused. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted March 18, 2011 joe looks to azura "hum let me think well i always say you should trust your pokemon but if you feel you need to ask your mom then i say go for it by the way whats the name of the pokemon your mom has i dont really know the sinnioh pokemon that well" joe smirked Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted March 18, 2011 Azura thinks for a while. "Hm,well. Now that I think about it a bit. I'll ask her for the pokemon. And use it as a last resort."Azura says. Then she smirks when she asks witch pokemon was it. "You'll see."Azura says. She turns and calls her mom. "Hey sweety."Her mom says. "Hey mom. Say,I need to ask you a little favor. Think you can send Sparkload over here for a gym battle?Just this once."Azura says. Her mom thinks. "You know that he is not used t battle...but allright. Just this once."Her mom says. Then her mom sends a pokeball. "Thanks mom."Azura says. They end the call. Azura throws the ball and an Electivire comes out and stands behind Azura. It was pretty big compared to Azura's stature. "Meet Sparkload the Electivire."Azura says. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted March 18, 2011 joe cyndaquil and pikachu look at Sparkload something in joes head then clicks and he slams his fist into the palm of his hand "now i remember elctivire is the evolved form of elctibuzz" azura nodes "he must be real strong takes alot of training for a elctibuzz to evolve into an elctivire" joe smirks well guess your ready now then" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted March 18, 2011 Azura nods. Sparkload hugs her from behind tightly. "I missed you too buddy. Back into your pokeball."Azura says as she gets him back into his pokeball. Then she gets rose back into her pokeball aswell. Azura looks at Joe and nods. They get on their way towards the gym. They get there. Azura steared a bit in awe. She gulped and then they walked in. "Anyone here?"azura asks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted March 18, 2011 joe smriks at azura "hey azura gyms here work a little different to sinnioh you need to find the gym leader not just ask is anyone here now see that wooden plantform" azura nodes "it probly works like an elivator" joe then walked over to the platefrom so did azura and it began to go up till they reached a second level "see azura theres falker over there" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted March 18, 2011 Azura looked around and saw him. "Oh,there he is."Azura says. She then looks at Razor who seemed anxious to battle. Azura petted him and calmed him down. Then they walked over to him. "Um,escuse me. Are you the leader of this gym?"Azura asks. Falker turns and stears at them. "Yes. And who are you?"Falker asks. "Um,well,I'm Azura,and this is my parthner Razor."Azura says. Falker looks at Joe. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted March 18, 2011 joe and Falker look at each other "Falker" "joe" "been a while" "about two years" "really that long who would of thought" joe smirked "so finally got your own pokemon" "yup" "what ya pick" "cyndaquil" "of course you did you and your fire types always been your favourite" "owe ya" azura looks at joe and falker confused "owe ya sorry azura me and falker have known each other for years both of us use to use are dads pokemon and battle" "ya i always won" "did not i always caught you out when i used pikachu and guess whos with me today" pikachu then jumps out "owe man your dad gave you his pikachu" "kind of" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted March 18, 2011 Azura steared at both of them. "Oh dear..."Azura says. She sighs and looks around. "(This should be quite the battle...)"Azura thinks. She looks down. "(I need to win this pokemon league. I just need to. To show that I'm better than my sis. That I can beat her. And that I can be as strong as dad.)"Azura thinks. Her dad lived in Sunnyshore city. Away from her home. Yet he passed quite the time in Canaval City to get Razor for her. She looks at them. "Well. Only one way to find out who is stronger now."Azura says. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted March 18, 2011 joe smirks "azura's right time for a battle falker" "your on joe" joe then took out pigdeotto's pokeball and pidgeotto came out "owe so thats how it is joe your pidgeotto against mine" "owe ya" falker then brought out his pidgeotto it was a battle of the sky "so falker how we going to do this" "i say two pokemon each just like old times" "cool then lets start pidgeotto wind attack" "pigeotto you use wing attack to" the two pidgeotto began to clash Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted March 18, 2011 Azura satted down on the bleachers that were there. Razor steared at the battle. Azura steared also. She looked at the pokemon and then at their trainers. They were fighting to see who was stronger. But it was nothing that was over the top. Just a friendly yet challenging competition. Azura wondered how many friends of Joe would they meet in the journey if they happen to meet more of his friends. "Razor,think we should tell him now?"Azura asks. Razor steared at her. "Yeah. You're right. I should leave it a surprise when he gets to battle against him if we get to Sinnoh."Azura says. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted March 18, 2011 "dam joe how long you have ths pidgeotto" "a day" "what but its so strong" "ya well Alex sent her to me as a birthday present" "well that explains it Alex trains pokemon really well" "what ya exspect after all he is a breeder" "true now pidgeotto gust" "Pidgeotto dodge then use areil ace" pidgeotto just manages to dodge then has a direct hit on falkers pidgeotto forcing it to the gorund and knocking it out "dam one down" pidgeotto landed beside joe "good job girls now take a break" joe smiles joe then looks to pikachu "okay buddy now your up" "pika!" "okay joe get ready cause here comes murkrow" "i remember when you caught him but still a battle is a battle now pikachu lets end this one fast thunderbolt" "not good" the thunderbolt fired at murkrow full speed hitting him direct and knocking him out "and thats two sorry falker but i win" "owe come on" "ha still cant beat me" joe smirked Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted March 18, 2011 Azura clapped. Falkner called his pokemon back to his pokeball. He looked at Joe with a somewhat angry expression. But then he smiled and took Joe's hand and shook it. "Guess you got me this time Joe."Falkner says. He then took out a badge and threw it at Joe. Joe catched it and looked at it. "Well. A win is a win. Congrats. You have earned my gym's badge."Falkner says. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted March 18, 2011 joe smirks "well thats one badge down for me" joe smirks putting the badge into his badge case then looking to azura "well azura looks like its your turn and just cause i made that battle look easy dont think it will be i just know falkners style of battle all to well" "ya all to well for shore" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites