Wolf on the Run 391 Posted March 9, 2011 this is a pokemon roleplay okay you are a ten year old kid just about to get your first pokemon from your region which can be any region we know so far someone can start in johto while another is in univa or sinnoh okay no limits and if this rp is still going by the time a new region shows up you can go there okay you must have one of the regions starter and so on you know and dont go off catching legendary pokemon like lugia and arcuies i'll give a list of pokemon that are legendary that are aloud to be caught Rules can start in any regions can trade pokemon with other members of rp cant control other peoples characters and cant make there pokemon faint just so you can win a battle so i know you read the rules list your favourite pokemon at bottem of sign up must at least try when catching pokemon can just say caught cant win every battle we also have a very fair way of deciding who wins a battle when two rp members battle each other talk to me for more details list of legendary that can be caught after an amount of time Lucario Darkrai Latios Latias Zoroark regice registeel regirock Shaymin Here's the setup Name: Age: (Beginner trainers who are getting there first pokemon follow the series rule and must be 10 but you get older as the series goes on) Region: (Can be any of the regions from the series so far) Starter: Appearance: Bio: (you can leave this out) now heres my set up Name: Joe Age: 10 Region: Johto Starter Cyndaquil Appearance: black short spikey hair blue jeans blue t-shirt and black jacket okay hope a fair few people join in and hope this goes well also make your posts read able for others so no slang Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted March 9, 2011 More of a Sinnoh girl but this should be fun. Name:Azura Age:10 Region:Sinnoh Starter:Piplup Appearce:Azura has short brown hair,brown eyes and wears glasses. She has tanned skin. She wears a dark blue and black mini dress,black shorts,black and blue sneakers,black fingerless gloves,a dark blue wrist watch,and a black hip bag around her waist. Bio:Azura is a girl from the Sinnoh region that never backs off a challenge and is always in search of new adventures. She has a twin and wehn both of them got their pokemon they went away to different journies. Azura decided to surprise her sis by getting unusual pokemon from the Johto region. She took a boat to the region and with her parthner is now on her way for her new journey. Her goals. Becoming the best pokemon trainer of the world. She is known around the Sinnoh region for her family,but has fame because of a truth witch has been a burden to her. And a secret that she is afraid to tell. List of favorite Pokemon: -Chikorita -Archenine -Lucario (Hellyez) -Shaimin -Ninetails -Empoleon -Jirachi -Raquaza Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted March 9, 2011 stardust accepted and dam thats alot of gold and i prefer johto has my favourite pokemon there cyndaquil owe ya Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted March 9, 2011 (lol,it's gold COLORED,not actual gold. That would just be to much for a pokemon RP.) The boat stopped. Azura walked down along with her Piplup. Razor. Razor had a black bandana around him that seperated him from the rest of the Piplup. Azura looked at Razor. "Allready then. Let's get going. We're not letting Andy and her oh so 'perfect' Chimchar beat us."Azura says. Razor nods in agreement. Razor had quite the 'spunky' personality. Azura looked around. "Um...in witch city are we again?"Azura asks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted March 9, 2011 joe woke up early in the morning when his starley alarm clock went off he quickly jumped out of bed and got dressed then headed down stairs "joe you having breakfast" joes mom asked joe looked to a clock "am a when i get back dont want the pokemon i want to be gone" "okay" joe then ran outside and headed to professor elms lab when he arrived he saw prefessor elm talking to another man in a white coat joe then walked over "hi there professor" "hey there joe i'd like you to meet my good friend professer Oak" "nice to meet you professer oak" "and the same from me joe now let me guess here for your first pokemon" "yup" "very good always love to see new trainers get there very first pokemon" joe smirked joe then looked to professer elm "okay joe you have a choice of three pokemon chikorita totodile and cyndaquil so which are you taking" "easy choice cyndaquil there my favourite pokemon after all" "great now joe take good care of this cyndaquil" "no need to worry professer you know i will" professer elm then gave joe cyndaquils pokemon and joe then let cyndaquil out and joe bent down to look at him "hey there little guy i'm joe and i'm your new trainer" joe smirks then cyndaquil used flamethrower on joes face causing joe to fall over "talk about fire power" "ouch joe probly should of mentioned your going to have to earn this cyndaquils trust cause it doesnt really like humans to much" joe then jumped back up "got it professer" "owe joe take these'" "hu" professer oak then gave joe 6 pokeballs and a pokedex "cool professers thanks well better go" "joe hold on a minute could you do me a favour" "ya shore" "could you go to a friendof mine house Mr pokemon he has something for me but i dont have the time to go get it myself" "ya shore i could do that but weres he live" "owe hes just about an hours walk outside town" "cool just got to head home frst then i'll go" "thanks joe" joe then picked up cyndaquil who tried to use scratch on him when joe ran home Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted March 9, 2011 Azura sighs and looks at Razor. "Ready to get going?"Azura asks. "Piplup!"Razor says. Azura smiled. "Allready then."Azura says as she walked away and started to walk around. She looked from side to side. People steared at her Piplup and then just looked away. As she guessed. Piplups weren't a usual around here in this region. Then she saw little kids with their pokemon and playing around. "We better get a map or something cause I'm more lost than a Spinda in a labrinth."Azura says. Razor agreed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted March 10, 2011 joe arrives home and his mom see's his cyndaquil "should of known you'd pick a cyndaquil your just like your dad with them fire types" joe smirks "ya now if only he'd stop trying to attack me" joe then placed cyndaquil on the ground "come on cyndaquil stop trying to attack me tell ya what if you stop attacking me no pokeball never have to go in unless absalutly nessasry how how about that" "cyndaquil" cyndaquil said happly "i'll take that as a yes now lets get some food" joe then got some pokemon food and gave it to cyndaquil then got himself some toast "is that all your eating" "yup shore i promised professer elm i'd do him a favour" "well okay how long you be gone" "about two hours" "owe not to bad so you'll be back for lunch" "ya" "okay then be careful okay owe and heres your pokenav and dont forget it" "i know" joe then put the pokenav in his pocket "okay cyndaquil ready to go" "cyndaquil" "good then lets head" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted March 10, 2011 Razor walked around and got all charged up anxious to fight. Azura saw this. "Calm down. We need to find where are we first. And we need to get a badge case too."Azura says. They get to the pokemon center. "Welcome to the Pokemon Center."Nurse Joy says. "Hi. I'm from teh Sinnoh region,just came here."Azura says. "I see. Well welcome. If you're going to be around here. You might need this."Nurse Joy says as she hands her a badge case and a type of pokedex. Azura steared at it. "Thanks."Azura says. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted March 10, 2011 joe and cyndaquil begin to walk out of littleroot town when they look to the lab jo sees a red haired boy looking in the window but he just left it be joe and cyndaquil then just keeped walking until they reached mister pokemons house "hello Mr Pokemon its joe professer elm sent me to collect something for him" "owe joe p the professer called me to tell me you were coming and yes i do have have something for him this pokemon egg" "cool any idea what kind of poekmon" "afraid not" "owe" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted March 10, 2011 Azura walked out of the pokemon center and looked around. "We better get walking."Azura says. She and Razor walk around and look at the atmosphere. Home sick would be the last thing on her mind. She loved travel and adventure even when she was little. "I am so going to beat her."Azura says as she thinks of her sis. She gets to a road and starts to walk around. Wondering. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted March 10, 2011 Joe looks at the pokemon egg joe be careful now the egg is delicate got it joe then put the egg in his bag and his pokenav began to ring hello joe joe is that you Ya good okan professer elm here owe this is terrible just terrible joe get back her as soon as possible okay professer elm then hung up what was that about joe then looked to mr pokemon got to go and ill keep the egg safe joe then began to walk back home followed by Cyndaquil Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted March 10, 2011 Azura walked around along with Razor. The road she was passing was oassing through a town. It was peaceful. Very. "Whoa."Azura says. Razor looks around as well. She looked at her ribbon case that her mom gave her and the badge case that she got at the pokemon center. "This is going to be tough. But anything to beat my sis."Azura says. She puts them away and then looks around. She looks affar to see what it seemed a pokemon labertory center or something. Like the ones back at Sinnoh. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted March 10, 2011 Joe began to run back to professer elms then he saw a girl with a pokemon he had never seen before but joe knew he had to keep going joe then stayed running when he saw the red haired boy again they both looked at each other hey you you got that Cyndaquil at the lab hu lets see how strong your pokemon is against mine the red haired boy then took out a Totadile you dont stand a chance dont be so cocky okay Cyndaquil tackle Totadile scratch the two pokemon ran at each other Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted March 10, 2011 Razor then stopped walking and steared at front. Azura looked back at him. "What's wrong Razor?The ambient got you tiking?"Azura asks. Razor then looked to the side and started to run up a hill. Azura followed him. Razor stops at the top of the hill and looked upfront. Azura looked at him. "What's the matter?"Azura asks. Then she looks upfront and sees a pokemon battle. It was between two pokemon trainers and two pokemon that she had seen in pics but never actually got to see for real. "Jolly Magikarp. It's a pokemon battle. Wow. Look at that fire type looking,and that water one."Azura says as she watches. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted March 10, 2011 Totadile water gun Cyndaquil dodge it then use tackle Cyndaquil dodged the attack then had a direct hit on Totadile thats it Cyndaquil keep it up come on you hopeless Totadile get up Totadile then jumped up now us scratch Cyndaquil dodge it then use flamethrower Cyndaquil dodged again then hit Totadile with a full power flamethrower knocking Totadile out owe Ya and Theres the win the red haired trainner then put Totadile back in its pokeball useless Totadile joe looked at the other train what the hell Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted March 10, 2011 Azura and Razor look at the battle. When it was over they both clapped. "Wow. That was quite the battle. Haven't seen a trainer battle with those pokemon before. They seem pretty tough. Especially the fire type one."Azura says as she walks towards the trainers. Razor simply followed her. Azura stopped by them and smiled. "Name's Azura. And this is my parthner,Razor."Azura says. "Piplup."Razor says. Azura looks at them. "Those pokemon look so rare. Never seen one of those ever for real."Azura says. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted March 10, 2011 Joe looked at the red haired trainer who then walked away joe then saw something on the ground is that his trainer card joe then looked at the name as the trainer came back give me that the trainer then left again and joe turned to Azura owe hey im joe and this is my partner Cyndaquil and hes not really that rare here but your little guy here is what is he called besides his nickname i mean Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted March 10, 2011 Azura laughed a bit. "It's a Piplup. His kind is not that rare back at home in the Sinnoh Region."Azura says. She looks back at his pokemon. "Cyndaquil...he's so cute."Azura says as she stears at it. She kneels down and looks at it closer. "Oh It's so small."Azura says as she then stands up and looks at Joe. "I'm from Pastoria City. I just got here a few minutes ago by the boat."Azura says. Razor then walked over to Joe and steared at him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted March 10, 2011 Joe looked at her owe cool sinnoh would love to go there some day get a Chimchar there cool little guys even better when they evolve and im from littleroot town its just over this hill and Ya think Cyndaquil is small see him as a Typhlosion you wont be saying that owe wait i need to get back to town professes elm was looking for me joe then began to run as he called back you coming Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted March 10, 2011 Azura looked at Razor and noded. "Yeah. Come on Razor."Azura says as she runs after him. Razor then starts to run along with her. After they were running for a while they get to the main town. They run around and get to a pokemon lab. They enter. Azura looks around. "This place is different that the ones back at home. But the machines seem to be the same stuff though."Azura says. She followed Joe. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted March 10, 2011 Joe walked over to the professer then saw the police you you you stole the pokemon wait what hold it i got my Cyndaquil off the professer joes telling the truth owe okay so professer who stole a pokemon some red haired kid wait i battled some red haired kid his name was matt the police looked at joe matt got it the guard then left man who steals pokemon owe professer this is Azura and her partner Puplip there from sinnoh Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted March 11, 2011 "Ah,I see. Nice to meet you Azura."The proffesor says. "Nice to meet you as well proffesor."Azura says. "May I ask,why you're so far away from home?"The proffesor asks. "Sibling rivarly you can say. My twin decided to start her adventure over back at home so I came over here to surprise her with some rare Johto pokemon."Azura says. The proffesor nods. "I see. Man. I hope the cops find that Matt kid soon. That pokemon had just hatched from it's egg just yesterday and is still weak. It still nees a few more days until it can fully start battleling against other pokemon."The proffesor says. "Well,how about if we help to look around for this Matt guy?Joe here just battled against him like a few minutes ago. He couldn't had gotten far."Azura says. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted March 11, 2011 Hum that would be nice but id rather youd leave it to the police understud professer and i also have that egg from mr pokemon for you joe took out the egg and gave it to the professer thank you joe joe nodes then looks to the container that had been holding all the pokemon earlyer but now held only one hey professer what about chikarita is anyone taking her afraid not no more trainers for a while so might just set her free or you could give her to me or Azura could be azuras first johto pokemon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted March 11, 2011 "Hm,I guess so. What do you say?"The proffesor asks. "You serious?That would be AWSOME!"Azura says. The proffesor then nods. "Allright I guess. Just make sure to take care of her well. She is still young."The proffesor says. He hands Azura a pokeball. Azura then throws it and a chikorita comes out. Azura picks her up. The chikorita looks at her. "Oh,she is SO cute!"Azura says as she hugs her softly. Razor then taps Azura's leg. Azura looked down. "Don't worry Razor. You're my all time fav."Azura says. Razor smiles. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted March 11, 2011 Joe looked at Azura and smiled joe your going for gyms aren't you Ya joe says as he looks to the professer good now remember if not ever need any help or anything just call i know owe and one more thing your dad sent me this to give to you the professer then took out a pokeball and gave it to joe wait is this what i thing it is only one way to find out joe then let what was in the pokeball out and there stud a pikachu pikachu hey little Buddy i remember you when you were a pichu joe smiled Share this post Link to post Share on other sites