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KH2 Favorite part of Kingdom Hearts 2?

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Mine is probably the Different forms (valor, wisdom ,etc.). Just because in Kingdom Hearts 1 I wanted Sora to carry 2 keyblades.

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The Drive forms are most definitely a good addition as well as the Limits.


I agree the Limits were good I think they could've done more with the synthesis stuff because it was too easy to make the ultima weapon

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My fav part of Kingdom Hearts 2 was Organization XIII. I loved everything about them and I loved the addition of Nobodies, which were almost fun to fight, because heartless were becoming almost boring after two games filled with them.

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My favorite part was definitely when there is a Heartless invasion in Hollow Bastion/Radient Garden. I just loved how all the FF character came to help you fight off the Heartless. That was just epic right there. And the part where Sora had to fight 1,000 Heartless in the Great Maw. Seriously, Sora is just awesome.

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i like it when goofy "died" and seeing the sad reaction on mickeys face. pretty much all of hollow bastion/radiant garden. it was the best world in the game in my opinion.

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Pft, I don't think there WAS a thing I didn't love about that game.


I guess I'd have to say both the Organization and the Battle for Hollow Bastion.

The Organization's characters are what really drew me into the series, especially Axel.

As for the battle, it was just plain epic. I could do the 1000 Heartless battle over and over. My favorite part out of that whole thing. =)

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The cutscene before the 1000 heartless battle.

I try to imagine the look on people's faces when they first see that.

"Wow, thats a lot of heartless. Good thing Mickey's he- oh, he's gone. Well, this can't be TOO ha- HOLY firetruck YOU'RE DOING IT ALONE???"

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Battle of 1,000 Heartless was definitely one of my highlights too. I also loved the whole beginning with Roxas :) The worst part for me was by far Olympus Coliseum. The whole plot there was tedious beyond belief.


Oh I agree I'm doing the whole game on Proud mode (bordem was a contributing factor) And I just got to Olympus, and freaking Running from Hades sucks when you die in like 3 hits!!

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I liked fighting all the 1000 heartless in Radiant Garden and I also liked the new reaction commands


Reaction commands were cool but I felt they made some parts of the game too easy.

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I'm shocked nobody's mentioned this...but my favourite part was Sora vs Roxas. Just watching Sora actually having a decent fight with another keyblade wielder in a cutscene was epic..

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