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KHBbS Vanitas mean

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is a mean mean boss! not that when battling him is hard. no, I get though his first two fights easily. but the stupid D-link form. I can't do nothing to him when it goes like that. you see my analogue stick broke and is just a nub. there is no way I can spin it fast enough to win.


I have to give the game to a friend with a good analogue stick to beat ven story, till then I will start with aqua's story line!


AGAIN I SAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!Vanitas mean

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Well, instead of using the commands, use the shotlock, you have to button mash the 'O' for that one, and that is easier, then you will only have to do the analog once or twice. Also make sure you have Damage Syphon so you can get Focus back every time you take damage.

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dude vanitas lingering sentiment is harder


Well of course he's harder than Ventus' final boss, VLS is a secret boss, so he is basically automatically tougher than any other enemy in the game. It's common knowledge. They aren't gonna make a final boss tougher than a secret boss, considering how many people actually beat the secret bosses some times, it would basically mean the game had become impossible to beat.

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